Meg Whitman: Hypocrisy and Karma

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
News today, Meg Whitman employed an illegal alien for Nine Years as a housekeeper. So, what is her campaigns reaction?
Of course, it's all about the left wing media negative attack. This from a campaign that has spent months and $$$$'s on attacking her Republican opponent in the primaries and Attorney General Brown since she bought the Republican nomination for Governor of California.
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In California, GOP gubernatorial candidate, Meg Whitman--with or without frizzy hair(?)--has been doing post-debate public relations, about the abuse of the known illegal immigrant woman, employed as her housekeeper for nine years. Fiorina and McCains likely have no such problem: There's so many of them to keep track of, even in accounting(?)! Mainly, it's really only money to Meg!

Gloria Allred alleges Meg Whitman knowingly employed an undocumented worker in her home for 9 years| PolitiCal | Los Angeles Times

Apparently, the performance in the first statewide debate with Jerry Brown is not being discussed in the Whitman campaign!

Governor/Attorney General/Mayor/Trustee, Jerry Brown actually presented a viable plan for California. He is old! After 40 years in public employment, at the usual mega-bucks, he will not put in for his pension from the nearly bankrupt California Pension system, if elected. (Fifty California municipalities have to chip-in to cover the famous Bell, CA, pensions alone, and so far). He will use his age as an excuse to not run for Presdident. He will use his age and marital status: To not stay up all night, carousing in Sacramento.

Essentially, any elected governor in California will have to work with the unions to come up with a viable solution. Meg Whitman doesn't know anyone in the unions to talk with. Meg Whitman doesn't know any poll workers. Meg Whitman is not even clear about what a voting booth is for. Brown, she acknowledge, does know some poeple in some unions.

There are many things that Meg Whitman doesn't do, and so even a new hairdresser might be in the offing: (Y no sin papeles)! She does offer to cut her own taxes to pay herself back the mega-millions of personal campaign financing. In Character, Brown will set about cutting upper-level state salaries at about 18%.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Old Squaw may soon, even, have strong need to come to lands of Many Nations--Or least many lands along famous Las Vegas Strip. Help Save. . . .Hmmm!)
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So, your defense of the Democrats is that Whitman had a housekeeper that may have been an illegal alien?

Wow... you've actually outdone yourself this time.

Whether I've outdone myself or not isn't at issue, for I never suggested anything about the Democrats. I posted a new story breaking today, the Whitman campaigns response and their histroy of negative attack ads.
To put it in terms you might understand, Payback is a MFer.
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All I needed to hear was the name of Gloria Allred and the credibility factor of these charges went straight down the storm sewer....Which is probably a crime in Fornicalia, as they empty into the watershed of some dopey "endangered" baitfish.

All you needed to hear? As I suspected and finally now admitted - Oddude is willfully ignorant and blissfully so.
So what your telling me is that someone who was abused at work stayed their for 9 years and just so happens to come out with this revelation a month before an election and is represented by someone who likewise made false claims against the former Republican governor a few weeks before he was elected to office, and this doesnt seriously make you question the validity of any of this?
All I needed to hear was the name of Gloria Allred and the credibility factor of these charges went straight down the storm sewer....Which is probably a crime in Fornicalia, as they empty into the watershed of some dopey "endangered" baitfish.

All you needed to hear?
Yep....Exploitation and political gamesmanship are Allred's stock in trade.

If you can't see that plain as day, you're also dumb as dirt to go along with being a borderline sociopath.
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So what your telling me is that someone who was abused at work stayed their for 9 years and just so happens to come out with this revelation a month before an election and is represented by someone who likewise made false claims against the former Republican governor a few weeks before he was elected to office, and this doesnt seriously make you question the validity of any of this?

I'm not "telling" you anything. I simply reported a new story, you and the oddude came to your conclusion without my help. I concluded Payback is a FMer and noted the Whitman campaign has been all negative in trying to buy the office of Governor - attacking her Republican opponents in the primary and Brown in the General.
Only proud members of the echo chamber (NOLA, Oddude, you, et al) would conclude my initai post was all partisan.
Of course I posted it with glee, Whitman is one example of all that is wrong with politics today; the echo chamber is another.
All I needed to hear was the name of Gloria Allred and the credibility factor of these charges went straight down the storm sewer....Which is probably a crime in Fornicalia, as they empty into the watershed of some dopey "endangered" baitfish.

