Medical first,children had cancer cured with genetically engineered T-cells from another person


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Medical first,children had cancer cured with genetically engineered T-cells from another person


Doctors in London say they have cured two babies of leukemia in the world’s first attempt to treat cancer with genetically engineered immune cells from a donor. Experiments, which took place at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital, raise the possibility of off-the-shelf cellular therapy using inexpensive supplies of universal cells that...

Glad it is being done in Britain as science is better off being global instead of local as one nation can cut all funding for it if it is local.. Great news for people that suffer!
great news--------someday I will seek to learn the mechanism--------the T cells act as KILLER CELLS?????-------Kinda like VACCINATED T CELLS?. Do they go after
the new-borns in the marrow?
Everything gives you cancer these days.

Everything cures cancer these days.
Medical first,children had cancer cured with genetically engineered T-cells from another person


Doctors in London say they have cured two babies of leukemia in the world’s first attempt to treat cancer with genetically engineered immune cells from a donor. Experiments, which took place at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital, raise the possibility of off-the-shelf cellular therapy using inexpensive supplies of universal cells that...

Glad it is being done in Britain as science is better off being global instead of local as one nation can cut all funding for it if it is local.. Great news for people that suffer!

It is good that science is global. Plenty of smart people in the world who can contribute.

We are of course, still number one in science and should be.
Medical first,children had cancer cured with genetically engineered T-cells from another person


Doctors in London say they have cured two babies of leukemia in the world’s first attempt to treat cancer with genetically engineered immune cells from a donor. Experiments, which took place at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital, raise the possibility of off-the-shelf cellular therapy using inexpensive supplies of universal cells that...

Glad it is being done in Britain as science is better off being global instead of local as one nation can cut all funding for it if it is local.. Great news for people that suffer!

It is good that science is global. Plenty of smart people in the world who can contribute.

We are of course, still number one in science and should be.

China surpasses US, Japan in number of patents filed | ZDNet

For the first time, China has emerged the top patent filing nation overtaking the United States and Japan, and the number of patents filed in the country is expected to grow faster than others.

Citing research by Thomson Reuters, news wire Reuters reported on Wednesday that China had surpassed the United States and Japan as the nation with the the highest number of patents filed in 2011, but no details were provided for the year. Domestic patent applications in China grew to nearly 73 percent of total applications in 2010, growing from less than 52 percent in 2006. This indicated that Chinese companies were overtaking overseas companies in patent applications, said the report.

Published applications from China's patent office grew at an average 16.7 percent yearly from 171,000 in 2006 to about 314,000 in 2010, said Reuters, quoting figures from the Thomson Reuters Derwent World Patents Index. The report noted that during this period, Japan filed the most patent applications, followed by the United States, China, Korea and Europe.

Thomson Reuters projected that China in 2015 would clock almost 500,000 patent applications, while the United States would file about 400,000 patent applications followed by Japan with almost 300,000. "The striking difference among these regions is China [which] is experiencing the most rapid growth, and is poised to lead the pack in the very near future," the report noted.

China has been trying to shed its market from a "Made in China" to "Designed in China" image, with the government focusing on driving innovation in industries such as automobiles, pharmaceuticals and technology. Citing legal experts, the Reuters article said Chinese government had been providing "attractive incentives" to Chinese companies to file patent applications, regardless of whether the patent would be eventually granted.

Subsidizing patent is a "blunt instrument" as the move will produce a high number of patent filings, but does not guarantee the quality of the patents, Elliot Papageorgiou, partner and executive at law firm Rouse Legal China told Reuters. "The return, or the percentage of grants, of the patents is still not as high in China as, say, in the U.S., Japan or some places in Europe."

This is from six years ago, I suspect that by now the quality of their patents, and the speed of bringing them to the market process has improved markedly. In the meantime, we have elected the orange clown, and he has promised to oppose most science in this nation.
Medical first,children had cancer cured with genetically engineered T-cells from another person


Doctors in London say they have cured two babies of leukemia in the world’s first attempt to treat cancer with genetically engineered immune cells from a donor. Experiments, which took place at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital, raise the possibility of off-the-shelf cellular therapy using inexpensive supplies of universal cells that...

