Meaning of second coming of Jesus

Jesus is coming again?

Given how he was treated last time he visited this place, you'd think he'd change his vacation plans.

Some Godheads never learn, I guess.

Of course, YOU are immortal and shall live forever...correct? Why act as if....such is the case, somewhat You will find your answers soon enough, perhaps the next time you step out the door, or get behind the wheel of an automobile. By the prima faice evidenced of your are ready, no? Just how many times do you expect to be exposed to the truth in your short span of life? Of course you are free to direct your own suggestion, choose wisely, make those decisions based upon the Objective demonstrable....things that you can OBSERVE, not the things which are opined in subjectivity of the fallible human mind.
Cant help but note the original poster really hasnt responded to anyones questions. I dont think mine in particular are that difficult:

1) Who has God been incarnated as since Christ. You claim He has, all I want to know is who you think God has come as. I dont think it's an unreasonable question.

2) Were the wicked destroyed at this persons coming? Because the scriptures are pretty clear that that will happen when Christ returns. Last time I checked, that hasnt happened.
Jesus is coming again?

Given how he was treated last time he visited this place, you'd think he'd change his vacation plans.

Some Godheads never learn, I guess.

Sure is.. but unfortunately, I think its men that never learn.
Of course, YOU are immortal and shall live forever...correct? Why act as if....such is the case, somewhat You will find your answers soon enough, perhaps the next time you step out the door, or get behind the wheel of an automobile. By the prima faice evidenced of your are ready, no? Just how many times do you expect to be exposed to the truth in your short span of life? Of course you are free to direct your own suggestion, choose wisely, make those decisions based upon the Objective demonstrable....things that you can OBSERVE, not the things which are opined in subjectivity of the fallible human mind.

What does his immortality have anything to do with anything edit said about the Second comin?
When the primordial energy or its form works in a special technology, such work is called as awareness.

You can choose to redefine the word "awareness" if you like, but no one is under any obligation to recognize such a definition. Especially since this makes no sense relative to our current understanding of the word awareness.

Therefore, awareness as work form, light etc., as condensed form and matter as intensively condensed form are the three forms of primordial energy. These three forms are called as Maha Maya.

Is this primordial energy supposed to be a brane? If m-brane theory holds, then the initial energy was supplied by branes. Light is simply the emission of photons. It requires the presence of energy, not the condensation of energy.

The cosmic inert energy is the space from which the entire creation is evolved. Matter, awareness, light, heat etc., along with their modifications constitute this universe and all this is evolved from the primordial energy, which is the space. In Veda it is said that space is generated from God and from space the entire creation is evolved. Hence, space is the first item of creation, which acts as the primary source for the whole creation. The modifications of the space are due to illusions only and thus the entire universe is an illusion form of the space only, which is the inert primordial energy. Hence, the universe is space only and we can say that the universe is maintained by space.

That's nice. Any evidence other than the Veda?

When the illusions are removed, all the modifications in the universe disappear and this is the final dissolution of the universe into space. Therefore, the space can be called as Brahman, which is the creator, maintainer and destroyer of the universe. All these points are correlated with Brahman. It is said that the universe is created, maintained and destroyed by Brahman. It is also said that the entire world is Brahman only since the world is based on illusion. All these are merits of the primordial energy to be called as Brahman, the greatest in the universe. The concept that the soul or Atman in its basic form in deep sleep is Brahman is also correlated.

Sagan commented he thought Hindu religious traditions were closer to the discoveries of modern science than any other major religion. But he, and I agree with him here, never said that was an argument that validates hindu traditions. After all, we are interpreting it through the lens of our knowledge. But you could really get under the skin of other religious groups with this information. (Perhaps this is the actual source of all that Kashmir trouble- islam does like to claim the koran most accurately reflects later scientific discoveries about the nature of the world.)

Still, no evidence is the problem. Show me the eternal being. The entire idea of immortality seems a bit too much like a rich relative in Nigeria for me to not be skeptical.
When the primordial energy or its form works in a special technology, such work is called as awareness.

