Mexican Marine


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Saturday, November 3, 2012 Iraq/Afghanistan and More: Mexican Marine
Through heavily accented spanglish the first thing he ever said to me was, “I am your Corporal and I do not like the dick sucking.” I would come to later find that he had a robot black heart tattooed over his real heart. I was eighteen years old and standing at the position of attention. I replied, “I do like the dick sucking but to each his own Corporal.” My roommate was also new to the unit and had Mexican heritage, he bit his lip in fear but I was confident that the Corporal would not comprehend my translation. The Corporal was a light skinned Mexican, he was built of lean muscle, he ran Iron Man competitions for fun and he was my first real squad leader. I was at home. Somewhere in the not too distant future both of the men standing with me in that room would be shot full of bullets in their legs, the squad leader’s leg almost blown in half and my roommate’s calf’s would look like a shark took a snack as he stumbled into our overpowered house with his finger laying down full automatic survival.


After the wounded had been extracted, I picked up the Bandito’s helmet. I looked to a full moon and wondered if there was any significance in this? My hero had been killed and my teacher was off to the hospital. I reached in his helmet and picked out a Spanish prayer card he had tucked into the webbing. I stuck it into the webbing of my helmet and left the war an untouched atheist. I will visit the Bandito in Mexico next month for the first time since we were Marines, where he is fighting for his country in the drug war. He is my last interview for the film.


Read the entire piece at the above link
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I have tears of Semper Fi
You don't actually believe that story do you?

It did cross my mind to check snopes but snopes has been an unreliable source in it's bias towards conservatives...I don't know if I can trust what it says....I'll go check it out though:

Well, there is nothing about this story on, I don't know. Either way, the story warmed my heart...I hope it is true.
I have tears of Semper Fi
You don't actually believe that story do you?

It did cross my mind to check snopes but snopes has been an unreliable source in it's bias towards conservatives...I don't know if I can trust what it says....I'll go check it out though:

Well, there is nothing about this story on, I don't know. Either way, the story warmed my heart...I hope it is true.
Is this what "warmed your heart"?
This machinery is necessary to the American framework, it is not cruel, and tomorrow the Latino immigrants who served become politicians and can serve their non-serving white counterparts with a record that can’t be challenged. This is the real America and a new wave of demographic will be our integrated future, like it or not.
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You don't actually believe that story do you?

It did cross my mind to check snopes but snopes has been an unreliable source in it's bias towards conservatives...I don't know if I can trust what it says....I'll go check it out though:

Well, there is nothing about this story on, I don't know. Either way, the story warmed my heart...I hope it is true.
Is this what "warmed your heart"?
This machinery is necessary to the American framework, it is not cruel, and tomorrow the Latino immigrants who served become politicians and can serve their non-serving white counterparts with a record that can’t be challenged. This is the real America and a new wave of demographic will be our integrated future, like it or not.

No. Absolutely not...what warmed it was the way the marine looked up to his superior without stereotyping him because of his being Mexican...what warmed my heart was the way he felt about his now friend...that hell hole of a war brought many many soldiers together in an extremely intimate way.....I come from a Military family, my Grandfather was in the Air Force...he died before I was born (though thats another story) my cousins followed suit (one in the marines the other air force), and uncle as well.

THAT is why it warmed my heart, were all very close now and I hear stories and sometimes I dont due to PTSD...I am Mexican too.
MadScientist -

Garret Anderson has been writing his blog relating to military subjects for some time and there is no - to my knowledge - reason to believe his posts are NOT true.

Are you so anti-military that you cannot accept this post to be the truth? Or a moving story about someone wearing the uniform of a US Marine?

Perhaps you should consider moving to Canada.
I served with many people of different races and religions. We did not think of those things, only that the other soldier carried his weight and was there when we needed someone to cover our backs.

[Sorry but the only females when I served were in non-combat positions.]

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