McCain calls the Tea Party "hobbits"


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Washington (CNN) - On the same day that House Speaker John Boehner told Republicans to "Get your asses in line" and support his debt ceiling proposal, Sen. John McCain also blasted fellow Republicans.

In a Senate floor speech laced with sarcasm and stings, the Arizona Republican aimed especially harsh fire at the tea party Wednesday.

McCain said the movement is "foolish" to think a balanced budget amendment could pass before the August 2 deadline. At one point, McCain read from an op-ed in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal. That article referred to activists as "tea party hobbits" – the little people who inhabit Middle-earth in the Lord of the Rings series.

McCain – 2008's Republican presidential nominee – also blasted as "bizarre" an idea supported by current GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, though McCain did not mention her by name.

McCain refers to ‘tea party hobbits,’ blasts Bachmann-backed idea – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Washington (CNN) - On the same day that House Speaker John Boehner told Republicans to "Get your asses in line" and support his debt ceiling proposal, Sen. John McCain also blasted fellow Republicans.

In a Senate floor speech laced with sarcasm and stings, the Arizona Republican aimed especially harsh fire at the tea party Wednesday.

McCain said the movement is "foolish" to think a balanced budget amendment could pass before the August 2 deadline. At one point, McCain read from an op-ed in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal. That article referred to activists as "tea party hobbits" – the little people who inhabit Middle-earth in the Lord of the Rings series.

McCain – 2008's Republican presidential nominee – also blasted as "bizarre" an idea supported by current GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, though McCain did not mention her by name.

McCain refers to ‘tea party hobbits,’ blasts Bachmann-backed idea – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I just find it so comical you guys now quote McCain. As if he were a conservative no less.
Then you continue to promote his lie about when The tea party expects the amendment vote by august second.

I love the desperation of the establishment. Dem and reps alike.
You people have all lost your minds.

OMG.. I can't wait till '12. You're all going to be on suicide watch. Please seek help.
FUCK MCCAIN!! Oh and FUCK MCCAIN!! He's the reason we have this awful Community Organizer mess. One of the worst Presidential Candidates in History. No one knows where he stands on anything. So let me just add...FUCK MCCAIN!!!
McCain hasn't had a good idea since he bailed out over VietNam.

But he knows extremist idiocy when he sees it.

I just find it so comical you guys now quote McCain. As if he were a conservative no less.

He was your presidential nominee in 2008, whom else are they going to quote?
Then you continue to promote his lie about when The tea party expects the amendment vote by august second.

They do expect it to derail any compromise/solution resulting in default, as planned.
McCain hasn't had a good idea since he bailed out over VietNam.

But he knows extremist idiocy when he sees it.

I just find it so comical you guys now quote McCain. As if he were a conservative no less.

He was your presidential nominee in 2008, whom else are they going to quote?
Then you continue to promote his lie about when The tea party expects the amendment vote by august second.

They do expect it to derail any compromise/solution resulting in default, as planned.

Why would they expect derailment unless they know the democrats have no use for balancing anything. They wont allow any one touching SS or medicare unless they are raiding the funds.

I support the tea party. Plus I havent seen a reasonable argument against holding the spending line. Take the hit now instead of the bullet later. Its that simple.
I don't trust John McCain. Never did. And I wouldn't take this Socialist/Progressive praise of him all that seriously either. They're just using the poor old man like they always have. These same jerks smeared the poor guy relentlessly in the last Election. Now they're suddenly praising him? Yea just don't trust them or McCain and you'll be on the right track.
FUCK MCCAIN!! Oh and FUCK MCCAIN!! He's the reason we have this awful Community Organizer mess. One of the worst Presidential Candidates in History. No one knows where he stands on anything. So let me just add...FUCK MCCAIN!!!

seems someone soured that sweet creamy nougat
Washington (CNN) - On the same day that House Speaker John Boehner told Republicans to "Get your asses in line" and support his debt ceiling proposal, Sen. John McCain also blasted fellow Republicans.

In a Senate floor speech laced with sarcasm and stings, the Arizona Republican aimed especially harsh fire at the tea party Wednesday.

McCain said the movement is "foolish" to think a balanced budget amendment could pass before the August 2 deadline. At one point, McCain read from an op-ed in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal. That article referred to activists as "tea party hobbits" – the little people who inhabit Middle-earth in the Lord of the Rings series.

McCain – 2008's Republican presidential nominee – also blasted as "bizarre" an idea supported by current GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, though McCain did not mention her by name.

McCain refers to ‘tea party hobbits,’ blasts Bachmann-backed idea – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Time for her to write a scathing e-mail back to him....making sure that copies are sent out to other members of Congress. Particularly since he did these things when she was not in the room.
believe what we have here with the Tea Baggers and the GOP is called a splinter organization. I new the GOP and the Tea Baggers would implode after making sweet,sweet love last November. Hahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhaahaha.
Reid wil be the only one left standing with a budget deal, but it was entertaing to see the split deepen.
Washington (CNN) - On the same day that House Speaker John Boehner told Republicans to "Get your asses in line" and support his debt ceiling proposal, Sen. John McCain also blasted fellow Republicans.

In a Senate floor speech laced with sarcasm and stings, the Arizona Republican aimed especially harsh fire at the tea party Wednesday.

McCain said the movement is "foolish" to think a balanced budget amendment could pass before the August 2 deadline. At one point, McCain read from an op-ed in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal. That article referred to activists as "tea party hobbits" – the little people who inhabit Middle-earth in the Lord of the Rings series.

McCain – 2008's Republican presidential nominee – also blasted as "bizarre" an idea supported by current GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, though McCain did not mention her by name.

McCain refers to ‘tea party hobbits,’ blasts Bachmann-backed idea – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Time for her to write a scathing e-mail back to him....making sure that copies are sent out to other members of Congress. Particularly since he did these things when she was not in the room.

Almost as fun as watching, "Cheaters"
As if the tea party cares what the RINO who lost the whitehouse thinks about anything.

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