Max/Lotor: The Christian Heist [DreamWorks/Tonka]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a patriotic capitalism-vignette dedicated to President Trump and inspired by the film Paycheck.

It's pseudo-political (given its capitalism-rhetoric), which is why I didn't feel completely comfy posting it in the Writing section.




Human civilization had become very 'wireless' and networking was part of commerce. The new 'avatar' for the modern era was perhaps a 'cyber-being' symbolizing civilization focus on the efficiency of technology and the portability of devices. In this arena, metaphysics had become somewhat 'ergonomic,' since people were interested in science more than art. That's why DreamWorks film-studios was making films like A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, The Time Machine, and War of the Worlds.


Two alien-humanoids from Venus, Max Sterling and Prince Lotor, rivals in the game of capitalism, decided to visit Earth and add some 'spice' into this new age mix of technology and cinema. Max and Lotor decided to work together for a change and create some intrigue regarding cyber-banking securities in America. They wanted to perform a daring online robbery and then use the media-buzz surrounding the feat to promote the American toy company Tonka Trucks so that DreamWorks studios might be inspired to make a movie about robbery-ingenuity in the age of technology and toys. Max and Lotor were very clever indeed.


Max and Lotor arrived in D.C. and met President Trump after cloaking themselves as Swedish tourists learning about capitalism. Trump told them Americans were proud of Swedish car companies, Saab and Volvo, and considered Sweden's contributions to consumerism very valuable. Max and Lotor decided to don the Internet-aliases Luigi and Mario (from the iconic Nintendo video-game franchise Super Mario Brothers). Max/Luigi and Lotor/Mario were ready to perform their online robbery.


Luigi (Max) and Mario (Lotor) hacked into the main banking network of the CIA, where employees kept private bank accounts from their government salaries/pensions. They created code-keys to 'mask' themselves as CIA agents and then withdrew over $5 million from the cyber-banking system which was otherwise quite sophisticated. You see, Max ('Luigi') and Lotor ('Mario') were very skilled with computers. They then presented the robbery profits directly to President Donald Trump and showed him the vulnerabilities in the system so the NSA's new cyber-securities division could perform the necessary upgrades/enhancements. They then told President Trump they wanted to use this 'mechanical-review' of CIA computing to promote America's love of labor-themed toys (namely, Tonka Trucks). Trump loved the idea.


Trump called Steven Spielberg, iconic film-maker tied to DreamWorks studios and told him about this daring review-feat of Max and Lotor and wanted their computing-wizardry to be the subject of a new movie for Christmas. Spielberg liked the idea, especially since Max and Lotor were using their computing-review feat to promote the consumerism appeal of industrialization-symbolic Tonka Trucks. Spielberg's new film Mario & Luigi's Cyber-Construction was a big hit, and it spawned all kinds of cyber-securities 'heist-folklore' including a nifty MTV music-video by the Beastie Boys.


MAX/LOTOR: Thanks for this interview.
CHARLIE ROSE: Your cyber-review of the CIA raised eyebrows!
MAX/LOTOR: Well, we intended it to be a patriotic media campaign.
CHARLIE ROSE: That's exactly what it became...
MAX/LOTOR: We're excited about Spielberg's new film!
CHARLIE ROSE: Did you see the Beastie Boys music-video?
MAX/LOTOR: Yes, it was very clever.
CHARLIE ROSE: So what's the link between cyber-hacking and Tonka?
MAX/LOTOR: Well, computers represent new age 'construction.'
CHARLIE ROSE: I see, and you two are like 'cyber-highway diplomats.'
MAX/LOTOR: We're priests, really.
CHARLIE ROSE: Oh, I see. What're your future plans?
MAX/LOTOR: We'll return to Sweden and retire to a monastery.
CHARLIE ROSE: Wow, that's very magnanimous of you...
MAX/LOTOR: We're admirers of capitalism.
CHARLIE ROSE: All this idealism might make a person wonder if you're aliens!
MAX/LOTOR: No, we're not aliens or angels...simply 'messengers.'
CHARLIE ROSE: I hear they're making a comic book about you.
MAX/LOTOR: Are they? That's cool!
CHARLIE ROSE: Thanks for coming in today to chat with us.
MAX/LOTOR: You can call us the Tonka Twins [TT]!


Max and Lotor returned to their home planet (Venus) where they continued to observe the capitalism-activities of humanity from there. They noted that their nifty cyber-feats and Tonka promotion inspired comic book writers on Earth to pen stories about the 'Tonka Twins' [TT] engaging with the fictional A.I. evil super-robot Devastator, a giant mechanized warrior comprised of miniature robots who transformed into deadly construction vehicles such as a laser-weaponized bulldozer. As the comics-issues of TT dealing with Devastator became popular, Max and Lotor noted to themselves that their momentary alliance proved to offer some 'excitement' regarding 'capitalism consciousness.' Max and Lotor then became rivals once again. Their inspirational experience on Earth, however, inspired them to become born-again Christians, and they started reading Lucifer Morningstar (DC Comics) stories off the Internet (which they downloaded from Venus!).






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