MD Governor..(D) Union Cuts

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well every bodies... Doing it.. even Democrat Governors..funny though they didn't mention the Governor was a Democrat...


With state lawmakers preparing to make decisions in the coming weeks on budget cuts and pension reform, thousands of union members marched Monday evening on Annapolis to send a message.

The marchers were met by a counterprotest, organized by tea party activists, of several dozen taxpayers asking for deeper state budget cuts.

The union group was large enough to cut off traffic in downtown Annapolis. Chanting "keep the promise" and "enough is enough," they decried efforts by Gov. Martin O'Malley and legislators to change employee contributions to their retirement plans, a move that officials say would save the state an estimated $100 million next year.

Thousands of union members march on Annapolis - Baltimore Sun
funny though they didn't mention the Governor was a Democrat.

Uh, you DO know that Baltimore is in Maryland, right? Of course they didn't mention that O'Mally is a democrat. Everyone in Maryland already knows that. How many times do you see the President mentioned in a newspaper as "President Barak Obama (D) USA"?
Well every bodies... Doing it.. even Democrat Governors..funny though they didn't mention the Governor was a Democrat...


From the article...

"O'Malley, a Democrat who drew broad union support in his election campaigns, made an unexpected appearance at the conclusion of the rally. He told workers that he, too, is unhappy with the budget."​


funny though they didn't mention the Governor was a Democrat.

Uh, you DO know that Baltimore is in Maryland, right? Of course they didn't mention that O'Mally is a democrat. Everyone in Maryland already knows that. How many times do you see the President mentioned in a newspaper as "President Barak Obama (D) USA"?

They usually spell his name right..

There's no mistaking Obama's a Democrat..

and... I didn't know O' Malley was a Democrat, why would I?

Also.. are you the new post monitor?
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funny though they didn't mention the Governor was a Democrat.

Uh, you DO know that Baltimore is in Maryland, right? Of course they didn't mention that O'Mally is a democrat. Everyone in Maryland already knows that. How many times do you see the President mentioned in a newspaper as "President Barak Obama (D) USA"?

They usually spell his name right..

There's no mistaking Obama's a Democrat..

and... I didn't know O' Malley was a Democrat, why would I?

Also.. are you the new post monitor?
Well Lumpy, you know how the game is played up here by a few.

When ya' got nothin' else, MONITOR!

He questioned why the article did not mention O'Malley's party (which is now seen as being untrue anyway), and I provided an answer. What is the issue?
C'mon, dammit!.....Where's all the outrage from the lefty union lovers on this one?

Lets hear it, people!.......Start accusing THIS Governor of being a teacher hating, self loathing, Union busting, NAZI asshole!

We're waaaaaaiiiiiiiitttttiiiiiiiiiinnnnngggggg!

C'mon, dammit!.....Where's all the outrage from the lefty union lovers on this one?

Lets hear it, people!.......Start accusing THIS Governor of being a teacher hating, self loathing, Union busting, NAZI asshole!

Could you point out in the OP's article where it indicates this governor will be trying to bust the Union like Walker?

C'mon, dammit!.....Where's all the outrage from the lefty union lovers on this one?

Lets hear it, people!.......Start accusing THIS Governor of being a teacher hating, self loathing, Union busting, NAZI asshole!

Could you point out in the OP's article where it indicates this governor will be trying to bust the Union like Walker?

Yeah sure, right after you show that Walker was trying to "bust" the union.

I didn't see a union get busted. I saw a union get RIGHTFULLY brought back down to earth where it has long belonged, but the union isn't busted so...............:eusa_whistle:
C'mon, dammit!.....Where's all the outrage from the lefty union lovers on this one?

Lets hear it, people!.......Start accusing THIS Governor of being a teacher hating, self loathing, Union busting, NAZI asshole!

We're waaaaaaiiiiiiiitttttiiiiiiiiiinnnnngggggg!


:lol:.. Well .. that pretty well says it all...

I owe you pos rep Wicked Jester...

I'm out at the moment...:evil:
C'mon, dammit!.....Where's all the outrage from the lefty union lovers on this one?

Lets hear it, people!.......Start accusing THIS Governor of being a teacher hating, self loathing, Union busting, NAZI asshole!

We're waaaaaaiiiiiiiitttttiiiiiiiiiinnnnngggggg!


I will be the first to say it, Democrats should not act like Republicans and push anti worker agendas, those that do should be called on the carpet for acting in such a despicable dishonorable manner.
C'mon, dammit!.....Where's all the outrage from the lefty union lovers on this one?

Lets hear it, people!.......Start accusing THIS Governor of being a teacher hating, self loathing, Union busting, NAZI asshole!

Could you point out in the OP's article where it indicates this governor will be trying to bust the Union like Walker?

