Mexican Cartel Murder Photos (EXTREMELY GRAPHIC)

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KFI AM 640 More Stimulating Talk Radio

Hard workers and good family people!

The same people that did this can freely walk across the border and be your next door neighbor. You think we need to tighten border security? politicians in Washington think security is fine the way it is.

Wow, that's disturbing. BTW, here's a thread I started yesterday, but it never got any traction:

The Gunwalker scandal – The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) stands accused of smuggling guns into Mexico, arming the drug runners that murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
All thanks to prohibition. Special thanks should go the Henry J Anslinger for his tireless efforts to lie and decieve the American public.

"Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing."

"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."

"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others."

"the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."

"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind"

"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death"

"You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother."

It's not a war on Drugs, it's a war on Americans.

What complete silliness. It has nothing to do with prohibition. If marijuana (as if that's all there is to the drug trade, ha) were legal tomorrow, they would find another criminal endeavor.
There is NO Excuse for such EVIL
The world is filled with "evil." If you saw photographs of the effects of the bombs George W. Bush ordered dropped on Baghdad in 2003, and I'm talking about innocent babies burned alive and blown to pieces in their cribs and their body parts stuck to walls, you would really have something to crow about. That mayhem qualifies more as "evil" than anything we've seen here because there was absolutely no provocation for it -- and it was done in your name.

The issue is not whether there is an excuse for such brutal violence but whether there was a reason for it. And in the case of those Mexicans the reason is retribution. What we've seen in the photographs is an act of war. And compared to what George W. Bush did in Baghdad this Mexican atrocity is comparatively justified.

Are You out of your fucking mind????
No. Nor am I incapable of confronting and understanding reality.

There is a comprehensible reason why this atrocity took place. Getting all moist and squeaky and howling about "evil" is wasteful nonsense. So, again, try giving some thought to what provokes this kind of mayhem and what you think should be done to put an end to it.

You sick fuck there is no comprehensible reason for this.
I choose not to engage with a sick twisted fuck such as yourself.
Hispanics are a brutal people
You're an idiot.
" Hispanics" were brutalized by the inbred fucks you descended from ( I use that word accurately)
You moved down. Not up.

Hey stupid... do you know how many of my inbred relatives helped hispanics (mexicans) liberate themselves from a brutal mexican dictator in the 1800's

Broad brush man..... Im no fan of Tank the racist, but come on.
What complete silliness. It has nothing to do with prohibition. If marijuana (as if that's all there is to the drug trade, ha) were legal tomorrow, they would find another criminal endeavor.
Such as?

The trafficing of humans, weapons, and dare I say terrorists and their paraphinalia
Do you believe there is as great and consistent a demand for trafficked humans, weapons and terrorist paraphernalia as there is for marijuana? You may rest assured that existing demand for any and all of those products is amply supplied, leaving little room for competition.

If marijuana were made legal it would create tens of thousands of legitimate taxpaying jobs in the fields of production and distribution, which would absorb many of those presently engaged in the illegal trade. And the potential tax revenue from marijuana sales would be sufficient to pay off the national debt over time.
This is what happens with prohibition.

It is also the reason why legalization will be so difficult, these ruthless people will fight it and kill legislators if a legit threat is made in congress towards ending prohibition.

Exercise your 2nd amendment right while it still exists.
Not that being skinned like that isn't horrible even if it's done after the death of the victim, but how can we know that the victims weren't skinned AFTER they were murdered?

The depraved scum responsible for that type of atrocity do not have ANY claim to being here (except possibly in shackles and behind bars).

I've seen some sickening images in my life, but that was certainly in the top 10% in the category of "damn, I wish I had thought better about clicking those links."
There is only one way to stop illegal immigration. Hold employers responsible for hiring them and Republicans will not let that happen.

Hey, Liespeaker, you know not whereof you speak. Or, more likely, you do know and simply choose to lie.

I know many Conservatives and Republicans who are ALL FOR holding employers responsible for hiring undocumented or improperly documented illegal aliens.

But you are also wrong (or just lying some more) when you make the stupid and dishonest claim that the "only" way to stop illegal immigration is to penalize employers.

Prosecuting the fuck out of those who enter here illegally and then deporting their asses after imprisoning them for a while would probably work, too. Also terminating chain immigration would help a boat load.

There's lots we COULD do but the REAL problem is that you liberal puke Democratics see advantage in having our population inundated with illegals.

Your ironic username should be used for more than a punch line, asswipe. Try being honest someday.
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KFI AM 640 More Stimulating Talk Radio

Hard workers and good family people!

The same people that did this can freely walk across the border and be your next door neighbor. You think we need to tighten border security? politicians in Washington think security is fine the way it is.
Very similar to what I saw in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Evil, capable of such walks amongst us people. Never forget that whenever some idiot tries to downplay the threats we face.
Not that being skinned like that isn't horrible even if it's done after the death of the victim, but how can we know that the victims weren't skinned AFTER they were murdered?

The depraved scum responsible for that type of atrocity do not have ANY claim to being here (except possibly in shackles and behind bars).

I've seen some sickening images in my life, but that was certainly in the top 10% in the category of "damn, I wish I had thought better about clicking those links."

I worked for Fotomat years ago. I saw all kinds of crime scene photos & autopsy stuff. Some Really bad stuff. I've worked in medicine 20+ years. So when I saw this in Feb I thought How bad can it be?? Those photos were/are the worst thing I have ever seen & hope to Ever see again. I've said to myself several times I wish I hadn't looked at that. They still haunt me..........
Whoever did this is pure evil. There is absolutely no reason on earth to do such unimaginable things to anything much less human beings. They are animals.
The very thought that someone capable of such horror can cross our border is more than a little frightening. We need our Borders Sealed Now!!!
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