McCain supporters, where's his substance?

But doing what your dad did, and your grandfather did, does not demonstrate substance. He is doing what he knows, what he feels comfortable with. While there is certainly nothing wrong with that, it does not show substance. His behavior as a captive does demonstrate substance, but his behavior as father and husband do not. If the age of substance counts, as some note here, and we only view his current behavior, substance is lost in his constant flip flopping.

mccain has proven he will stand up to the special interests and put his country before his you consider that substantive?

i don't understand all this talk about how many of you would vote for mccain if only he was the same mccain that he was back in if he's a different man now because he "flip flopped" so much, etc...? i think it is too easy to paint any politican who has been around long enough as a "flip-flopper" if you're only looking on the surface of things...politics and the powers that be, sometimes requires compromise for the sake of progress, and sometimes, good men vote for bad bills based on something deeper that can not be seen in a newspaper headline.
Remember that tax break sent us a few yrs ago? What yr was that? 2003? That was all you got. The rich got bigger tax breaks every yr after that. You got shit.

Under Obama you'll get more. Unless you make $250k.

How nice MCcain promises tax breaks for everyone, all while occupying iraq, iran and russia. Mccains plan doesn't add up.

So Mccain is for taking womens right to choose, huh? Funny he didn't have that postion in the past, back in 2000. He took the oposite view of bush, so he was pro choice. Sounds like a flip flop.
Victory in iraq? The oil companies and defense companies have "won" enough of our tax dollars. Nothing we can do about bush turning iran shiite. Now we can't keep iran out. You can't continue to get tax breaks and stay in iraq. ps. iraq has a $90 billion surplus while we pay the war for profit guys. The gop bankrupted the country. Dems spend, but boy do republicans spend!

Sorry to disappoint you, but I've gotten good refunds every year from my taxes being lowered by Bush (including the $1800 'economic stimulus' this summer) I am not rich, but Republican tax cuts helped me. Thank you!

Sorry again, but Clinton said the same stuff about only taxing higher incomes such as 250K$ or higher. (NOBODY got cuts with him save for the poorest impoverished folks with the EARNED INCOME CREDIT) You practically had to be below $20K to get that.

Frankly, I'm glad McCain flip-flopped to the pro-life side if that's what he did. No one should have the right to choose to kill innocent life. In order to embrace the pro-choice argument, you must deny that an unborn embryo or fetus is a LIVING HUMAN. That position either requires IGNORANCE of simple biology or EXTREME CALLOUSNESS (or both).

Yes, we need victory in Iraq. After all, it's what Hillary, Biden, and Kerry initially voted to authorize.

I'm not for taxing the hell out of oil companies. Do you geniuses think the oil companies or any other company will just eat this extra cost??? You idiots will pay for it in the end anyway (and be happy as hell about it too!)

I can't argue with you on spending. Both parties need to get that under control.
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