Yeah sure, right after you show that Walker was trying to "bust" the union.

I didn't see a union get busted. I saw a union get RIGHTFULLY brought back down to earth where it has long belonged, but the union isn't busted so...............:eusa_whistle:

So, nothing in the article about busting unions or even eliminating collective bargaining. Didn't think you'd find it. :eusa_whistle:

Let's see, eliminate collective bargaining rights except for wages, then by law limit any increase in wages negotiated with a government employer to no more than CPI. So no bargaining on over time, work place safety, health care, no negotiating to prevent furloughs, no input on grievance procedures, etc... say you can negotiate for wages, but then limit that ability to negotiate. Then make it against the law for the State or any local government entity to take out voluntary union dues via direct deposit to purposely make it more difficult for people to be part of the union.

Come'on WJ, I'm a Republican and can see what was being done. Please don't insult my intelligence by claiming it wasn't about my own party busting the party of Unions that typically support Democrats.

Don't get me wrong, I know costs had to be reigned in and that the Unions in WI had apparently gone overboard with no (or very little) contributions to either retirement and health care and the increase in health care cost through negotiated health care being provided by a Teacher Union Trust instead of requiring competitive bidding to reduce costs. But the Union had agreed to the cost savings measure, the bill could have passed and the savings realized, but no - cost savings wasn't enough.

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Could you point out in the OP's article where it indicates this governor will be trying to bust the Union like Walker?

Yeah sure, right after you show that Walker was trying to "bust" the union.

I didn't see a union get busted. I saw a union get RIGHTFULLY brought back down to earth where it has long belonged, but the union isn't busted so...............:eusa_whistle:

So, nothing in the article about busting unions or even eliminating collective bargaining. Didn't think you'd find it. :eusa_whistle:

Let's see, eliminate collective bargaining rights except for wages, then by law limit any increase in wages negotiated with a government employer to no more than CPI. So no bargaining on over time, work place safety, health care, no negotiating to prevent furloughs, no input on grievance procedures, etc... say you can negotiate for wages, but then limit that ability to negotiate. Then make it against the law for the State or any local government entity to take out voluntary union dues via direct deposit to purposely make it more difficult for people to be part of the union.

Come'on WJ, I'm a Republican and can see what was being done. Please don't insult my intelligence by claiming it wasn't about my own party busting the party of Unions that typically support Democrats.

Don't get me wrong, I know costs had to be reigned in and that the Unions in WI had apparently gone overboard with no (or very little) contributions to either retirement and health care and the increase in health care cost through negotiated health care being provided by a Teacher Union Trust instead of requiring competitive bidding to reduce costs. But the Union had agreed to the cost savings measure, the bill could have passed and the savings realized, but no - cost savings wasn't enough.

The lefty union lovers were all in a tizzy when Walker first brought it up. they didn't even have a clue as to what he was talking about, or proposing.....Why aren't they having the same reaction now?.........I mean Trumpka (Obama's vice vice president) was up pitching a bitch last night. Even gave what looked like a NAZI salute when he was finished speaking. Any word out of these lefty's, complete with the same vitriol that they hurled at Walker?......Hell no!.

And yes, when dealing with unions, there are only so many places you can go when talking about compromise. Only so many places you can go when taliking about cutting costs. Pay, benefits and pensions.....Are you trying to say that this isn't what the MD governor has in mind?......Damn right that's what he has in mind.

That's what many dem politicians here in California now have in mind. And righfully so. It's time for these public sector workers to give. Give a lot!
And yes, when dealing with unions, there are only so many places you can go when talking about compromise. Only so many places you can go when taliking about cutting costs. Pay, benefits and pensions.....Are you trying to say that this isn't what the MD governor has in mind?......Damn right that's what he has in mind.

Cut cost? Sure. That's pretty clear.

My question was were in the article did it mention union busting in the same manner as Gov. Walker.

Didn't see it in the article.

Here's a better article. News - Union rally by thousands against Md. gov.'s plan

Lets just look at what union bargaining has done to the state:

19 BILLION in unfunded pension liabilities, and 16 BILLION in unfunded retiree health benefits. Once again, it clearly shows what many states are facing due to unsustainable union benefits,

O'malley also cut 94 billion to the states public schools. If a repub did this, these lefty's up here would be cackling like caged hens...."HE HATES THE KIDS, HE HATES THE TEACHERS!".

The most telling of what is no doubt going to come down the pike, is this lil' comment by O'malley:

"We've got tough decisions ahead of us. None of us has all the answers. but you know what? we are commited to stay at the table and to figure this out, and moving together as one Maryland"

Yeah, that pretty much mirrors what Walker said early on.......Lets see if the dem politicians are going to ride with him with so much potential future campaign donations on the line from these corrupt unions.
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