Meet The Press: Lindsey Graham just advocate for Permanent military bases in Afghan..


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
I was watching "Meet the Press" and Lindsey Graham just made the ridiculous pledge to advocate for permanent bases in Afghanistan. This after complaining about deficits and debt.:lol:

I was watching "Meet the Press" and Lindsey Graham just made the ridiculous pledge to advocate for permanent bases in Afghanistan. This after complaining about deficits and debt.:lol:


Lindsay is losing it.
Why don't you all just take him off of our hands. Cheap sellout that he is. You won't need to change a thing about him.
Why don't you all just take him off of our hands. Cheap sellout that he is. You won't need to change a thing about him.


He is a right wing Republican sent to the congress by right wing people.

You really buy that??? He is less Conservative than Specter, than McCain, than Ed Koch. :lol: Good one! You had me there for a minute! :lol:
Why don't you all just take him off of our hands. Cheap sellout that he is. You won't need to change a thing about him.


He is a right wing Republican sent to the congress by right wing people.

You really buy that??? He is less Conservative than Specter, than McCain, than Ed Koch. :lol: Good one! You had me there for a minute! :lol:

why? because he's not an extremist like michelle bachmann and her ilk?

or is it because he's actually civil and plays well with others occasionally?

He is a right wing Republican sent to the congress by right wing people.

You really buy that??? He is less Conservative than Specter, than McCain, than Ed Koch. :lol: Good one! You had me there for a minute! :lol:

why? because he's not an extremist like michelle bachmann and her ilk?

or is it because he's actually civil and plays well with others occasionally?

There are those that cross over because of principle, which he is not one of. I say take him. His Ideals are not Conservative in nature at all. There is representing the people, and then there's representing the Oligarchy, with defectors from both Camps. I bet you he has a mirror in every room.

He is a right wing Republican sent to the congress by right wing people.

You really buy that??? He is less Conservative than Specter, than McCain, than Ed Koch. :lol: Good one! You had me there for a minute! :lol:

why? because he's not an extremist like michelle bachmann and her ilk?

or is it because he's actually civil and plays well with others occasionally?

That's his big problem....he "plays well with others".....

most conservatives prefer adults...
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You really buy that??? He is less Conservative than Specter, than McCain, than Ed Koch. :lol: Good one! You had me there for a minute! :lol:

why? because he's not an extremist like michelle bachmann and her ilk?

or is it because he's actually civil and plays well with others occasionally?

There are those that cross over because of principle, which he is not one of. I say take him. His Ideals are not Conservative in nature at all. There is representing the people, and then there's representing the Oligarchy, with defectors from both Camps. I bet you he has a mirror in every room.
Graham has an 89% rating from the American Conservatives Union
sorry, but just because he has a few issues that i dont agree with, doesnt mean he isnt a conservative

i disagree with any more permanent military bases ANYWHERE and believe we should be closing some of the existing ones down
I was watching "Meet the Press" and Lindsey Graham just made the ridiculous pledge to advocate for permanent bases in Afghanistan. This after complaining about deficits and debt.:lol:


You mean he spoke truth. Of course, our primary objective was establishing a permanent base in Afghanistan. What you mean everyone thought it was to drain the swamp or even more unlikely catch a guy the government alleges was behind 9/11.

We still have a base in Cuba (think we've all heard of it) and this nation hasn't recognized that government or its leader since the 1950s.

We're the army that comes to war and never leaves. :drillsergeant:
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Great idea, and obviously needed. Sallow's aint have a link, so delete his, mine's better.

Senator proposes permanent US bases in Afghanistan

– 53 mins ago

WASHINGTON – A leading GOP lawmaker on U.S. military policy says he wants American officials to consider establishing permanent military bases in Afghanistan.

Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina says that having a few U.S. air bases in Afghanistan would be a benefit to the region and would give Afghan security forces an edge against the Taliban.

Senator proposes permanent US bases in Afghanistan - Yahoo! News
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Only if they are armed with nukes. Otherwise they don't have a snow balls chance in hell.
Sen. Lindsay Graham is too stupid to realize that the Afghan security forces are the Taliban. :cool:

Is that the same stupidity that differentiates Gaza civilians and the many tens of thousands of militants who have come in not to make peace, but to enforce their agenda?

All the same?

I disagree, and believe that the above proposition is clearly intent on steering the view that they are all the same in order to de-legitimatize the fight. There's no one to fight Sunni Man says. They are all the same.

You do this often Sunni Man. Just as you say the entire Muslim community thinks in one way.

To me, that's simply a fail. There is no singular they!


Why? Because some are and some are not. More are not. The Taliban are not the Pashtun.

The Pashto are the Pashto and the Taliban are a subset.

Not all the same by any stretch of the imagination. Yes, many Taliban are Pashto, not all Pashto (or even close to all) are Taliban.

The Taliban, alternative spelling Taleban, (Pashto: طالبان ṭālibān, meaning "students") is a Hanafi Islamist political-military group that ruled large parts of Afghanistan from September 1996 onwards.

Most Taliban are Hanafi traditionalists (i.e., followers of Imam Abu Hanifa Madhhab). Many also strictly follow the social and cultural norm called Pashtunwali

He is a right wing Republican sent to the congress by right wing people.

You really buy that??? He is less Conservative than Specter, than McCain, than Ed Koch. :lol: Good one! You had me there for a minute! :lol:

why? because he's not an extremist like michelle bachmann and her ilk?

or is it because he's actually civil and plays well with others occasionally?

There is no froth coming from his mouth when he speaks .. so he can't be a real conservative.

That being said, he is real stupid with this proposal .. which could in fact be coming from the Obama Administration.
I was watching "Meet the Press" and Lindsey Graham just made the ridiculous pledge to advocate for permanent bases in Afghanistan. This after complaining about deficits and debt.:lol:


You mean he spoke truth. Of course, our primary objective was establishing a permanent base in Afghanistan. What you mean everyone thought it was to drain the swamp or even more unlikely catch a guy the government alleges was behind 9/11.

We still have a base in Cuba (think we've all heard of it) and this nation hasn't recognized that government or its leader since the 1950s.

We're the army that comes to war and never leaves. :drillsergeant:

Well said. :clap2:

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