You can choose to redefine the word "awareness" if you like, but no one is under any obligation to recognize such a definition. Especially since this makes no sense relative to our current understanding of the word awareness.

Therefore, awareness as work form, light etc., as condensed form and matter as intensively condensed form are the three forms of primordial energy. These three forms are called as Maha Maya.

Is this primordial energy supposed to be a brane? If m-brane theory holds, then the initial energy was supplied by branes. Light is simply the emission of photons. It requires the presence of energy, not the condensation of energy.

The cosmic inert energy is the space from which the entire creation is evolved. Matter, awareness, light, heat etc., along with their modifications constitute this universe and all this is evolved from the primordial energy, which is the space. In Veda it is said that space is generated from God and from space the entire creation is evolved. Hence, space is the first item of creation, which acts as the primary source for the whole creation. The modifications of the space are due to illusions only and thus the entire universe is an illusion form of the space only, which is the inert primordial energy. Hence, the universe is space only and we can say that the universe is maintained by space.

That's nice. Any evidence other than the Veda?

When the illusions are removed, all the modifications in the universe disappear and this is the final dissolution of the universe into space. Therefore, the space can be called as Brahman, which is the creator, maintainer and destroyer of the universe. All these points are correlated with Brahman. It is said that the universe is created, maintained and destroyed by Brahman. It is also said that the entire world is Brahman only since the world is based on illusion. All these are merits of the primordial energy to be called as Brahman, the greatest in the universe. The concept that the soul or Atman in its basic form in deep sleep is Brahman is also correlated.

Sagan commented he thought Hindu religious traditions were closer to the discoveries of modern science than any other major religion. But he, and I agree with him here, never said that was an argument that validates hindu traditions. After all, we are interpreting it through the lens of our knowledge. But you could really get under the skin of other religious groups with this information. (Perhaps this is the actual source of all that Kashmir trouble- islam does like to claim the koran most accurately reflects later scientific discoveries about the nature of the world.)

Still, no evidence is the problem. Show me the eternal being. The entire idea of immortality seems a bit too much like a rich relative in Nigeria for me to not be skeptical.

The knowledge of God is to detect the unimaginable God through the imaginable medium. If both God and medium are unimaginable, then it means both are non-existent.

If the medium is also unimaginable like the God entering it, then, you can never detect God. This results in the total non-existence of God. The medium must be imaginable, which is the basis for projecting the unimaginable nature unlike the other imaginable media, which project only the imaginable nature. The alive wire gives shock indicating the existence of electricity in it. Similarly, the imaginable medium containing God projects the unimaginable nature of God indicating the existence of unimaginable God. If the wire is also unseen like the unseen electricity, then, there is no basis for detecting the existence of unseen electricity. This means that there is no wire and no electricity. Similarly, if the medium is also unimaginable, there is no basis for the existence of unimaginable God to be indicated through imaginable medium. Therefore, for the projection of the existence of unimaginable God, the existence of imaginable medium is essential and this is the reason for creating this imaginable world through which only the unimaginable God can be detected. Such detection of unimaginable God in a specific imaginable medium is called as the knowledge of God or Brahmajnaanam.
Still waiting.... Are my questions too tough? I am really not sure how to simplify them any more.
Still waiting.... Are my questions too tough? I am really not sure how to simplify them any more.

I always find this religious masturbation interesting......and amusing.

A bunch of religious fantasy freaks masturbating their subjective religious fantasies, each TOTALLY CONVINCED that their SUBJECTIVE Religious fantasy, shared by their own the TRUE reflection of an UNPROVABLE "GOD" !!!!

Each group of religious fantasy freaks with a complicated dogma built on convoluted fantasies spawned by some previously derived fantasy and finessed one way or another.

And, for these religious fantasies these religious freaks wind up slaughtering each other.


"Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you." Providing one is not a masochistic psycho.


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