McCain Was The Leaker


McCain could have easily been President, if he had actually contested the election. After he got the nomination, he just assumed he would be treated fairly by the Media- but they called him a racist and a nazi, and Obama schlonged his ass.

Trump is a lot more of a fighter, and in spite of having the entire left wing, the entire GOP establishment against him, he still won.
And it ain't over... in fact... it's just getting real good now. There will be people go to prison. This was a concerted effort to SPY on the Trump campaign, and then smear him and take him out of office after he got elected... the "insurance policy" Stzrok talked about with his little cheater .


Trump claims

"Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President," Trump tweeted
McCain's superior officer in the hell hole of the "Hanoi Hilton" beat himself in the face with a chair to avoid being forced into taped treasonous statements. McCain apparently did it willingly. McCain ended up as a psychological mess with no loyalty to his Country or his party. He may have faced a prison sentence for his role in the Keating Five but he got a break because he was the only republican caught up in the scandal. The media played up his war record because McCain was a progressive republican. Years later when Top Gun flier Randy Cunningham got in trouble for the same thing the media never cited his war record and McCain never lifted a finger to help a fellow republican and war hero. It came as no surprise that McCain would commit treason to undermine the President of the United States because had no loyalty to anything or anyone but McCain
"Trump made 42 false claims last week. They included changing the date on his 2016 Scotland trip to make himself sound better and changing the date McCain learned about the dossier to make McCain sound worse"

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