Media Robbery: Press/Democracy (Heresy?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Media and social dialogue in modern times has catalysed true political meditation even in times of mass consumerism and commerce (e.g., 'TrumpUSA').

The release of press-meditation films such as Network (Sidney Lumet), All the President's Men (Alan J. Pakula), and The Post (Steven Spielberg) suggest that modern-day Americans care about free-speech and intellectual freedom, which should remind everyday voters of the democratic relevance/value of the non-mainstream populism-dialogue promoting Sacco-Vanzetti case (a pro-pedestrianism anarchism-meditation civil 'case' highlighting America's general child-like 'love' of 'anti-fascism controversies').

That's what this pro-media parable (my final one I think!) is all about (which I hope people will like!).




Movies were being censored left and right as a response to a mobilized governance paranoia in the United States of America. Politicians and even artists (film-makers) wanted to reorient movies as society totems of controlled metaphysics, so they wanted a focused 'direction' modern movies would take. This was all done in the name of great capitalism confidence, but really it was a pseudo-McCarthyism veil for limiting intellectual freedom, and some artists were not happy. These unhappy artists formed a special union called the Angry Voices (AV). AV was led by a British-American actor named Thomas Hewitt.

Hewitt decided to hire a European troop of highly-skilled underground anarchists called the Black Party (led by a radical anarchist named Jean). Jean used bank-robbery to fund his political 'schemes' across Europe, and Hewitt knew of them through a common contact at Harvard University (a professor of World Political History). The professor arranged for Hewitt to meet with Jean at a secret location in Boston in the summer of 2015. Hewitt told Jean of all the problems and concerns of AV (Angry Voices), and Jean reciprocated this political-chat 'openness' by telling Hewitt of the visions of his Black Party (BP).

HEWITT: What the Angry Voices needs is a radical 'act' on U.S. soil.
JEAN: You want my Black Party to perform a daring bank-robbery as a 'protest.'
HEWITT: I think that would be ideal, Jean. Can you do it?
JEAN: If you overhaul this 'censorship-campaign' by the U.S. government, there will be angst.
HEWITT: I understand; that's why I thought I should contact you; we need something smooth.
JEAN: You mean need something 'super-cool.'
HEWITT: Yes, something that would tap into the hearts of pedestrian spirit...
JEAN: ...Right, without upsetting the American cultural orientation towards mass governance.
HEWITT: Exactly. What can the Black Party do to not 'crush' the 'silly-hearts' of America?
JEAN: Well, I propose we rob an L.A. bank and call it a Hollywood stunt to defy the L.A. Times!
HEWITT: Wow! That would be a nice statement about freedom of the press, right?
JEAN: Precisely, Thomas. Leave it to me. This sounds like something that will inspire BP.

Jean and BP robbed a federal-reserve bank in Los Angeles on Halloween Eve and then sent a notice to the L.A. Times. The notice would change the way American pedestrians conceived of 'lofty capitalism-oriented ambitions' (as they related to the 'profundity' and 'infancy' of general American head-strong political idealism). Jean wanted to heed Hewitt's wishes that any radical protest-deed did not deflate the general U.S. government's (and American voters'!) child-like daydreaming about the scope and reach of 'mass democracy.' In other words, Jean had to send a notice that would simultaneously embrace revolutionary fervor and faith in governance (and peace). It was a very important notice in U.S. history, which Hewitt likened to the anarchism-meditation catalyzing Sacco-Vanzetti case (an incident in U.S. history which highlighted the great role of the American press in 'cultural history'):

"On behalf of the Black Party (BP) in Europe, I (Jean) am thrilled to report on the successful bank-robbery of an impressive federal-reserve bank in Los Angeles (California) on Halloween Eve 2015. This robbery is meant to drive the message home that the American landscape is full of drama and romance (and great adventure) and should therefore not be 'clouded' by juvenile concerns about the 'usefulness' of censorship as a way to 'control' the hearts and minds of the American people with the medium of cinema. After all, America is the great country of Bonnie and Clyde, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and even Jesse James. The BP hopes we can use this robbery to reveal the L.A. Times' interest in publishing radical voices (like mine!) seeking to use radicalism to deliver home the message that 'cultural-flair' (e.g., Hollywood 'Big-Brother') should never ever ever be patronizing. Good luck to America...and God bless the BP."



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