Medicare going broke.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I believe I heard that 20 years ago. It is impossible for Medicare and Social Security to go broke without the government going broke and if that happens Medicare and Social Security will not matter to us anyway.
I would like to hear how privatizing Medicare and Social Security will save either? By rationing healthcare, cutting Social Security benefits and raising the cost of healthcare and raising the retirement age. In simple language; screwing seniors.

And the GOP got to stop the doom and gloom, fear mongering propaganda that is scaring the hell out of our children and grand children. They cannot say government without using children and grand children in the same sentence. They are pimping our children and grand children.

The economy will recover, people will go back to work and our children and grand children will be fine and when the time comes they will get there Social Security and Medicare.
Privatizing government is a sure way of destroying us all. That is reality and we have to stop it from happening so it will be there for our children and grand children. Government is not the bad guy, but those who are corrupt running it.

Privatization is like threading a needle in the dark. Like a blind man target shooting.
What would be your solution to stop congress from taking the surplus every year from social security and refusing to pay it back to the fund?

I believe I heard that 20 years ago. It is impossible for Medicare and Social Security to go broke without the government going broke and if that happens Medicare and Social Security will not matter to us anyway.
I would like to hear how privatizing Medicare and Social Security will save either? By rationing healthcare, cutting Social Security benefits and raising the cost of healthcare and raising the retirement age. In simple language; screwing seniors.

And the GOP got to stop the doom and gloom, fear mongering propaganda that is scaring the hell out of our children and grand children. They cannot say government without using children and grand children in the same sentence. They are pimping our children and grand children.

The economy will recover, people will go back to work and our children and grand children will be fine and when the time comes they will get there Social Security and Medicare.
Privatizing government is a sure way of destroying us all. That is reality and we have to stop it from happening so it will be there for our children and grand children. Government is not the bad guy, but those who are corrupt running it.

Privatization is like threading a needle in the dark. Like a blind man target shooting.

Yes, modern medicine is prolonging the lives of people whose numbers are outliving those of taxpayers. Which plan do you think best suits this challenge:

[ame=]YouTube - Dick Morris Reports: Obama's Medicare Trickery[/ame]
What would be your solution to stop congress from taking the surplus every year from social security and refusing to pay it back to the fund?
Looking at polls, I think there will be only minor changes to Medicare. Maybe Republicans in the House will commit political suicide, however you can bet Senate Democrats and the President are not going to join them.
What would be your solution to stop congress from taking the surplus every year from social security and refusing to pay it back to the fund?
Looking at polls, I think there will be only minor changes to Medicare. Maybe Republicans in the House will commit political suicide, however you can bet Senate Democrats and the President are not going to join them.

meaning we take the shaft, yup.
People need to start working 10 years longer because the life expectancy is much longer than in the past. If you wanna retire at 65 you need to do that on your own.
What would be your solution to stop congress from taking the surplus every year from social security and refusing to pay it back to the fund?
Looking at polls, I think there will be only minor changes to Medicare. Maybe Republicans in the House will commit political suicide, however you can bet Senate Democrats and the President are not going to join them.

meaning we take the shaft, yup.
If tax increases are not a part of the solution, then you are correct. However, more people are coming to believe that tax increases have to be a part of the plan. By rolling back the Bush tax cuts, most of deficit is wiped out. The cuts that would then be required would be political feasible.
People need to start working 10 years longer because the life expectancy is much longer than in the past. If you wanna retire at 65 you need to do that on your own.
If you look at life expectancy when Social Security began, you're probably correct, but people expect a lot more today out of their golden years than in 1938. Tens of millions of Americans have planed their lives so that they may enjoy those years. You can bet they will not give up their dream without a fight.
Looking at polls, I think there will be only minor changes to Medicare. Maybe Republicans in the House will commit political suicide, however you can bet Senate Democrats and the President are not going to join them.

meaning we take the shaft, yup.
If tax increases are not a part of the solution, then you are correct. However, more people are coming to believe that tax increases have to be a part of the plan. By rolling back the Bush tax cuts, most of deficit is wiped out. The cuts that would then be required would be political feasible.

700 billion dollars ( maybe) will do what exactly? the deficit this year will be what again?
meaning we take the shaft, yup.
If tax increases are not a part of the solution, then you are correct. However, more people are coming to believe that tax increases have to be a part of the plan. By rolling back the Bush tax cuts, most of deficit is wiped out. The cuts that would then be required would be political feasible.

700 billion dollars ( maybe) will do what exactly? the deficit this year will be what again?
By just allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire, the CBO projects a Deficit in 2014 of 533 billion down about a trillion dollars from 2011 and rising to 739 billion in 2020. If we got out of Afghanistan and Iraq this would cut another 150 billion/yr. We can surely find another 100 billion which give us the kind deficit we have had in 1990's. The deficit is a very solvable problem. We just have to decide on a plan.

Without the Bush tax cuts there is hope.

2011 - $1.48 trillion deficit
2012 - $1.1 trillion deficit
2013 - $704 billion deficit
2014 - $533 billion deficit
2015 - $551 billion deficit
2016 - $659 billion deficit
2017 - $617 billion deficit
2018 - $610 billion deficit
2019 - $696 billion deficit
2020 - $739 billion deficit
2021 - $763 billion deficit

According to the CBO, the projections "are based on the assumption that tax and spending policies unfold as specified in current law. Consequently, they understate the budget deficits that would occur if many policies currently in place were continued, rather than allowed to expire as scheduled under current law."

CBO: $1.48 Trillion Deficit Expected For 2011

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