Glad it is being done in Britain as science is better off being global instead of local as one nation can cut all funding for it if it is local.. Great news for people that suffer!

It is good that science is global. Plenty of smart people in the world who can contribute.

We are of course, still number one in science and should be.

China surpasses US, Japan in number of patents filed | ZDNet

For the first time, China has emerged the top patent filing nation overtaking the United States and Japan, and the number of patents filed in the country is expected to grow faster than others.

Citing research by Thomson Reuters, news wire Reuters reported on Wednesday that China had surpassed the United States and Japan as the nation with the the highest number of patents filed in 2011, but no details were provided for the year. Domestic patent applications in China grew to nearly 73 percent of total applications in 2010, growing from less than 52 percent in 2006. This indicated that Chinese companies were overtaking overseas companies in patent applications, said the report.

Published applications from China's patent office grew at an average 16.7 percent yearly from 171,000 in 2006 to about 314,000 in 2010, said Reuters, quoting figures from the Thomson Reuters Derwent World Patents Index. The report noted that during this period, Japan filed the most patent applications, followed by the United States, China, Korea and Europe.

Thomson Reuters projected that China in 2015 would clock almost 500,000 patent applications, while the United States would file about 400,000 patent applications followed by Japan with almost 300,000. "The striking difference among these regions is China [which] is experiencing the most rapid growth, and is poised to lead the pack in the very near future," the report noted.

China has been trying to shed its market from a "Made in China" to "Designed in China" image, with the government focusing on driving innovation in industries such as automobiles, pharmaceuticals and technology. Citing legal experts, the Reuters article said Chinese government had been providing "attractive incentives" to Chinese companies to file patent applications, regardless of whether the patent would be eventually granted.

Subsidizing patent is a "blunt instrument" as the move will produce a high number of patent filings, but does not guarantee the quality of the patents, Elliot Papageorgiou, partner and executive at law firm Rouse Legal China told Reuters. "The return, or the percentage of grants, of the patents is still not as high in China as, say, in the U.S., Japan or some places in Europe."

This is from six years ago, I suspect that by now the quality of their patents, and the speed of bringing them to the market process has improved markedly. In the meantime, we have elected the orange clown, and he has promised to oppose most science in this nation.

1. Shocking. I stand corrected, though I really wonder at the causes of this.

2. Six years ago? YOu mean six years before Trump was elected? SO, nothing to do with him. Would you like to hold who WAS president at that time responsible?
Six years ago, President Obama was faced with a Republican Congress whose stated goal was to make sure that he did not get a second term. A goal far more important to them than the welfare of the nation. Any program of encouraging more students to go into STEM programs, and providing economic assistance in that direction would have been shot down by that Congress. And today, mention free junior college, the the GOP goes ballistic. While the cost of even junior college is very steep for a young person supporting themselves.

The attitude in this nation, outright hostility to the sciences, is the primary cause of China surpassing this nation in patents. Plus the fact that far more engineers are graduated in China than in the US. In fact. little South Korea graduates more engineers than we do.
Six years ago, President Obama was faced with a Republican Congress whose stated goal was to make sure that he did not get a second term. A goal far more important to them than the welfare of the nation. Any program of encouraging more students to go into STEM programs, and providing economic assistance in that direction would have been shot down by that Congress. And today, mention free junior college, the the GOP goes ballistic. While the cost of even junior college is very steep for a young person supporting themselves.

The attitude in this nation, outright hostility to the sciences, is the primary cause of China surpassing this nation in patents. Plus the fact that far more engineers are graduated in China than in the US. In fact. little South Korea graduates more engineers than we do.

1. THe Partisan and Ideological opposition to Obama was A. completely valid, and B. did not prevent any programs from Obama to support science.

2. Throwing more money at education has done nothing but raise costs, while losing ground.

3. This nation is not anti-science. The lack of engineers is not driven by any social pressure against science. The failures of the Education industry is not something that you can put on the Right, as the LEft almost completely dominated the Education Industry.

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