Mental Giant Richard Gage slams Mental Midget debunking director

Nov 15, 2009
My new favorite video:

Mental Giant Architect Richard Gage slams the Mental Midget 9/11 debunking director...

[ame=""]YouTube- 9/11 debunking director must give up to 9/11 Truth architect Richard Gage.[/ame]
other than being wrong and lying about things like "freefall speed" he speaks very well. too bad what he is talking about isnt true.
other than being wrong and lying about things like "freefall speed" he speaks very well. too bad what he is talking about isnt true.

Funny how no matter where ANYONE lands on the intelligence curve EVERYONE still has a self perception of being smart.

It is moron's like you with this flawed self perception that are truly destroying this country.

What is sad is that many great people are trying to keep America great and moron's like you still get to enjoy the rewards.
other than being wrong and lying about things like "freefall speed" he speaks very well. too bad what he is talking about isnt true.

Too bad your a lying moron agent who cant disprove his facts that it did fall at freefall speed.yor logic is hysterical,even NIST has now admitted that the towers fell at freefall speed and somehow you accept what NIST says that the fires caused the buildings to collapse yet they are wrong when they now say it DID fall at free fall speed.cant have it both ways idiot.:lol::lol::lol:your logic is priceless.:lol:
Back to the topic at hand now.I was priveledged enough to get to see Richard Gage at the college university in my city a few months ago and listen to his presentation.There was about 55 people there in attendence.Before his presentation he asked how many people there accept the official version that the fires caused the towers to collapse and about 14 people who obviously were not aware of the facts raised their hands.

AFTER the presentation,when he asked the same question how many people still accepted the official version only two people kept their hands raised and that was because they had questions they wanted to ask.after they asked their questions,everybody in the audience no longer believed the official version how the people I encounter in real life when they hear the facts dont accept the official version anymore,its just these NET morons on message boards who ignore evidence and somethings wrong with that picture,not really when you know its obvious the NET people are disinfo agents.
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