McCain/Palin vs Obama/Biden

Oct 18, 2008
Bowling Green Ohio
Who honestly in their right mind would think that someone from the same party as Bush and Cheney will lead this country back in the right direction seeing as 90 percent of voters think we are headed the wrong way? The "maverick" has been in the senate 26 years now, voted with Bush over 90% of the time, more than some of his fellow republicans(HIS WORDS) and voted against most of what he is saying he is now for...only this year...(an election year) when he is running for president is he now flip flopping and say he is for. ACORN which he is so trying to link to Obama in a bad way...well he was a keynote speaker at a 2006 event they had, mainly because they supported his immigration plan AND MANY republicans also believe in ACORN. His white house transition chief lobbied for Saddam Hussien and he was on the board of The U.S. council Of World Freedom in the 1980's who had known racists and anti-semites......this is the man to better the direction of the U.S.???????? OK if you all say so! As I have said before, BOTH parties are very corrupt but Obama is our ONLY true hope to lead us in the right direction...he is young...fresh....has not been in Washington long enough to truly be a part of the corrupt wheels..and has some strong progressive ideas. I know alot will say "progressive" is nice term for socialist but socialism is not a bad thing, capitalism greases the wheels of the rich and has over time created the very class wars and greed many deplore. Spreading the wealth is not a bad thing, for far too long the rich have been spreading the wealth among themselves and making their already fat wallets even fatter! not all people who make under 100 grand a year and far less than that are lazy welfare people, we struggle day after day and year after year in minimum wage jobs so we can keep roofs over our heads, we can not afford the outrageous costs of college in efforts to better ourselves WHICH we want to do. Its time for fresh new ideas, the old sure isnt working!
I think mccain supporters are just voting anti-obama, not pro-mccain.
Okie dokie ... let's try breaking this up so we can understand it. :cuckoo:

Who honestly in their right mind would think that someone from the same party as Bush and Cheney will lead this country back in the right direction seeing as 90 percent of voters think we are headed the wrong way?

The "maverick" has been in the senate 26 years now, voted with Bush over 90% of the time, more than some of his fellow republicans(HIS WORDS) and voted against most of what he is saying he is now for...only this year...(an election year) when he is running for president is he now flip flopping and say he is for.

ACORN which he is so trying to link to Obama in a bad way...well he was a keynote speaker at a 2006 event they had, mainly because they supported his immigration plan AND MANY republicans also believe in ACORN. His white house transition chief lobbied for Saddam Hussien and he was on the board of The U.S. council Of World Freedom in the 1980's who had known racists and anti-semites......this is the man to better the direction of the U.S.????????

OK if you all say so! As I have said before, BOTH parties are very corrupt but Obama is our ONLY true hope to lead us in the right direction...he is young...fresh....has not been in Washington long enough to truly be a part of the corrupt wheels..and has some strong progressive ideas.

I know alot will say "progressive" is nice term for socialist but socialism is not a bad thing, capitalism greases the wheels of the rich and has over time created the very class wars and greed many deplore.

Spreading the wealth is not a bad thing, for far too long the rich have been spreading the wealth among themselves and making their already fat wallets even fatter! not all people who make under 100 grand a year and far less than that are lazy welfare people, we struggle day after day and year after year in minimum wage jobs so we can keep roofs over our heads, we can not afford the outrageous costs of college in efforts to better ourselves WHICH we want to do.

Its time for fresh new ideas, the old sure isnt working!

Well ... that didn't help much, but .... English classes are you friend, too. When you are old enough to get into college - you might want to check it out. :D
Thanks SOOOOO much for your corrections to my can I EVER THANK YOU! my high school education only gets me so far I guess. Sorry I can't afford the 5 grand a semester to go to college, my bad!
Oh and by the way, I am more than old enough to go to college, in fact I spent 2 years in college but had to stop because I couldn't afford it, I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth!
You know, I was thinking the other day about Palin's first, very first speech where she said the women of america aren't done voting yet and we'll break through that glass ceiling.

It sounds to me now, with the hindsight of seeing her try to appeal to base emotions like fear and rage, at rallies, that she has been appealing to anger from day one. Nice.
You know, I was thinking the other day about Palin's first, very first speech where she said the women of america aren't done voting yet and we'll break through that glass ceiling.

It sounds to me now, with the hindsight of seeing her try to appeal to base emotions like fear and rage, at rallies, that she has been appealing to anger from day one. Nice.

I think thats why "the polls" show so many woman moving towards Obama, Woman are showing their not stupid and wont sell out their vote just to get a woman in office if they dont agree with her views.

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