Memo declares McCain most Presidential


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2007
Diagon Alley
(CNN) — In an internal memo to the campaign’s leadership team obtained by CNN’s John King, John McCain’s campaign manager Rick Davis wrote that the Arizona senator “was the only candidate on stage [at Wednesday’s CNN/YouTube debate] who sounded like a president.”

The key to winning the White House, he added, is “dignity” and acting “presidential”. Said Davis, “I have to think the Clinton campaign is having a great day after watching the various school yard fights that broke out between Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani.” (Read memo [PDF])

Though McCain was part of some skirmishes over immigration, Davis wrote, “do we really believe that by ripping our party apart on immigration that we will be better able to win a general election against Hillary Clinton and the Democrats?”

Davis accused rivals of “name calling” as he quoted a National Review column describing McCain as “grown up and serious.” McCain, he told supporters, is needed to “restore dignity to the chaotic selection process.”

Meanwhile, GOP candidate Fred Thompson also criticized the process, including the debate forums, and called for a more substantive campaign. Thompson told reporters in Phoenix that “a presidential campaign is, as it turns out, not the best way in the world to discuss serious issues. “

“I’m thinking about a plan that may be a little bit better, where we might have a little more time to discuss serious issues,” said Thompson. “You go with what you have to go with, and that format is what we have to go with right now.”

– CNN’s Steve Brusk and Mark Norman
McCain's own campaign team thinks he is the most presidential?

Who woulda thunk it...the campaign to elect John McCain likes the idea of John McCain as president. Stunning news.
McCain's own campaign team thinks he is the most presidential?

Who woulda thunk it...the campaign to elect John McCain likes the idea of John McCain as president. Stunning news.

He's a hell of a lot better and more experienced and more respected then anyother candidate in either party with the exception of Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo, both are outstanding candidates but don't stand a chance of being elected.
He's a hell of a lot better and more experienced and more respected then anyother candidate in either party with the exception of Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo, both are outstanding candidates but don't stand a chance of being elected.

Obviously he is. Even his own campaign supports him!
Ok, I respect John McCain a lot, and that should be enough to describe how I feel about him,...but, take note this article is from CNN! CNN surely would not say this about a Republican front runner,..or even a true second or third! They are trying to distribute the desire of those who will vote Republican. They know that he is the only candidate that ran for president once before and they too don't think he has a chance. CNN IS EVIL!

They have an agenda and they are trying to meet it!
McCain's own campaign team thinks he is the most presidential?

Who woulda thunk it...the campaign to elect John McCain likes the idea of John McCain as president. Stunning news.

Yeah, I'm still laughing about that.

Also the idea that anyone who supports immigration reform isn't a "grown-up."

Also, who exactly is in the "McCain team"? Rick Davis and John McCain?

Loo - who - who - who - WHOOO - zers!
McCain has exactly how much executive experience again?

Oh yeah: NONE

The same amount as Hillary and Obama.

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