Media Matter Blames Beck!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Media Matter is trying to shut down any dissent from the Obama Ministry of Truth by holding, wait for it, Glenn Beck responsible for the actions of an individual who tried to attack the Tides Foundation.

Beck's crime? He did...a story!!! on the Tides Foundation!!! Is that even legal?!

Beck denies being "responsible" for planned massacre at office of group he demonized | Media Matters for America

Then Media Matters sent this out this afternoon:

"Dear Friend,

On Sunday, July 18, unhinged ex-convict Byron Williams loaded his truck with guns and headed up a California highway with the intention of starting a revolution. If he hadn't been stopped by brave officers -- two of whom were wounded in the confrontation -- he could have carried out a plan to kill staff at progressive organizations, including the Tides Foundation.

What is the Tides Foundation? It's the nonprofit that Glenn Beck brags about "turning the light of day" on by constantly attacking it as part of a socialist conspiracy to destroy our government. The Tides Foundation isn't the shadowy political influence of Beck's fantasies -- it's a transparent organization known in the philanthropic community for doing good public service. Make no mistake: Beck's intention was to paint the Tides Foundation as a dangerous, increasingly powerful threat to freedom that must be stopped. And Williams set out to stop them. ..."


Were the Beatles responsible for Charles Manson?
"As hard as it is to believe, most days I intentionally ignore Glenn Beck posts and videos on the blogs. My recurring reaction is generally twofold. One: he's exhausting to watch because just as I'm wrapping my head around one line of googly-eyed horseshit, he belts out another ridiculous, melodramatic or dangerous line, and before I know it, I'm faced with a log-jam of crazy, forcing me to scramble for either an oxygen mask or a stiff drink. And, two: why pay attention to the television equivalent of an escaped mental patient screaming gibberish on the median strip at a busy intersection?"

Bob Cesca: Exposing Glenn Beck as a Dangerous Fraud

Just Words: The Results of Hate Speech Part II | Joe Wood's Blog
There was an attack on the TIDES Foundation?

Ironic, a group dedicated to revolution, being threatened by a counter revolutionary.

Oh and btw. Name calling really doesnt disprove anything he says.
Defending your god huh frankie


Arrest Paul McCartney!
"As hard as it is to believe, most days I intentionally ignore Glenn Beck posts and videos on the blogs. My recurring reaction is generally twofold. One: he's exhausting to watch because just as I'm wrapping my head around one line of googly-eyed horseshit, he belts out another ridiculous, melodramatic or dangerous line, and before I know it, I'm faced with a log-jam of crazy, forcing me to scramble for either an oxygen mask or a stiff drink. And, two: why pay attention to the television equivalent of an escaped mental patient screaming gibberish on the median strip at a busy intersection?"

Bob Cesca: Exposing Glenn Beck as a Dangerous Fraud

Just Words: The Results of Hate Speech Part II | Joe Wood's Blog

So I just read that Cesca article, and I don't see how he "exposed" Glenn beck as a fraud. He compared him to a mental patient. Pointed out how he makes a lot of money. Funny though, he didn't mention one thing that Beck said this is untrue. Didn't give examples of Beck's countless lies. Why do you think that is?
Defending your god huh frankie

Do you understand what the First Amendment means?

You're an idiot!!! He is encouraging violence!!! And you can shove the first amendment. It sure hasn't helped anybody wanting to use fowl language, has it?? Why should it be enforced for an evil man that lies and wants to promote death and hate?? Oh, he can say whatever he wants. Screw him.

And he is lying about the foundation anyway, you moron!!
There was an attack on the TIDES Foundation?

Ironic, a group dedicated to revolution, being threatened by a counter revolutionary.

Oh and btw. Name calling really doesnt disprove anything he says.

Link please. As far as I know that's an absolute lie. It's a nonprofit organization that supports better education, solutions to the AIDS epidemic, and human rights. So what are you talking about???
There was an attack on the TIDES Foundation?

Ironic, a group dedicated to revolution, being threatened by a counter revolutionary.

Oh and btw. Name calling really doesnt disprove anything he says.

Link please. As far as I know that's an absolute lie. It's a nonprofit organization that supports better education, solutions to the AIDS epidemic, and human rights. So what are you talking about???

Well, then you don't know. Not really my problem.
First, you link to any information where Beck encouraged violent action against Tides, hackasaurus rex.

Please!!! I am not Dive Con or Stephanie!!!! And I hope you read this in its entirety.

Beck called Tides a "shady organization" and accused it of "indoctrination," "warp[ing] your children's brains." In his coverage of Tides, Beck has repeatedly implicated the organization in his conspiracy theories, linking it to George Soros, the Apollo Alliance, the Joyce Foundation, and the Weather Underground. Beck has referred to the group as a "shady organization" [May 11] and claimed it is "a major source of revenue for some of the most extreme groups on the left" [May 21, 2009]. Beck frequently airs a video produced by Tides, which he refers to as an "indoctrination video...shown in schools all across America to warp you children's brains and make sure they know how evil capitalism is" [June 21].

Beck denies being "responsible" for planned massacre at office of group he demonized | Media Matters for America
There was an attack on the TIDES Foundation?

Ironic, a group dedicated to revolution, being threatened by a counter revolutionary.

Oh and btw. Name calling really doesnt disprove anything he says.

Here you go Frank...a brainwashed Beck pea brain that endorses the planned attack.

Is planning murders a first amendment right?

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