*Mexican Gov. Murdered 72 People: Blamed Drug Cartels*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Buit I call bullshit on this story.
2. Link and sample:72 Bodies Found in Rural Mexico - WSJ.com

"Mexican marines discovered the 72 bodies—58 men and 14 women —on Tuesday after the lone survivor of the massacre, a wounded migrant from Ecuador, stumbled into a Navy checkpoint the previous day and told of being shot on Monday at a nearby ranch, Mexican officials said on Wednesday.

When the marines went to investigate, they were met with a hail of gunfire from cartel gunmen holed up at the ranch, which sits 90 miles from the U.S. border. One marine and three alleged gunmen died during a two-hour battle, which ended when the gunmen fled in a fleet of SUVs, leaving behind a cache of weapons."

3. This story stinks to high heaven!
4. The government rounded these illegals up and mass murdered them.
5. Perhaps we should learn from them, and round up the fucking mexican illegals here, and shoot them in the heads???
6. Nah, lets don't and say we did, buts lets get them fuckers who are here illegal send them back, and stop them from coming back!:eek:

1. The story isn't believable, unless your a libturd.
2. I ani't buying it!
3. Do you?


1. You haven't the slightest bit of proof whatsoever that the Mexican govt. did this and there is no logical reason why they would.

2. You're a conspiracy crackhead.

3. Starting very post with "Sorry bout that" makes everyone here think you are some kind of fucking retard.
Sorry bout that,

1. Buit I call bullshit on this story.
2. Link and sample:72 Bodies Found in Rural Mexico - WSJ.com

"Mexican marines discovered the 72 bodies—58 men and 14 women —on Tuesday after the lone survivor of the massacre, a wounded migrant from Ecuador, stumbled into a Navy checkpoint the previous day and told of being shot on Monday at a nearby ranch, Mexican officials said on Wednesday.

When the marines went to investigate, they were met with a hail of gunfire from cartel gunmen holed up at the ranch, which sits 90 miles from the U.S. border. One marine and three alleged gunmen died during a two-hour battle, which ended when the gunmen fled in a fleet of SUVs, leaving behind a cache of weapons."

3. This story stinks to high heaven!
4. The government rounded these illegals up and mass murdered them.
5. Perhaps we should learn from them, and round up the fucking mexican illegals here, and shoot them in the heads???
6. Nah, lets don't and say we did, buts lets get them fuckers who are here illegal send them back, and stop them from coming back!:eek:


you are nutz.

Cartels, man, cartels killed the 72. Just like cartels have killed 6 mayors and 15,000 others in the last 3 years.

This is the real war on drugs.
Sorry bout that,

1. I just post the truth, if you don't like it, too bad.
2. The truth will come out of it soon enough, these types of secrets can't be hidden.

Sorry bout that,

1. The story isn't believable, unless your a libturd.
2. I ani't buying it!
3. Do you?


1. You haven't the slightest bit of proof whatsoever that the Mexican govt. did this and there is no logical reason why they would.

2. You're a conspiracy crackhead.

3. Starting very post with "Sorry bout that" makes everyone here think you are some kind of fucking retard.

1. I don't need proof for my *Theory*.
2. But it will come out, you hide and watch.
3. *Sorry bout that old chum*.:lol:

Sorry bout that,

1. The problem is with the *Story*, the *Story* is full of cracks.
2. First off they say a man wondered up to a marine check point, like thats not likely, marines aren't just sitting around at check points its army.
3. They say they went to this farm, and got into a gun fight, perhaps not, maybe they just killed some marines who didn't want to go along, or some newbies.
4. Then they killed some guy at his farm and called him part of the cartels.
5. They had to round these immigrants up and detain them some where illegally.
6. Why would cartels want these people dead, when they can use them to smuggle in the dope to USA?
7. Government wants them dead because the jobs they get will be taking, take away from their immigrants, who won't be sending back to Mexico the remittances the, *MONEY*.
8. The government is already known to be evil towards those south of their border, even the local indians can't catch a break.
9. This will turn out bad for the Mexican government, bunch of crooks!
10. Hide and watch.