All you needed to hear?
Yep....Exploitation and political gamesmanship are Allred's stock in trade.

If you can't see that plain as day, you're also dumb as dirt to go along with being a borderline sociopath.

Of course "Allred's" action are always self-serving - aren't you one of 'those' who believe everyone has the right to do whatever they want?
Of course your tolerance for what others think, believe and say is pretty limited, given your propensity to attack personally all those with who you disagree. What I find most humorous is your effort to portray yourself as educated and try to prove how smart you are by using clinical terms in an ad hominem attack. Using them inappropriately is really quite funny.
Others may have, and in fact already have, commented that the formerly wealthy, Meg Whitman: Appears to have flown in for the debate, on a broomstick, probably from Delaware. They will likely even spin that Meg Whitman is another GOP female: Actually dimly aware of the various airline hidden fees.

She has commented that Fresno reminds her of Detroit! Anyone might wonder if now she should explain: Just exactly how that may have come about!

Mayor-elect Brown moved into a crime-ridden neighborhood, as Mayor, and without security, in Oakland. According to Meg Whitman, actually, in fact, the whole city apparently has been full of even . . . .unsavory(?). . . .Well!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Squaw not do woman's work, Squaw not do poll work. Squaw not do get-out-vote precinct work--even at high-tech, call center, like Silicon Valley technology(?)--a recommendation for California, if elected(?)! Squaw not do government work! Squaw not do voting. Squaw not do bookkeeping. Squaw not do Calle de las Estrellas, De Nuestro Ciudad, La Reina De Los Angeles, Even!(?)! Not good at Finding. . . .maybe, Geronimo, Even!)
So, your defense of the Democrats is that Whitman had a housekeeper that may have been an illegal alien?

Wow... you've actually outdone yourself this time.

I'm betting he didn't bitch when Colin Powell said he had illegals working for him. Talk about hypocrisy.
So the body count for this silly shit is what? 3?
Zoe Baird, Linda Chavez and now Whitman...and you know what?who really gives a shit? Who hasn't had an illegal do something in exchange for money?
So, your defense of the Democrats is that Whitman had a housekeeper that may have been an illegal alien?

Wow... you've actually outdone yourself this time.

Whether I've outdone myself or not isn't at issue, for I never suggested anything about the Democrats. I posted a new story breaking today, the Whitman campaigns response and their histroy of negative attack ads.
To put it in terms you might understand, Payback is a MFer.

So.... you do realize you just made my case? Nah, no you don't.
More Call-Centers for California does not form the basis of a "plan." The Mailing List concept at the original Meg Whiteman website was nonsense enough. Anyone pushed the "issues" button, and got a new form to fill out!

If California has issues, Meg Whitman has promised a button for that!

The campaign will soon enough have one more high-tech sign to display, too: "Gone For Good!"

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Squaw make new call centers! Make angry people drive new cement trucks into parliament buildings, like Four-Leaf White Eyes Of-Many-Starchy-Foods!)
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Others may have, and in fact already have, commented that the formerly wealthy, Meg Whitman: Appears to have flown in for the debate, on a broomstick, probably from Delaware. They will likely even spin that Meg Whitman is another GOP female: Actually dimly aware of the various airline hidden fees.
Not too much like a certain former Senator from New York flew in on her broom from Arkansas, huh? :rolleyes:
So, your defense of the Democrats is that Whitman had a housekeeper that may have been an illegal alien?

Wow... you've actually outdone yourself this time.

I'm betting he didn't bitch when Colin Powell said he had illegals working for him. Talk about hypocrisy.

Your inabiity to read comprehensively is distrubing. I didn't "bitch" about Colin Powell nor did I "bitch" about Whitman. Any average fifth grader should be able to read what I wrote and discern my meaning.

The OP in its entirety:

News today, Meg Whitman employed an illegal alien for Nine Years as a housekeeper. So, what is her campaigns reaction?
Of course, it's all about the left wing media negative attack. This from a campaign that has spent months and $$$$'s on attacking her Republican opponent in the primaries and General Brown since her buying the Republican nomination for Governor of California.
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