Maybe there is some hope of Europe not becoming Eura bia!


Apr 22, 2007
Geert Wilders leads Dutch polls

Britain's controversial ban on the anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders has pushed his Freedom Party into the lead for the first time, according to Dutch opinion polls.
Geert Wilders leads Dutch polls - Telegraph

I think this is a clear sign that the people of Europe are getting fed up with the Muslims desire to make Europe into an extension of the Middle East!
If Europeans want to stop the conversion, they better start making babies.

That is not going to change in this economy! But over-populating countries are not the answer to a demographic threat! Ask the Chinese, Japanese and Indians!
start making babies... yea, I guess a zionist WOULD be a demographics-monger.

I find it hilarious that those who have no problem with EuroSRAEL-izing Europe are so quick to cry about muslims in Europe. for real, dude... your kind of hatred should have died out by now.
start making babies... yea, I guess a zionist WOULD be a demographics-monger.

I find it hilarious that those who have no problem with EuroSRAEL-izing Europe are so quick to cry about muslims in Europe. for real, dude... your kind of hatred should have died out by now.

"EuroSRAEL-izing Europe" :lol:

dude, jews integrated into Europe: that is what happened. Jews in europe don't make their own laws that contradict western laws, they don't attack religious groups, they don't persecute people who abandon their religion and embrace a western-like lifestyle, they have proved that they re a big asset to the western society (Einstein being the biggest example of this). Today you don't see the difference between a European jew and a native european, they are as integrated as it gets. Of course their are still religious jews, but they have been a good example of a peaceful & tolerant religion in europe and that is not something that we could say about the muslims in europe.

Muslims have already left a very bad image of them in Europe (especially after the cartoons and other riots they committed), jews have a very good image in Europe: it is as simple as that.
you clearly didn't read the article I posted yesterday from the Jpost about ASSIMILATION being more dangerous to jews than antisemitism. Not that I'm really shocked.
I haven't read your responses, because I like to keep you on the ignore list.

But I can only imagine. "Fuck you Jew this. Fuck you Jewish racist that. Damn Zionist conspiracy to control the world."
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oh hay... looky.. a zionist jew crying about ignorant generalizations WITH ignorant generalizations! It doesn't get any RICHER THAN THAT, folks!

But you can only "image"? English sure is antisemitic, isn't it, killer?
ps.. Hey munin, when you get done gobbling some jewish cock feel free to discover why evidence trumps knee jerk zionism..

European rabbis decry threat of assimilation

The Rabbinical Center of Europe's Rabbinical Authority will host a conference of more than 300 European rabbis in Paris on Monday, amid growing concern over the accelerating assimilation of the continent's Jews.

The Rabbinical Authority brings together the chief rabbis of Europe every six months. At the last meeting in September, the rabbis concluded that the biggest danger to European Jewry was assimilation, which has already finished off many Jewish communities, its gravity far outweighing both the threats of anti-Semitism and terrorism.

The rate of assimilation in Europe is now more than 50 percent, "a disastrous reality," spokesman Asher Gold said on Sunday.

The Rabbinical Center hopes to combat assimilation by opening a wider discussion with rabbis on the importance of maintaining the Jewish family unit. The group has for years been working to reduce the effects of assimilation by promoting the modern Jewish family. For example, it operates 25 mikvaot (ritual baths) and provides publications in many languages to instruct rabbis in how to sustain families and communities.

European rabbis decry threat of assimilation | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post

So much for...


dude, jews integrated into Europe: that is what happened. Jews in europe don't make their own laws that contradict western laws, they don't attack religious groups, they don't persecute people who abandon their religion and embrace a western-like lifestyle, they have proved that they re a big asset to the western society (Einstein being the biggest example of this). Today you don't see the difference between a European jew and a native european

Now show Ghook your big Ohh face and maybe he'll treat your goyim ass to some reach around action.
ps.. Hey munin, when you get done gobbling some jewish cock feel free to discover why evidence trumps knee jerk zionism..

European rabbis decry threat of assimilation

The Rabbinical Center of Europe's Rabbinical Authority will host a conference of more than 300 European rabbis in Paris on Monday, amid growing concern over the accelerating assimilation of the continent's Jews.

