Mexican Senate backs contentious education reform bill


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Mexican Senate backs contentious education reform bill

Mexico's Senate has passed a bill which will make it mandatory for teachers to undergo performance evaluations.

It is part of a package of wide-ranging education reforms backed by President Enrique Pena Nieto.

The reforms have been opposed by a teachers' union, the National Education Workers' Co-ordinator (CNTE). which says they will lead to mass lay-offs.

Thousands of its members protested outside the Senate in an attempt to disrupt the passing of the bill.

The legislation, which had already been approved by the Chamber of Deputies, will require teachers to take tests before they can get jobs or be promoted.

Its passing is a victory for Mr Pena Nieto, who made the reform of Mexico's poor education system one of his main priorities.

He signed the education law in February, but parliamentarians needed to draw up separate legislation to implement it.

Good. I would of done pay be perforcemence of students.

BBC News - Mexican Senate backs contentious education reform bill
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