Memory Lane. Obama's first planned foray into Racial division.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
It was July of 2009 and Obama was blathering on about his healthcare plan. But then at the end of his snooze fest, he launches into a local police matter in Cambridge mass. That was my first of many WTF?? moments with the divider-in-chief. I mean really.
"I don't know all the details, but the Cambridge Police acted stupidly". Drop the mike.
And the country went.....HUH?

Obama: Cambridge police acted 'stupidly'
Instead of issuing the policeman he falsely accused of being a racist a much deserved apology, Barry instead pressured the man into coming to Washington and having a beer with 2 ACTUAL racists...


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It was July of 2009 and Obama was blathering on about his healthcare plan. But then at the end of his snooze fest, he launches into a local police matter in Cambridge mass. That was my first of many WTF?? moments with the divider-in-chief. I mean really.
"I don't know all the details, but the Cambridge Police acted stupidly". Drop the mike.
And the country went.....HUH?

Obama: Cambridge police acted 'stupidly'

I didn't agree with a lot of his racial forays

On the other hand our police do kill people for little reason to often and that can't be compared to oking nazi's.
Typhoid Barry's racial grievance-shit-stirring hit its disgraceful climax when he actually sent White House representatives to Michael Brown's funeral. And Black Lives Fecal Matter really got going with Obama's "hands-up, don't shoot" LIE. Then the forensics proved the cop's story 100%. Essentially his race-baiting ended up destroying a town.
It was July of 2009 and Obama was blathering on about his healthcare plan. But then at the end of his snooze fest, he launches into a local police matter in Cambridge mass. That was my first of many WTF?? moments with the divider-in-chief. I mean really.
"I don't know all the details, but the Cambridge Police acted stupidly". Drop the mike.
And the country went.....HUH?

Obama: Cambridge police acted 'stupidly'

He told the truth.
Nothing warms the cockles like watching bigoted "conservatives" try to lay blame for their own bigotry upon those they hate.

It's like an admission that their bigotry is loathsome and unpalatable, with a side dish of rationalization to make it go down easier.

Thanks so much.

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