Mexico drugs war deaths vs US deaths in Vietnam and Korea

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
30,000 since 2006.

Already close to US combat deaths in Korea.

At present rate - will surpass in a couple of years the 58,000 US deaths in Nam - which took a full decade to reach.

All due to US consumer demand for illegal drugs.
30,000 since 2006.

Already close to US combat deaths in Korea.

At present rate - will surpass in a couple of years the 58,000 US deaths in Nam - which took a full decade to reach.

All due to US consumer demand for illegal drugs.

It is terrifying, ginscpy.

What do you think should be done?
30,000 since 2006.

Already close to US combat deaths in Korea.

At present rate - will surpass in a couple of years the 58,000 US deaths in Nam - which took a full decade to reach.

All due to US consumer demand for illegal drugs.

It is terrifying, ginscpy.

What do you think should be done?

Wholesale boycott of trade and tourism with Mexico. Embargo baby. Construct a physicall wall along the entire US-Mexican border. Send 50,000 US military to the border.

They don't have anything we need. Treat them like Cuba when they became communist.

NOT wholesale legalization of drugs.
The old Dating Game and Newlywed Game used to send couples to Acapulco a lot.
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30,000 since 2006.

Already close to US combat deaths in Korea.

At present rate - will surpass in a couple of years the 58,000 US deaths in Nam - which took a full decade to reach.

All due to US consumer demand for illegal drugs.

It is terrifying, ginscpy.

What do you think should be done?

Wholesale boycott of trade and tourism with Mexico. Embargo baby. Construct a physicall wall along the entire US-Mexican border. Send 50,000 US military to the border.

They don't have anything we need. Treat them like Cuba when they became communist.

NOT wholesale legalization of drugs.

Humm, I think I'd go a different way here.

But hey -- at least we agree something needs to be done.
I said what I would do- what would you do Mad??

I'm not sure, ginscpy. Mexico has a terrible law and order problem. I can't claim I understand its culture or politics well enough to have much of an answer.

I'd like there to be a dialogue though, and I applaud you for starting this thread.
I said what I would do- what would you do Mad??

I'm not sure, ginscpy. Mexico has a terrible law and order problem. I can't claim I understand its culture or politics well enough to have much of an answer.

I'd like there to be a dialogue though, and I applaud you for starting this thread.

problem starts with US demand for drugs

can you say one thing good about drugs????

"snitches" -there should be more of them

what the sub-humans want is for good people to remain silent
I said what I would do- what would you do Mad??

I'm not sure, ginscpy. Mexico has a terrible law and order problem. I can't claim I understand its culture or politics well enough to have much of an answer.

I'd like there to be a dialogue though, and I applaud you for starting this thread.

problem starts with US demand for drugs

can you say one thing good about drugs????

"snitches" -there should be more of them

what the sub-humans want is for good people to remain silent

Drugs are clearly a part of the problem. So is poverty and hopelessness. And now, an atmosphere of entrenched lawlessness.

Whatever the solutions may be, I doubt anything will work quickly.
cry me a river..................

jobs go begging.......................
30,000 since 2006.

Already close to US combat deaths in Korea.

At present rate - will surpass in a couple of years the 58,000 US deaths in Nam - which took a full decade to reach.

All due to US consumer demand for illegal drugs.

But the THREE DAY battle of Gettysburg had almost as many losses in casualties as US deaths in all the years of the Vietnam War.
Originally posted by ginscpy
All due to US consumer demand for illegal drugs.

Originally posted by ginscpy
problem starts with US demand for drugs

Well, I'm far more used to defending Mexico against the nationalistic hallucinations of the super patriotic american clowns of this Board (bomb Mexico!, shoot illegals!, blah, blah, blah) but now I'm gonna have to defend both.

Mexico's poverty is to blame for America's immigration problems!!

America's insatiable appetite for narcotics is to blame for the drug war in Mexico!!

This blame game is about as useless as it is childish.

The arrest and deportation of illegal Mexicans in american territory is America's responsibility. America is the last country in the world that has any moral authority to blame Mexico for being poor since it couldn't turn Puerto Rico and Cuba into rich nations after more than 50 years of virtual colonial control. Mexico cannot be blamed for being a third world country and is under no obligation to act as border patrol for the same country that stole half of its territory.

The repression of mafia like organisations is Mexico's responsibility. America cannot be blamed for being a wealthy country whose citizens have money to spend on huge amounts of mind altering substances or for being an open society that does not exert totalitarian control on the personal lives of its citizens and have no obligation to adress the side effects of her freedom and prosperity that occur outside its territory.

I have no problem with cooperation between both countries on these two issues. But if these combined efforts fail, as they usually do all around the world, each country will have to control its urge to blame its neighbor and will have to take full responsibility for its own failure to enforce the law on its own soil.
Originally posted by ginscpy
Wholesale boycott of trade and tourism with Mexico. Embargo baby.

You'd better hurry up then because China is fast replacing the US as Latin America's main economic partner.

If you take too long the american embargo won't even be news in Mexico. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is America on her way down to economic insignificance for you, bitch!!
José;3192449 said:
Originally posted by ginscpy
Wholesale boycott of trade and tourism with Mexico. Embargo baby.

You'd better hurry up then because China is fast replacing the US as Latin America's main economic partner.

If you take too long the american embargo won't even be news in Mexico. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is America on her way down to economic insignificance for you, bitch!!

I don't think the Chinese, who learn English in grade schools, are going to want to deal with their ridiculous third world demands. But it would be nice if China imported the Mexicans who snuck into the US and re-educate them in the realities of life by teaching them to speak English before they export them back as "Made In China"!
José;3192449 said:
Originally posted by ginscpy
Wholesale boycott of trade and tourism with Mexico. Embargo baby.

You'd better hurry up then because China is fast replacing the US as Latin America's main economic partner.

If you take too long the american embargo won't even be news in Mexico. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is America on her way down to economic insignificance for you, bitch!!

I don't think the Chinese, who learn English in grade schools, are going to want to deal with their ridiculous third world demands. But it would be nice if China imported the Mexicans who snuck into the US and re-educate them in the realities of life by teaching them to speak English before they export them back as "Made In China"!


Good one, Column!! :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:
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