Melania's Lottery Premonition: Capitalism Doctors?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA capitalism remind you of a candy-store?

This capitalism-rhetoric vignette was inspired by Cookie's Fortune, and since it's political in tone (obviously), I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB, but I welcome any kind of comments!

Cheers (signing off),



"Good evening, Mrs. Trump! My name is Menace, and I'll be the first 'spirit' to visit you during this dream-sleep experience. Do not worry, because you're perfectly safe. I only intend to engage you in some thoughtful considerations about the philosophical value of TrumpUSA capitalism, since you are, after all, the First Lady of America and a diplomat of modern capitalism-optimism. I want to pose to you the serious consideration that TrumpUSA capitalism, with his flowery/bravado towards commerce-oriented social folklore/media, is a 'beacon' of piracy-humor. Does this make you wonder if capitalism-theory (in general) is a thing of complete dissection?"


"Congratulations, Mrs. Trump. You've made it to the second level of this capitalism dream-experience. My name is Cyclonus. I'm an A.I. robot unlike Menace (your first 'visitor') who is a jet-glider soaring witch. My purpose is to suggest to you the notion that TrumpUSA capitalism, with all its traffic and nuances regarding consumerism-aesthetics (e.g., Amazon, Facebook, Wall Street, MTV, etc.), is a thing of confetti. Does this worry you somehow that capitalism-theory (in general) is perhaps/ ornamental imagination (requiring more diligent focus on governance substance)?"


"Finally, Mrs. Trump, you've arrived at the third capitalism-dream experience. My name is Mac Gargan, and I'm a mutant and nihilist with a scorpion-like figure/body, which is why I'm known simply as Scorpion. Mrs. Trump, the reason I'm 'visiting' you this evening (while you dream-sleep comfortably!) is because I want to suggest to you, if subtly, that your diplomatic position in TrumpUSA affords you the special opportunity to consider (perhaps) why capitalism-theory (in general) may be a thing of gambling/risk. I suggest this to you, Mrs. Trump, because TrumpUSA capitalism seems to be oriented towards investment-bravado somehow (e.g., Wall Street profiteerism). What is your evaluative reaction to this omen?"


"Well, that was some dream! I can't believe I imagined I was being visited by three odd comic book like characters (Menace/Cyclonus/Scorpion) who seemed to want to tell me about the 'complex contours' of TrumpUSA capitalism (imagination/intellect). After all, I am the U.S. First Lady, and I support my husband (the President) in his capitalism policies and pro-commerce politics in modern geopolitical frames(!). I suppose I'd answer the questions/suggestions of Menace, Cyclonus, and Scorpion by commenting on why immigrants in America daydream about winning the lottery (e.g., Pennsylvania State Lottery) and why such lifestyle-daydreams reflect a capitalism-culture 'spotlight' on the ergonomics of materialism. I mean, capitalism-theory (in general) does seem to be a thing of...plasticity(!)."



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