The Rabbinical Authority brings together the chief rabbis of Europe every six months. At the last meeting in September, the rabbis concluded that the biggest danger to European Jewry was assimilation, which has already finished off many Jewish communities, its gravity far outweighing both the threats of anti-Semitism and terrorism.

The rate of assimilation in Europe is now more than 50 percent, "a disastrous reality," spokesman Asher Gold said on Sunday.

The Rabbinical Center hopes to combat assimilation by opening a wider discussion with rabbis on the importance of maintaining the Jewish family unit. The group has for years been working to reduce the effects of assimilation by promoting the modern Jewish family. For example, it operates 25 mikvaot (ritual baths) and provides publications in many languages to instruct rabbis in how to sustain families and communities.

European rabbis decry threat of assimilation | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post

So much for...


dude, jews integrated into Europe: that is what happened. Jews in europe don't make their own laws that contradict western laws, they don't attack religious groups, they don't persecute people who abandon their religion and embrace a western-like lifestyle, they have proved that they re a big asset to the western society (Einstein being the biggest example of this). Today you don't see the difference between a European jew and a native european

Now show Ghook your big Ohh face and maybe he'll treat your goyim ass to some reach around action.

My "big Ohh face". :lol:
sorry mate, I ll have to disappoint you I didn't have my "ohh face" on when I red your post.

What is your point? A conservative rabbi, crying about how integrated jews are? :lol: This is exactly what my point is: that the majority of jews are very integrated (and I believe it is a lot more then 50%, I wouldn't be surprised if it was even higher then 60 or 70% jews).

OK you could say there are some conservative rabbis that still have conservative values, but the fact is that these values he spoke of don't contradict western values. He is very similar to the priests of European religions like catholicism who are crying about how western people that are no longer conservative and about how families in the western society have become less important. You ll find conservative Catholics saying the same thing about the "catholic families" and the Catholic values and traditions. The issue is that these conservative Jewish values and traditions do not contradict western values and traditions.

This assimilation the rabbi talks about is something that happened already decades ago. Why do you think hitler needed to make yellow-stars to identify jews? Why do you think it is possible that their were jews in the highest ranks of the nazi german military (even hitler was a jew, according to one rumor)?
So much for ... your post
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What is your point? A conservative rabbi, crying about how integrated jews are? :lol: This is exactly what my point is: that the majority of jews are very integrated (and I believe it is a lot more then 50%, I wouldn't be surprised if it was more then 60 or 70%).
Great point! I would say that 100% of reform and conservative Jews assimulate to the country they are in rather and they make up probably 90-95% of the Jews outside of Israel. Most Jews that aren't Orthodox or living in Israel speak only the native tough of their lands. Judaism is and has never been a predatory religion, so it has never tried to force its beliefs on anyone.

OK you could say there are some conservative rabbis that still have conservative values, but the fact is that his values don't contradict western values. He is very similar to the priests of European religions like catholicism who are crying about how western people that are no longer conservative and about how families in the western society have become less important. You ll find conservative Catholics saying the same thing about the "catholic families" and the Catholic values and traditions. The issue is that these conservative Jewish values and traditions do not contradict western values and traditions.
Some might preach Kosher eating or recognizing the Sabath, but besides that its most Jews are indistinguishable from the country they are in.
Maybe you should read the article again. If you think this is just the single intent of an INDIVIDUAL rabbi then, clearly, the length you'll go to polish the turd knows no bounds. To say that jews in Europe are wholly integrated into dominant cultures is a fucking joke. I that WERE the case then we'd have seen exactly what the above article suggests is so threatening: the assimilation from an exclusive culture into a common national inclusive culture.

But hey.. you'll ignore gravity if you thought it were critical of a jew so...

Deuteronomy 7:3-4 (American Standard Version)

3 neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.

