merged threads on beheading in egypt


Active Member
Mar 31, 2004
Mowing a grassy knoll....
From AP

CAIRO, Egypt - A video posted Tuesday on an Islamic militant Web site appeared to show a group affiliated with al-Qaida beheading an American in Iraq (news - web sites), saying the death was revenge for the prisoner-abuse scandal.

The video showed five men wearing headscarves and black ski masks, standing over a bound man in an orange jumpsuit who identified himself as an American from Philadelphia.

After reading a statement, the men were seen pulling the man to his side and cutting off his head with a large knife. They then held the head out before the camera.
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
From AP

CAIRO, Egypt - A video posted Tuesday on an Islamic militant Web site appeared to show a group affiliated with al-Qaida beheading an American in Iraq (news - web sites), saying the death was revenge for the prisoner-abuse scandal.

The video showed five men wearing headscarves and black ski masks, standing over a bound man in an orange jumpsuit who identified himself as an American from Philadelphia.

After reading a statement, the men were seen pulling the man to his side and cutting off his head with a large knife. They then held the head out before the camera.

I don't think anyone said that al-qaeda, or any group affiliated with them, was nice, did they? Like thes murderous bastards needed a reason anyway.
Thanks to the media blowing Iraqi prisoner treatment completely out of proportion, shit like this happens

CAIRO, Egypt - A video posted Tuesday on an Islamic militant Web site appeared to show a group affiliated with al-Qaida beheading an American in Iraq (news - web sites), saying the death was revenge for the prisoner-abuse scandal.

The video showed five men wearing headscarves and black ski masks, standing over a bound man in an orange jumpsuit who identified himself as an American from Philadelphia.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I don't think anyone said that al-qaeda, or any group affiliated with them, was nice, did they? Like thes murderous bastards needed a reason anyway.

Sorry, poor choice of word. I should have called them sub-human.:D
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
From AP

CAIRO, Egypt - A video posted Tuesday on an Islamic militant Web site appeared to show a group affiliated with al-Qaida beheading an American in Iraq (news - web sites), saying the death was revenge for the prisoner-abuse scandal.

The video showed five men wearing headscarves and black ski masks, standing over a bound man in an orange jumpsuit who identified himself as an American from Philadelphia.

After reading a statement, the men were seen pulling the man to his side and cutting off his head with a large knife. They then held the head out before the camera.

Some of our people make a couple Iraqi's get naked, and the worlds in an uproar.

Now watch, this incident will either go unnoticed, or little or nothing will be said about it.

The more of this I see and hear, the more I tend to become an isolationist.
This is fucking ridiculous. These are th kinds of animals that are in those jails. So i don't have a bleeding heart for them and their shame culture. I still think our soldiers actions were wrong because it hurts the militaries image, but more and more it seems these bastards deserved worse.
Originally posted by insein
This is fucking ridiculous. These are th kinds of animals that are in those jails. So i don't have a bleeding heart for them and their shame culture. I still think our soldiers actions were wrong because it hurts the militaries image, but more and more it seems these bastards deserved worse.

Not all of those people in the prison are terrorists or murderers. Didn't you just get done telling me that we should reserve judgement before making claims without seeing the pictures? I would think the same would apply with accused criminals.
As I knew, it took CNN nearly half an hour to cover it, too busy with their wall-to-wall Abu Ghraib "atrocities." And, of course, they are blaming us for not making a deal with these butchers.

Yeah, the LMM is just a myth........RIGHT!
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
Not all of those people in the prison are terrorists or murderers. Didn't you just get done telling me that we should reserve judgement before making claims without seeing the pictures? I would think the same would apply with accused criminals.

Yes but theres a big difference between humiliation and possible torture and Cutting someones fucking head off. I'm just so angry and the fact that they say this guy was from philly enrages me more.

How can anyone compare the 2?
Originally posted by insein
Yes but theres a big difference between humiliation and possible torture and Cutting someones fucking head off. I'm just so angry and the fact that they say this guy was from philly enrages me more.

