Meet the Mormons not voting for Romney: One million strong.


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Here's something the 'media' doesn't want you to know. Mormon Democrats... more than 1million strong and growing!

For Mormon Democrats, a new kind of mission field | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

CHARLOTTE -- Mormon Democrats attending their party convention this year have a simple message they want to share with the world: We exist!

Crammed shoulder to shoulder inside a Holiday Inn conference room, members of the fledgling Mormon caucus, LDS Democrats, held its first national meeting here on Tuesday, chatting about the future of the party over plates of fruit, cheese and crackers. Sheltered from the pouring rain outside, a few hundred attendees--not all Mormons--met to provide each other with moral support and to remind each other that yes, there are other Mormon Democrats.

In fact, there are more than you might think. The caucus, the largest in the Utah Democratic Party, estimates there are more than one million Democratic church members nationwide. State exit polls suggest that about eight percent of Mormons in Utah vote Democrats.
How many Democraps who were fooled by Obama four years ago going to vote for Romney this time, or are just going to sit this one out?

My guess would be gazillions...
How many Democraps who were fooled by Obama four years ago going to vote for Romney this time, or are just going to sit this one out?

My guess would be gazillions...

You, for one. :lol:

"Cadell and fellow Democratic strategist Kendra Stewart worked with the conservative Citizens United and filmmaker Stephen Bannon on making a documentary highlighting how it’s not just conservatives who think Obama has failed as president.

The film walks viewers through the stories of 40 Democrats and independents around the country who voted for Obama in 2008 are now disappointed in their choice for president.

The former Obama supporters open up about how they believe Obama has failed on everything from economic policies to health care to energy policy to how the president spends time and taxpayer money vacationing, golfing and enjoying leisure activities."

Read more: Citizens United, Democratic strategists highlight disaffected Obama voters | The Daily Caller

[ame=]The Hope And The Change - Official Movie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
Why the hell is the left so obsessed with a candidate's religious affiliation these days? Better than running on the issues? The democrat senate majority leader gave a speech to Brigham Young University a couple of years ago and told Mormons that the democrat party mirrored their religious beliefs and nobody seemed concerned at that time.
My guess would be gazillions...

See? That's the problem. They have no use for FACTS or the TRUTH.

All they know is to guess some outlandish number and then swear its the gawd's truth.

No wonder they love RobMe and Robin.
Why the hell is the left so obsessed with a candidate's religious affiliation these days? Better than running on the issues? The democrat senate majority leader gave a speech to Brigham Young University a couple of years ago and told Mormons that the democrat party mirrored their religious beliefs and nobody seemed concerned at that time.

".. these days .."

That's funny coming from rw since all they have done is lie about our president's religion since before he was elected.

Oh and btw, when it comes to freaky fucking cults, mormonism is worse than scientology. A few days ago, people were saying good riddance when Rev Sun Yung Moon died and yet some fools are actually planning to vote for something MUCH worse.

If Harry Reid were running for prez, I'd be saying the exact same thing.

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