4 For he will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of Jehovah be kindled against you, and he will destroy thee quickly. - Passage Lookup: Deuteronomy 7:3-4

Traditional Judaism does not permit interfaith marriages. The Torah states that the children of such marriages would be lost to Judaism (Deut. 7:3-4), and experience has shown the truth of this passage all too well. Children of intermarriage are rarely raised Jewish; they are normally raised Christian or non-religious. This may reflect the fact that Jews who intermarry are not deeply committed to their religion in the first place (if they were, why would they marry someone who did not share it?), but the statistics are sufficiently alarming to be a matter of great concern to the Jewish community. The 1990 National Jewish Population Survey (NJPS) performed by the Council of Jewish Federations found that only 28% of the children of intermarriage today are being raised Jewish and the majority of converts out of Judaism are children of intermarriage. One Orthodox Jew I know went so far as to state that intermarriage is accomplishing what Hitler could not: the destruction of the Jewish people. That is an extreme view, but it vividly illustrates how seriously many Jews take the issue of intermarriage.

Judaism - Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews

And yet--as Weiss points out--Judaism does countenance formal discrimination against the intermarried. Jews married to non-Jews may not be ordained as Conservative or Orthodox rabbis. They can't hold certain executive positions at Conservative or Orthodox synagogues. The children of non-Jewish mothers are barred from some aspects of religious education. (Conservative and Orthodox Judaism are matrilineal; for complicated reasons having to do with the conditions of life in medieval Jewish ghettoes, these Jews consider religious identity to be passed along through the mother, so all children of Jewish mothers are technically Jewish.)
Racism, Schmacism: Opposing Intermarriage - Judith Shulevitz - Slate Magazine

How can grandparents make their interfaith grandkids more Jewish?

The program, designed for all the movements, was not a sure-fire bet. Intermarriage is a highly controversial subject in Jewish circles, and of all the movements? rabbis, only those who are Reform and Reconstructionist are permitted to perform interfaith nuptials. "It's a traditional Conservative synagogue in its liturgy," Kurowski said, referring to her synagogue, VBS. "So we weren't sure how many takers we'd get."
How can grandparents make their interfaith grandkids more Jewish? - Haaretz - Israel News
start making babies... yea, I guess a zionist WOULD be a demographics-monger.

I find it hilarious that those who have no problem with EuroSRAEL-izing Europe are so quick to cry about muslims in Europe. for real, dude... your kind of hatred should have died out by now.

Look you stupid ass; Muslims have already made their intentions clear. They've directly told Europeans that they are going to take over, which they will, based on the current demographics, and that when they do, they will change the laws as they see fit.

I don't give a shit how demographics change as far as people's ethnicity is concerned, but when there is any group of people who openly tell us their goal is to destroy a system that allows for personal freedoms, so they can force their backward way and beliefs upon us, then you're damned right I'm concerned and will do whatever I can to make people aware so they will fight this before it's too late.

You always state how you'll fight them if and when they try to take away your freedoms. Well, it's not that far off in Europe. And you, as an atheist, will be one of their first targets, but you're too damn stupid to realize that. Either that, or you actually are a Muslim. That would truly explain your bullshit rants against anything and everything non-Muslim and blind support of Muslims throughout the world, not to mention your outright hatred of Jews.
start making babies... yea, I guess a zionist WOULD be a demographics-monger.

I find it hilarious that those who have no problem with EuroSRAEL-izing Europe are so quick to cry about muslims in Europe. for real, dude... your kind of hatred should have died out by now.

"EuroSRAEL-izing Europe" :lol:

dude, jews integrated into Europe: that is what happened. Jews in europe don't make their own laws that contradict western laws, they don't attack religious groups, they don't persecute people who abandon their religion and embrace a western-like lifestyle, they have proved that they re a big asset to the western society (Einstein being the biggest example of this). Today you don't see the difference between a European jew and a native european, they are as integrated as it gets. Of course their are still religious jews, but they have been a good example of a peaceful & tolerant religion in europe and that is not something that we could say about the muslims in europe.

Muslims have already left a very bad image of them in Europe (especially after the cartoons and other riots they committed), jews have a very good image in Europe: it is as simple as that.

Discussing reality with Shogun is a waste of time. He's a Jew hater and Muslim lover who wants to see the entire world under Muslim theocratic rule. He's a Muslim, so his viewpoint will never change. If he's not a Muslim, then he's missing half of his brain cells.
ps.. Hey munin, when you get done gobbling some jewish cock feel free to discover why evidence trumps knee jerk zionism..