How can anyone compare the 2?

ok, now we're talking about two different things. In no way do I equate what happened to this guy from philly and what happened in Abu Ghraib. Why not you may ask? I simply don't care about the murderous bastards that filmed their brutal act. They didn't need a reason, they never do, but they are going to use this to try to legitimize their heinous killing. I don't expect anything better of that small group simply because they are terrorists. I say find those 5 bastards, kill them, and bury them with the pigs.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
ok, now we're talking about two different things. In no way do I equate what happened to this guy from philly and what happened in Abu Ghraib. Why not you may ask? I simply don't care about the murderous bastards that filmed their brutal act. They didn't need a reason, they never do, but they are going to use this to try to legitimize their heinous killing. I don't expect anything better of that small group simply because they are terrorists. I say find those 5 bastards, kill them, and bury them with the pigs.

Yes but the LMM is portraying this as our fault for the abuse we put on those poor innocent criminals in that prison.

I'm definitely not condoning our actions. I do think we're better than this. But the bias that is placed on this situation is aggravating.
Originally posted by insein
Yes but the LMM is portraying this as our fault for the abuse we put on those poor innocent criminals in that prison.

I haven't seen the media report other than thats what the murderers of this american have said.
Even if they say its because some of our soldiers tortured iraqis, thats not the real reason. The fact is, with or without abuse, they still would have killed the American.
I have always found the Geneva convention aburd. A polite way for fight a war if you will. If in the past the America has chosen to go by these rules fine but now its time to take off the fricken gloves. DK has constantly reminded us of the difference in cultures and apparently we are seeing more evidence of it. Being shamed with nudity is to a muslim as beheading is to an American. If we wanted to follow some rules of even-steven would they rather have us decapitate our prisoners? A shamed Iraqi has the ability to return and seek revenge. Not so for decapitation but thats enough of logic.
Is it not becoming more and more obvious that these people want to KILL ANYTHING AMERICAN. They don't want to reason period. THIS MEANS YOU AND YOU LOVED ONES ! The court martials MUST BE STOPPED NOW ! In light of what everyone has now heard (come on LMM, SHOW IT LIVE EVERY 5 MINUTES you bastards) the accused abuses should publicly get medals and be put in charge of ALL OUR PRISONERS.
Are we going to fight to prove we are "better" them using pillows? Please WAKE UP. I don't want to see Americans of any political party killed because we are trying to be better in the eyes of anyone!
While its understandable to be angry at this atrocity, we shouldn't lower ourselves to their level. Honestly though, do we really expect anything but murder from these cowards?

Dillo, expect the killings, expect the bullshit theatrics from them, they don't care about the prisoners in iraq anymore than they care for canadians (sorry isaac).

'taking the gloves off' should mean going after these thugs and killing them where they stand, not taking them prisoner. Once they are a prisoner though, should we not be above them by treating them humanely, however little they deserve it? Thats what makes us better.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
ok, now we're talking about two different things. In no way do I equate what happened to this guy from philly and what happened in Abu Ghraib. Why not you may ask? I simply don't care about the murderous bastards that filmed their brutal act. They didn't need a reason, they never do, but they are going to use this to try to legitimize their heinous killing. I don't expect anything better of that small group simply because they are terrorists. I say find those 5 bastards, kill them, and bury them with the pigs.

Here's the point dk. If libs call people stacked naked in a pyramid an atrocity, then what do they call this? The democrats will never win another election if they persist with this reality warp they call "a different point of view".
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Here's the point dk. If libs call people stacked naked in a pyramid an atrocity, then what do they call this? The democrats will never win another election they persist with this reality warp they call "a different point of view".

people calling the things we have seen so far, with the exception of the dog attack, an atrocity are playing politics and playing it badly. You're right, the democrats that are trying to do nothing but use this as a weapon against the republicans may never win another election, unless their constituency is littered with GOP haters.

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