Media Trashes Trump for Mocking Reporter's Disability -

You can't still be surprised at the shameless double standard at this point. It has been going on for a long while.
That's because the 'disability' portion of the above story was a big fat myth:

From July, 2008:

McCain On His Computer Illiteracy: ā€˜Iā€™m Learning To Get Online Myself, And Iā€™ll Have That Down Fairly Soonā€™

John McCain has acknowledged that he is ā€œan illiterateā€ when it comes to computers. He said he ā€œhas to rely on his wife for all the assistance he can get.ā€ At the Personal Democracy Forum last month, McCain aide Mark Soohoo argued in McCainā€™s defense that ā€œyou donā€™t have to use a computer to understand how it shapes the country.ā€ ā€œJohn McCain is aware of the internet,ā€ Soohoo said.

In an interview with New York Times, John McCain confirmed that he doesnā€™t email, doesnā€™t read blogs, doesnā€™t go online, but does occasionally read Drudge. While heā€™s not a consumer of online information, McCain said he does ā€œunderstand the impact of blogs on American politics today and political campaignsā€:

McCain: I use the Blackberry, but I donā€™t e-mail, Iā€™ve never felt the particular need to e-mail. I read e-mails all the time, but the communications that I have with my friends and staff are oral and done with my cell phone."

As usual, RWnut bullshit.

McCain On His Computer Illiteracy: ā€˜Iā€™m Learning To Get Online Myself, And Iā€™ll Have That Down Fairly Soonā€™
The funniest part is, I remember debunking this bullshit story back in 2008, on a different board.

Every RWnut on the planet is ineducable.

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