European rabbis decry threat of assimilation

The Rabbinical Center of Europe's Rabbinical Authority will host a conference of more than 300 European rabbis in Paris on Monday, amid growing concern over the accelerating assimilation of the continent's Jews.

The Rabbinical Authority brings together the chief rabbis of Europe every six months. At the last meeting in September, the rabbis concluded that the biggest danger to European Jewry was assimilation, which has already finished off many Jewish communities, its gravity far outweighing both the threats of anti-Semitism and terrorism.

The rate of assimilation in Europe is now more than 50 percent, "a disastrous reality," spokesman Asher Gold said on Sunday.

The Rabbinical Center hopes to combat assimilation by opening a wider discussion with rabbis on the importance of maintaining the Jewish family unit. The group has for years been working to reduce the effects of assimilation by promoting the modern Jewish family. For example, it operates 25 mikvaot (ritual baths) and provides publications in many languages to instruct rabbis in how to sustain families and communities.

European rabbis decry threat of assimilation | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post

So much for...


dude, jews integrated into Europe: that is what happened. Jews in europe don't make their own laws that contradict western laws, they don't attack religious groups, they don't persecute people who abandon their religion and embrace a western-like lifestyle, they have proved that they re a big asset to the western society (Einstein being the biggest example of this). Today you don't see the difference between a European jew and a native european

Now show Ghook your big Ohh face and maybe he'll treat your goyim ass to some reach around action.

We already know you are this stupid Shogun. The article is discussing the fact that many Jews are forgetting their own faith and becoming secularists. Their concern is that the Jewish community is dying off. All they wish to do is stregthen the Jewish family and heritage. This isn't about converting Europe to Judaism idiot.
start making babies... yea, I guess a zionist WOULD be a demographics-monger.

I find it hilarious that those who have no problem with EuroSRAEL-izing Europe are so quick to cry about muslims in Europe. for real, dude... your kind of hatred should have died out by now.

Look you stupid ass; Muslims have already made their intentions clear. They've directly told Europeans that they are going to take over, which they will, based on the current demographics, and that when they do, they will change the laws as they see fit.

I don't give a shit how demographics change as far as people's ethnicity is concerned, but when there is any group of people who openly tell us their goal is to destroy a system that allows for personal freedoms, so they can force their backward way and beliefs upon us, then you're damned right I'm concerned and will do whatever I can to make people aware so they will fight this before it's too late.

You always state how you'll fight them if and when they try to take away your freedoms. Well, it's not that far off in Europe. And you, as an atheist, will be one of their first targets, but you're too damn stupid to realize that. Either that, or you actually are a Muslim. That would truly explain your bullshit rants against anything and everything non-Muslim and blind support of Muslims throughout the world, not to mention your outright hatred of Jews.

Why don't you go ahead and post your evidence regarding Muslims taking over Europe?

Go ahead... I'll wait...

Hell, when did it become HATRED OF JEWS to quote their cultural beliefs? Poor guy.. are you running out of Scarlet A's?

Now, about that DECLARATION OF TAKE OVER....
Maybe you should read the article again. If you think this is just the single intent of an INDIVIDUAL rabbi then, clearly, the length you'll go to polish the turd knows no bounds. To say that jews in Europe are wholly integrated into dominant cultures is a fucking joke. I that WERE the case then we'd have seen exactly what the above article suggests is so threatening: the assimilation from an exclusive culture into a common national inclusive culture.

But hey.. you'll ignore gravity if you thought it were critical of a jew so...

Deuteronomy 7:3-4 (American Standard Version)

3 neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.

4 For he will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of Jehovah be kindled against you, and he will destroy thee quickly. - Passage*Lookup: Deuteronomy 7:3-4

Traditional Judaism does not permit interfaith marriages. The Torah states that the children of such marriages would be lost to Judaism (Deut. 7:3-4), and experience has shown the truth of this passage all too well. Children of intermarriage are rarely raised Jewish; they are normally raised Christian or non-religious. This may reflect the fact that Jews who intermarry are not deeply committed to their religion in the first place (if they were, why would they marry someone who did not share it?), but the statistics are sufficiently alarming to be a matter of great concern to the Jewish community. The 1990 National Jewish Population Survey (NJPS) performed by the Council of Jewish Federations found that only 28% of the children of intermarriage today are being raised Jewish and the majority of converts out of Judaism are children of intermarriage. One Orthodox Jew I know went so far as to state that intermarriage is accomplishing what Hitler could not: the destruction of the Jewish people. That is an extreme view, but it vividly illustrates how seriously many Jews take the issue of intermarriage.

