Max/Lotor: Christian Stalemate [Tech Values - DerbyWar]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-and-terrorism parable inspired by Titan A.E.

I didn't post it in the Writing section, since it's overly political and also dedicated to President Trump.

Cheers (signing off),


The Earth was consumed by capitalism intrigue, and a terrible global war broke out to control the problem of anti-capitalism terrorism. America was home to various 'dark cities' of pirates and profiteers suddenly looking up at the sky fearfully at a blood-red moon, worrying about terrorists from Iran striking at any moment. U.S. President Donald Trump assembled an elite unit of paramilitary crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' who contended specifically with the terrorists to save humanity.


The G.I. Joes fought for democracy and Christian values, and the terrorists they struck stood for fundamentalist Islam and sometimes radical anarchy and nothing more. The terrorists despised America's 'arrogance' over Apple and Microsoft and wanted to destroy every bastion of modern capitalism, including NASDAQ. The great Joe-War as Trump phrased it was a struggle to save civilization itself. However, the Joes could not hold back the forces of 'anarchy-lust,' and there seemed to be demons from Hell rising to 'greet' this sea of new age chaos.


A Catholic nun name Eileen decided to pray to God, requesting that a 'savior' of some kind be sent, perhaps a humanoid alien from another planet such as Venus who exhibited the necessary intelligence, wisdom, and leadership skills necessary to drive back these seemingly unrelenting forces of Hell and aid the G.I. Joes in finally bringing closure to this terrible terrorism-struggle. Eileen prayed and prayed and then hung a Halloween spirit card on her house-door, waiting for either Heaven or Hell.


Eileen's prayers were answered. A humanoid alien from Venus named Max Sterling heard Eileen's prayers. Max was a psychic who could sense the thought-patterns of substance from anywhere in the universe. Max recognized why Eileen prayed for a 'savior' who far-surpassed the terrorism-foresight of even Earth's greatest heroes and religious figures. Max realized he'd have to come to humanity's rescue and restore civilization's faith that Jesus Christ, the savior of mankind, would return to dispel any cynical thoughts of war-geared doom. Max was extremely bright.


Max arrived in a cloaked black-and-white laser-helicopter called Airwolf. He greeted President Trump at the White House and then assured the valiant G.I. Joes that a diplomat of great foresight regarding the utter turbulence of terrorism had heard the prayers of a kind Catholic nun and arrived on Earth to restore sanity so that Christian values could return to a state of global security. Max also knew that he wasn't the only 'visitor' to Earth, for this terrible terrorism-oriented 'Joe-War' as Trump phrased it had brought out some 'strangers' and 'nihilists' from the underworld who could challenge Max's 'mission.' Max kept faith in his trusted A.I. helicopter Airwolf.


Max had reason to worry, for the Prince of Darkness, an underworld nihilist leader named Lotor, had also picked up the 'signs' of this Joe-War and had arrived on Earth to exploit the terrible situation. Lotor planned to take numerous beautiful Earth-women as hostage, promising them more peaceful lives as his 'love-slaves' on his underworld dominion called Exod. Lotor sensed the presence of Max Sterling and was concerned he would not have complete autonomy in carrying out his 'plan' so he resolved to debate with Max about humanity's obsession with consumerism, commerce, toys, technology, and this terrorism 'derby-war' they had spawned. Lotor was a real nihilist.


Max and Lotor met on the roof of the Empire State Building. Lotor showed Max photographs of his glowing neon laser-bike from Exod, a bike Lotor named Nightingale. Max was impressed and immediately knew Lotor showed him the Nightingale-photo to suggest that humanity's use and obsession with juvenile technology was foolish and catalyzed this 'Joe-War.' Max complimented Lotor on his bike and agreed to debate with him about humanity's meditation on capitalism and commerce and general global traffic. Max thought Nightingale was both stunning and ominous.


MAX: Humans are humble and simply require aid.
LOTOR: They wage religious wars.
MAX: Americans believe in Jesus.
LOTOR: This 'Joe-War' will only yield a Christian stalemate!
MAX: President Trump is a believer in America's glories (e.g., Gulf War).
LOTOR: Americans' praise of 'tech-values' has only spawned a 'derby-war.'
MAX: What do you suggest? I can not refuse Eileen's prayers...
LOTOR: It's touching you're moved by the prayers of a human nun.
MAX: Well, I'm concerned about your 'plan' to 'rescue' Earth-women.
LOTOR: The Earth-women I seek to take to Exod will be my love-servants.
MAX: They may want to find reconciliation among their own species, Lotor!
LOTOR: It seems you're on some 'personal quest' for the 'magic' of governance.
MAX: Governance is vital for contemplation; I see your disgust towards terrorism.
LOTOR: Humans have resorted to terrorism, since commercial treaties have failed.
MAX: America still works closely with the World Bank and the Security Council.
LOTOR: I suggest you try to market child-like comic book figurines/hero-avatars.
MAX: That's a clever idea, Lotor; images of 'doll-heroes' will appeal to kids!
LOTOR: That's right; you should publish these hero-characters in major publications.
MAX: I'll consider the resources available to Washington and the United Nations.
LOTOR: It seems what the world needs is an uplifting 'demi-god' like Captain America.
MAX: Captain America is terrific...and so are Wonder Woman and the Justice League.
LOTOR: I like the Justice League (DC Comics), but will humanity embrace 'art' for peace?
MAX: There is much potential in negotiation; let's you and I declare a stalemate at least.
LOTOR: Yes, we seem to both agree that we're both equally 'versed' in political maneuvers.
MAX: We're both 'men on tactics,' so I'll use your comics-strategy, and you depart from Earth.
LOTOR: I'll rescind my plan to take back hostages (Earth-women) to Exod.
MAX: Thank you, Lotor; I will carry out this 'journalism-strategy' to create harmony!
LOTOR: Good. Good luck, Max...


After Max Sterling concluded his discussion/debate with Prince Lotor of Exod, he concluded that the 'stalemate' the two 'alien-visitors' to Earth conceded would compel him to efficiently carry out his mission and complete his deeds to help the G.I. Joes come to meaningful resolutions with the anti-capitalist terrorists who threatened everything. Max did just what Lotor recommended, and his delightfully simple stick-figure doodles (comics-stylized) of evil elves, spritely ninjas, super centurions, and glowing angels brought great hope to humanity and dispelled fears that terrorism would reign. This mobilization of public idealism helped the G.I. Joes deal with the pedestrian forces in Asia and the Middle East the anti-capitalist terrorists had 'recruited' to make guerrilla-warfare simply impossible to deal with (since it was hard distinguishing between terrorists and armed villagers/civilians). The Joes won the war, and Max returned to Venus, confident that humanity would see its 'dream' of making capitalism a foundation (for diarism) come true.




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