Media Defense: Castle/Trump Dodgeball


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
There are so many images of Middle Eastern terrorists dressed in head-masks and gears, sometimes carrying swords and/or machine-guns, and these images/photos are strewn across the Internet and can be found very easily with basic searches on Google.

That's kind of scary, given that America's only response to such 'radicalism proliferation' is the wide dissemination of society-glamour photos of celebrities/movie-stars on the Internet.

Imagine therefore that a 'cultural triumvirate' comprised of two American movie-stars and an ex-Taliban member (defecting in favor of American democracy) declare a social 'stronghold' in a key tourist position such as Castle Foix in France (a popular old-world castle-monument and site of the Cathars).

The 'Triumvirate' claims that Castle Foix can serve as an ideological bastion for the trumpeting of tourism that is aimed to be safe from the anathema of terrorism, which could, in theory, aid in the negotiations regarding the security of important religious buildings (synagogues and mosques) as sites of politically-neutral 'sacred value.'

How can we coordinate modern globalization problems and anti-Western sentiments with the overtly pro-capitalism media-values of our 'pluralism laissez-faire' and 'controversially conservative' TrumpUSA?

Such a question will determine if our first celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan will give birth to pro-democracy pedestrianism free-speech fanfare (e.g., "We love Donald Trump and Atlantic City!") or simply another form of 'trickle-down stagnation' (i.e., Reaganomics).


TRIUMVIRATE: We declare a pedagoguery stronghold at Castle Foix.
UN: That is a symbolic tourist site in France and representative of the cultural history linked to the Cathars.
TRIUMVIRATE: There is simply not enough 'social attention' afforded to tourist sites symbolic of Christianity!
UN: By making this 'culture-media' move, you stand in danger of becoming as fanatical a ISIS...
TRIUMVIRATE: There needs to be a coordinated response to the proliferation of anti-Christian imagery.
UN: We can't respond to terrorist-photos with fanaticism-Christianity imagery!
TRIUMVIRATE: We also should not sit on our hands and be satisfied with proliferation of 'celebrity photos.'
UN: Maybe the West is more focused on media-glamour, while fundamentalist Islam is overtly-political.
TRIUMVIRATE: Maybe? We need a cultural-response before ISIS says, "President Trump is a casino-owner."
UN: You believe that anti-Western critics will claim that President Trump is 'media/consumerism' biased?
TRIUMVIRATE: Even Americans are already saying that...
UN: How do you propose to 'secure' Castle Foix with modern-media?
TRIUMVIRATE: We aim to create a 'tourism-billboard' with photos/images of 'time-travel daydreams.'
UN: Aha, well, it is true that Westerners like science-fiction, and sci-fi entertainment is politically 'neutral.'
TRIUMVIRATE: That's correct, and we will market a story about 'Ronin' vacationing in Foix during time-travel.
UN: What do these 'Ronin' aim to do (and we suppose these 'Ronin' will be comprised of you three)?
TRIUMVIRATE: That's correct; the 'Ronin' (or 'Triumvirate') aim to hype Western monuments as pro-tourism.
UN: We concede/agree that the Triumvirate has a practical plan to coordinate media with culture-exchange.



Memorial Day

It would be interesting to do a media-culture evaluation of Memorial Day as it relates to modern globalization vanities.


TRUMP: Every Memorial Day, I think of Tom Cruise's patriotic film Born on the 4th of July.
CARTER: People like movies/stories about American achievements, especially political/military.
TRUMP: After 9/11, the world is on eggshells about the security during special occasions and at symbolic sites/monuments.
CARTER: Many hypothesized that the Lincoln Memorial would be attacked after 9/11...
TRUMP: That's why I love that patriotic fantasy-adventure film Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
CARTER: American think about wartime duties, but Muslims think of religion-based complexity --- i.e., Sunni-Shia.
TRUMP: The Sunni-Shia conflict is definitely one of 'Islamic patriotism,' but not one of Western understanding...
CARTER: The media offers us unlimited access to images of culture-based political disagreements.
TRUMP: There are multiple films about the IRA (Irish Republican Army) for example.
CARTER: Films about fundamentalism and fascism sentimentalism (e.g., Triumph of the Will) are usually 'propaganda.'
TRUMP: Perhaps Memorial Day should focus on the profitability of hyping films about multiculturalism...
CARTER: Yes, culture-exchange and globalization have been the foundation for multiple serious wars.
TRUMP: In that case, we need more movies about outlandish courage (e.g., The Last Samurai, Escape from New York).
CARTER: This Memorial Day, I will be lighting a candle in honor of war journalism.
TRUMP: Journalists have a very difficult job in the modern age (e.g., CNN).
CARTER: Perhaps pedestrian compassion towards human welfare will be improved by pro-democracy media...
TRUMP: Are you referring to Facebook?
CARTER: Sure! Facebook and The Military Channel.
TRUMP: In that case media must be negotiated with spiritualism (e.g., EWTN).
CARTER: The American celebrity Tom Hanks lobbied for a publicly-advertised WWII prayer-worthy memorial...



This little dialogue was inspired by the Iron Eagle films and by the Aerialbots (Transformers).


TRUMP: Maybe people should bet on military development the way they bet on sports in America...
CARTER: Fighter-planes are popular in the public because of fun Hollywood films such as Top Gun (Tom Cruise).
TRUMP: I wonder what ISIS thinks of these films.
CARTER: They probably call them 'towers of hypocrisy.'
TRUMP: Fundamentalist Muslims hate images in artwork (e.g., cinema).
CARTER: Fundamental Islam is very different from Nazi propaganda.
TRUMP: I like those Aerialbots (Transformers) toys --- little robots changing into fighter-planes.
CARTER: Interest in military technologies/vehicles has grown thanks to submarine technology and sonic-jets.
TRUMP: We developed the impressive SR-71 plane, and we developed the Stealth.
CARTER: Those black beauties are a fortune-hunter's treasure...
TRUMP: I feel romantic suddenly about the Oscar Meyer hot-dog car (the 'Wienermobile').
CARTER: Maybe capitalism will help us market gears and engines...
TRUMP: We very much value Air Force One (and the movie Air Force One!).
CARTER: Americans supplied Afghans with missiles during their rebellion against the Soviet Union.
TRUMP: That's come back to haunt us --- 9/11.
CARTER: Maybe it's all witchcraft...
TRUMP: I wonder how much gold is transported by airplane...
CARTER: James Bond vs. Aladdin!




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