Judaism - Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews

And yet--as Weiss points out--Judaism does countenance formal discrimination against the intermarried. Jews married to non-Jews may not be ordained as Conservative or Orthodox rabbis. They can't hold certain executive positions at Conservative or Orthodox synagogues. The children of non-Jewish mothers are barred from some aspects of religious education. (Conservative and Orthodox Judaism are matrilineal; for complicated reasons having to do with the conditions of life in medieval Jewish ghettoes, these Jews consider religious identity to be passed along through the mother, so all children of Jewish mothers are technically Jewish.)
Racism, Schmacism: Opposing Intermarriage - Judith Shulevitz - Slate Magazine

How can grandparents make their interfaith grandkids more Jewish?

The program, designed for all the movements, was not a sure-fire bet. Intermarriage is a highly controversial subject in Jewish circles, and of all the movements? rabbis, only those who are Reform and Reconstructionist are permitted to perform interfaith nuptials. "It's a traditional Conservative synagogue in its liturgy," Kurowski said, referring to her synagogue, VBS. "So we weren't sure how many takers we'd get."
How can grandparents make their interfaith grandkids more Jewish? - Haaretz - Israel News

It still has nothing to do with Jews trying to force their way of life or beliefs on everyone else, but again, you equate it as being such. It's like trying to convince us the 2+2=5. It never has, and it never will.
start making babies... yea, I guess a zionist WOULD be a demographics-monger.

I find it hilarious that those who have no problem with EuroSRAEL-izing Europe are so quick to cry about muslims in Europe. for real, dude... your kind of hatred should have died out by now.

"EuroSRAEL-izing Europe" :lol:

dude, jews integrated into Europe: that is what happened. Jews in europe don't make their own laws that contradict western laws, they don't attack religious groups, they don't persecute people who abandon their religion and embrace a western-like lifestyle, they have proved that they re a big asset to the western society (Einstein being the biggest example of this). Today you don't see the difference between a European jew and a native european, they are as integrated as it gets. Of course their are still religious jews, but they have been a good example of a peaceful & tolerant religion in europe and that is not something that we could say about the muslims in europe.

Muslims have already left a very bad image of them in Europe (especially after the cartoons and other riots they committed), jews have a very good image in Europe: it is as simple as that.

Discussing reality with Shogun is a waste of time. He's a Jew hater and Muslim lover who wants to see the entire world under Muslim theocratic rule. He's a Muslim, so his viewpoint will never change. If he's not a Muslim, then he's missing half of his brain cells.

is that your expert jewish opinion, killer? Hell, if the epitome of your insight I suggest you go ahead and hang up the yarmulke now. Not only am I a raging atheist but it's hilarious that you DEMAND that I talk shit on muslims instead of jews when it's the JEWS who are out making excuses for killing toddlers and throwing their ****** class behind apartheid walls in a supposed western (joke of a) democracy. Theocratic rule, indeed. If only you could charge me with criminal penalties for my posts, eh dude? Clearly, you are not swift when it comes to ironic zionism.

By all means, TALK SOME SHIT, pussy. In case you missed it, I enjoy that too. But hey, given your muslim radar and it's quickness to label anyone who doesn't fall into your zionist line...

ps.. Hey munin, when you get done gobbling some jewish cock feel free to discover why evidence trumps knee jerk zionism..

European rabbis decry threat of assimilation

The Rabbinical Center of Europe's Rabbinical Authority will host a conference of more than 300 European rabbis in Paris on Monday, amid growing concern over the accelerating assimilation of the continent's Jews.

The Rabbinical Authority brings together the chief rabbis of Europe every six months. At the last meeting in September, the rabbis concluded that the biggest danger to European Jewry was assimilation, which has already finished off many Jewish communities, its gravity far outweighing both the threats of anti-Semitism and terrorism.