1. The story isn't believable, unless your a libturd.
2. I ani't buying it!
3. Do you?


1. You haven't the slightest bit of proof whatsoever that the Mexican govt. did this and there is no logical reason why they would.

2. You're a conspiracy crackhead.

3. Starting very post with "Sorry bout that" makes everyone here think you are some kind of fucking retard.

true story.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its just something I've been doing, for years, I've gotten used to it, just ignore the openning line and lists and all, its just *my way* chesswarsnow is legendary for it.
2. You asked nicely so there's you an answer.
3. I'm a ranter for years, and its always the same.
4. Anyway, there is always that handy ignore button if all else fails ya!:lol:
5. Remember there is no rules to posting, I see more and more people following me, even on this site, I started doing it some ten years ago, and like I said, I got used to it.:cool:

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Sorry bout that,

1. Hey anyone wonder why that an investigator of these murders was killed, with another person thrown in for good measure?
2. Seems the government wants this story smushed, and fast.
3. So if you are an investigator, in Mexico for homicide, then you may want to call in sick for a couple months.
4. You gonna die if you come back saying the *Govenment* did it.
5. Link and sample:Mexican massacre investigator found dead | World news | The Guardian

"The body of an official investigating the massacre of 72 Central and South American migrants killed in a ranch in the northeastern Mexican state of Tamaulipas was found today dumped beside a nearby road alongside another unidentified victim, according to local media.

Earlier, two cars exploded outside the studios of the national TV network Televisa in the state capital, Ciudad Victoria.

5.(a) Seems if the media doesn't report it as if the cartels did the mass murders, the mexican government will blow their asses up too, doing this car bombing as a warning, I am sure they hear you bastards!

There were no casualties, but the blasts added to a growing sense of fear in the aftermath of the worst single act of violence in the country's raging drug wars.

Meanwhile, investigators under armed guard continued the process of identifying the victims, with 20 named by midday on Friday, local officials said.

The migrants, 14 of them women, came from at least four countries, including Honduras, El Salvador, Brazil and Ecuador. They were found bound and blindfolded by the wall of a barn after navy personnel stormed the ranch on Tuesday.

The massacre was discovered after an Ecuadorian migrant, who had been left for dead with a neck wound, escaped. Luis Freddy Lala Pomavilla, 18, found his way to a navy road checkpoint.

He said the migrants had been kidnapped by armed men who identified themselves as belonging to the Zetas, one of the cartels fighting for supremacy in the state. He said the killing began after they refused offers to work for the cartel.

Interviewed at their home in a remote Andean village by Ecuadorian TV, Lala's family said he had left for the US two months ago after paying $15,000 (£9,000) to a people smuggler to organise the trip.

"I told him not to go, but he went," said one of his seven brothers, Luis Alfredo. His 17-year-old pregnant wife Maria said she had received a call a few weeks ago from Guatemala, indicating all that was well.

The Ecuadorian government has complained that the survivor's security has been put at risk by the publication of his identity around the world. Mexican newspapers said he had been transferred from hospital to a naval base. His family in Ecuador was put under police protection.

The massacre has focused attention on the vulnerability of US-bound economic migrants as they cross Mexico, a situation long denounced by activists, but largely ignored by the Mexican government until now. Since at least 2008 organised crime groups, particularly the Zetas, have preyed on migrants, primarily from Central America. Copycat groups might also be using the name of the infamously violent cartel to terrify their victims. A report published in 2009 by Mexico's national commission of human rights estimated that more than 1,600 migrants were kidnapped every month.

Typically, the aim has been to force relatives in the US to pay a ransom.

Activists have also documented many cases of complicity within the Mexican authorities.

In a chilling testimony published in El Universal newspaper this week, a Salvadoran identified as Marisolina described being forced to cook and clean for the kidnappers as other migrants disappeared if they could not raise the ransom.

"They kept the ones who couldn't pay tied up in a room waiting to be killed," she said. "I would give them food in the morning and next day they wouldn't be there and new ones would be in their place."

6. This story still stinks folks, sooner or later we will get to the bottom of this!

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