Media Malpractice Hall of Fame


Feb 14, 2011
What are your "favorites"?

I'll start with the jawdropper where MSNBC was so determined to paint a portrait of racists rising up in reaction to "a man of color in the presidency" that they edited out the race of a black man who was toting some impressive fire power at a healthcare rally taking place near where Obama was making a speech.

[ame=]MSNBC: Gun-Toting Protesters are 'White' Racists... Black Guy with AR-15 Edited to Conceal his Race. - YouTube[/ame]

The white racist in his own words ;)

[ame=]Black man with "machine gun" protests Obama - YouTube[/ame]
"The most trusted man in America", Walter Cronkite going to Vietnam after the incredible US victory in the Tet offensive and lying to America that the victory was a stalemate. It caused LBJ to throw in the towel and destroyed everything the US Military worked for. After the war VC general Giap admitted that he was finished after Tet but Cronkite and LBJ breathed new life into the communist offensive.

Two of my, uh, favorites, showing how ridiculous and transparent our "media" can be:

First, both a CNN anchor and "reporter" make zero secret of their strong distaste for Tea Partiers:



And then Fox's fabulous Obama "terrorist fist jab":


Remember when NBC fired Peter Arnett for an interview he did in Baghdad in 2003? That was fun. GE was not happy. Bush was not happy. Arnett had an earlier crisis for his participation in the "Valley of Death" report (Operation Tailwind).

My favorite one has to be Laura Logan and her CBS Benghazi crap. Fantastic stuff there, folks. She lies, gets caught, half ass apologizes and then moves on.

Ohm, no wait.......every time Stossel opens his mouth he is lying. He's been a weasel forever. I have to run and watch him get smacked just because. It's not that it isn't fake.
[ame=]WRESTLING IS FAKE (watch before commenting) - YouTube[/ame]

Media conglomerates are almost fun. You can tell what you will be allowed to see by who owns what. They are called the Big Six and they own 90% of all media. It's the illusion of choice.

Do you Muckety?
This is Viacom
Viacom relationship map - Muckety

If you look under people related and you don't have to click on just scroll then you can see where else these people are connected. So, you can see who is a director at Morgan Stanley and you can see what information that will be allowed and what will not or be slanted to whatever their interests are. Some of them are not up to date so you have to double check. It kind of blows that whole media liberal bias right out of the water.
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The blatant editing of the Zimmerman 911 call to make it seem as if he was racially profiling Trayvon Martin. And seasoned veterans went down for this; losing their jobs, careers and reputations.

Which "seasoned veterans" were those?

I'm posting on the fly today, but here's just one. And this is what made this "edit" so bloody shocking.

Burnside had been with the Miami affiliate since 1999 for crying out loud. Unreal. Fired in shame.

Biographies published online note Burnside, who has won several regional Emmy awards and is widely respected for his coverage of environmental issues, began working for NBC Miami in 1999.

Jeff Burnside, NBC Miami WTVJ Reporter, Fired Over Edited George Zimmerman 911 Call

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