The rate of assimilation in Europe is now more than 50 percent, "a disastrous reality," spokesman Asher Gold said on Sunday.

The Rabbinical Center hopes to combat assimilation by opening a wider discussion with rabbis on the importance of maintaining the Jewish family unit. The group has for years been working to reduce the effects of assimilation by promoting the modern Jewish family. For example, it operates 25 mikvaot (ritual baths) and provides publications in many languages to instruct rabbis in how to sustain families and communities.

European rabbis decry threat of assimilation | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post

So much for...


dude, jews integrated into Europe: that is what happened. Jews in europe don't make their own laws that contradict western laws, they don't attack religious groups, they don't persecute people who abandon their religion and embrace a western-like lifestyle, they have proved that they re a big asset to the western society (Einstein being the biggest example of this). Today you don't see the difference between a European jew and a native european

Now show Ghook your big Ohh face and maybe he'll treat your goyim ass to some reach around action.

We already know you are this stupid Shogun. The article is discussing the fact that many Jews are forgetting their own faith and becoming secularists. Their concern is that the Jewish community is dying off. All they wish to do is stregthen the Jewish family and heritage. This isn't about converting Europe to Judaism idiot.

I never suggested it was about CONVERTING Europe, stupid. QUOTE ME.

What i've pointed out is the exclusivity and RACISM involved with a culture that loves to point a finger at other cultures for, ironically, exclusivity and racism. Hell, i've even gone so far as to provide evidence.. Tell me, bitch, what hve YOU provided other than excuses and name calling?


standard issue zionism, lemme tellya.

ps, the article is detailing how assimilation with goy undermines the PURITY of judaism. If this were a white guy talking about his white daughter dating a jew you'd be all over it. BUT, since we know that you rely on a double standard to maintain your "jews do no wrong" opinion.... here you are making a rationalized arguement validating such racism as a worthwhile concern. I assure you, if white people had to get over interracial marriage then guess what your silly jewish ass is going to have to do regarding the exclusivity of your special little club.


start making babies... yea, I guess a zionist WOULD be a demographics-monger.

I find it hilarious that those who have no problem with EuroSRAEL-izing Europe are so quick to cry about muslims in Europe. for real, dude... your kind of hatred should have died out by now.

Muslims have already made their intentions clear. They've directly told Europeans that they are going to take over, which they will, based on the current demographics, and that when they do, they will change the laws as they see fit.

I don't give a shit how demographics change as far as people's ethnicity is concerned, but when there is any group of people who openly tell us their goal is to destroy a system that allows for personal freedoms, so they can force their backward way and beliefs upon us, then you're damned right I'm concerned and will do whatever I can to make people aware so they will fight this before it's too late.

You always state how you'll fight them if and when they try to take away your freedoms. Well, it's not that far off in Europe. And you, as an atheist, will be one of their first targets, but you're too damn stupid to realize that. Either that, or you actually are a Muslim. That would truly explain your bullshit rants against anything and everything non-Muslim and blind support of Muslims throughout the world, not to mention your outright hatred of Jews.

Why don't you go ahead and post your evidence regarding Muslims taking over Europe?

Go ahead... I'll wait...

Hell, when did it become HATRED OF JEWS to quote their cultural beliefs? Poor guy.. are you running out of Scarlet A's?

Now, about that DECLARATION OF TAKE OVER....

[ame=]YouTube - muslim riots take over Europe (Nostrodamus) - just like they took Kosovo[/ame]


Jihad Watch: Krekar claims Islam will win

[ame=]YouTube - Islams plans to dominate the World. (Islam exposed)[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - The Last Days of Europe[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Killing of Non-Muslims is Legitimate (British Mullah)[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Islamic conquest of Europe?[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Islamification of Britain[/ame]


[ame=]YouTube - Radical Islam: Terror in Its Own Words (Part II)[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Belgium - Militant Muslims[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Out of time: Radical Islam Taking Over Europe & West[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Out of time: Radical Islam Taking Over Europe & West[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Muslim intimidation of Christian church[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Brigitte Gabriel Hate preaching in mosques[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - The rise of EVIL in England - the enemy of freedom!![/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Muslim state in Europe[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Home Grown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around The U.S.[/ame]

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