Mexico killings renew calls to legalize polygamy in Utah and elsewhere


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The La Mora killings took place as the Utah Legislature is preparing another debate on polygamy. State Sen. Deidre Henderson, R-Spanish Fork, is readying a bill for the legislative session, which begins in January, that would reduce the penalty for polygamy to about that of a traffic ticket while also making it easier for law enforcement to pursue polygamists who commit frauds and abuses.
We didn’t leave Boy Scouts, they left us, says Latter-day Saint apostle

Except that the killings had nothing to do with religion or with polygamy. Nothing. The reason they left the US well over a 100 years ago had to do with polygamy. In 1890, the Supreme Court said--practice polygamy and we will confiscate all your stuff.
Mormon Church v. United States, 136 U.S. 1 (1890)

Here is a link to an earlier Supreme Court Case
Mexico said---polygamy is against the law but we like all your stuff.

The Church issued a statement:We are heartbroken to hear of the tragedy that has touched these families in Mexico. Though it is our understanding that they are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, our love, prayers and sympathies are with them as they mourn and remember their loved ones.

Because they don't want to be scrutinized and they were told to stop it and they did. However, those rogue Mormons were told to go down there and to Canada. Of course, there is more diversity in those colonies now.

So, once again, we have a lot of people who lack the ability to identify the problem, cartels fighting over a road, and shift it to something that doesn't address the actual issue.
What? Shouldn't it be a call to legalize drugs? Polygamy didn't kill those people...violence from drug cartels did. Drug cartels exist because drugs are illegal.

Why are people so FUCKING STUPID?!
Polygamy is already legal in Utah and elsewhere.

Polygamy is neither plural marriage nor bigamy; in 2013 a Federal court invalidated Utah’s anti-cohabitation law, which is all polygamy is: unmarried men and women living together.
Back in early 2010, I stopped at McDonald’s for breakfast. As I enjoyed my meal while reading a newspaper, an elderly couple sat down in the next booth. The husband plugged a laptop computer into a wall socket then apologized in advance: “I hope we aren’t disturbing you. We’re using McDonald’s as our motel.”

I replied, “No problem. So long as you don’t do anything that prompts me to say, ‘Get a room.’” They laughed.

The man explained that they had just driven up from their polygamy compound in Mexico. He complained that the media distorted their lifestyle. He said the group was living in Mexico in anticipation of the collapse of the United States and its invasion by China and Russia.

I asked him if he was concerned about setting up shop in a possible failed state, considering the drug war violence. His attitude toward the gangs: Live and let live. Except, he noted, a nephew had been killed by gang members because he refused to let them use his private plane to smuggle drugs. Oh.

At this point, the wife excused herself and returned to their van. I guess she had heard all this before.

Polygamists may be ahead of their time. Polygamy was popular after the Civil War when the shortage of men made it socially and economically reasonable for women to share a husband. As political rhetoric becomes increasingly vile and violent, we may be entering another period when the male population will be in serious decline due to a new civil war.

Such a sexual imbalance had been previously anticipated:

General “Buck” Turgidson: Doctor, you mentioned the ratio of ten women to each man. Now, wouldn't that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?

Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious . . . service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature.
Polygamy is already legal in Utah and elsewhere.

Polygamy is neither plural marriage nor bigamy; in 2013 a Federal court invalidated Utah’s anti-cohabitation law, which is all polygamy is: unmarried men and women living together.
Utah had or has some weird bigamy law that had something to do with simply setting up house with someone while being married to another person or verbally claiming to be married was enough. That case is from the sister wives show. There was only one legal marriage in the mix and the others were spiritual marriages.
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Polygamy is already legal in Utah and elsewhere.

Polygamy is neither plural marriage nor bigamy; in 2013 a Federal court invalidated Utah’s anti-cohabitation law, which is all polygamy is: unmarried men and women living together.
I liken it to gay marriage. The government shouldn't be telling people who they can marry (assuming they are all consenting adults).
Back in early 2010, I stopped at McDonald’s for breakfast. As I enjoyed my meal while reading a newspaper, an elderly couple sat down in the next booth. The husband plugged a laptop computer into a wall socket then apologized in advance: “I hope we aren’t disturbing you. We’re using McDonald’s as our motel.”

I replied, “No problem. So long as you don’t do anything that prompts me to say, ‘Get a room.’” They laughed.

The man explained that they had just driven up from their polygamy compound in Mexico. He complained that the media distorted their lifestyle. He said the group was living in Mexico in anticipation of the collapse of the United States and its invasion by China and Russia.

I asked him if he was concerned about setting up shop in a possible failed state, considering the drug war violence. His attitude toward the gangs: Live and let live. Except, he noted, a nephew had been killed by gang members because he refused to let them use his private plane to smuggle drugs. Oh.

At this point, the wife excused herself and returned to their van. I guess she had heard all this before.

Polygamists may be ahead of their time. Polygamy was popular after the Civil War when the shortage of men made it socially and economically reasonable for women to share a husband. As political rhetoric becomes increasingly vile and violent, we may be entering another period when the male population will be in serious decline due to a new civil war.

Such a sexual imbalance had been previously anticipated:

General “Buck” Turgidson: Doctor, you mentioned the ratio of ten women to each man. Now, wouldn't that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?

Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious . . . service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature.
China has the exact opposite problem due to its one-child policy. Lots of men but few women.
There is not a single verse, a single rule against polygamy in the bible.

I strongly think that your topic belongs to a different forum, like laws and justice, US government, and or similar.
I think the right number of wives is one-half. She has sex with you, makes you dinner, cleans up after you, but never demands you take her to movies or concerts.
I think today is harder to be a polygamist.

I remember when once I had three women at the same time. For February 14 I had to be with one of them on February 13 at night, with the second one on February 14 day time and with the third on that night.

It didn't last much.

By fact I ended only with one. It was a hard decision but only one of them became my woman for long time.

The fact was I was broke. It is very expensive having many women.

Not me. Not anymore. Mm mm, nope...

But is not against the bible and God won't punish you if you have more than one woman in your life. But you have to take care of all of them equally, that is the order. Yes sir. No doubt...
There is not a single verse, a single rule against polygamy in the bible.

I strongly think that your topic belongs to a different forum, like laws and justice, US government, and or similar.

I'm assuming you're talking about the christian bible, but your bible doesn't define religion and ethics. It's one of the youngest religions in the world, yet claims authority over everyone elses ethics.
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It's one of the youngest religions in the world, yet claims authority over everyone elses ethics.


we really knew how to work the 'ol collection basket NC.....



There is not a single verse, a single rule against polygamy in the bible.

I strongly think that your topic belongs to a different forum, like laws and justice, US government, and or similar.

I'm assuming you're talking about the christian bible, but your bible doesn't define religion and ethics. It's one of the youngest religions in the world, yet claims authority over everyone elses ethics.
The Tanach or "old testament" (before Christianity) doesn't condemn polygamy as well.

Monogamy is a cultural thing, not as having a religious foundation. at least, of the religion coming from the bible.
Government should NOT be in the marriage business. Marriage should be a private construct. Then, anyone can "marry" any other within their private organization whether it be a church or anything else.

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