Maureen Dowd Strikes Again


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
She can't help it, she seems to hate men:

Think she has 'issues?'

Men Just Want Mommy


A few years ago at a White House Correspondents' dinner, I met a very beautiful actress. Within moments, she blurted out: "I can't believe I'm 46 and not married. Men only want to marry their personal assistants or P.R. women."

I'd been noticing a trend along these lines, as famous and powerful men took up with the young women whose job it was to tend to them and care for them in some way: their secretaries, assistants, nannies, caterers, flight attendants, researchers and fact-checkers.​
Yeah...... women may be liberated, but who the f--- wants to marry a woman that is going to constantly argue with you, try to shape you into her image like God did with Adam, try to impose an endless series of guilt trips because you weren't sensitive enough and blah blah blah........

If that's what marriage is supposed to be like, I'll get me a freaking dog or cat......

Look at the tone of the freaking M.D. article, a woman isn't married so it's a guy's fault, then if a man wants a younger woman, he's some kind of mental case, then if he wants a woman in a subordinate role, he wants a substitute mother..... in short, everything is the guy's fault. Men are by definition, lacking, stupid, impotent, insensitive, anal retentive and have bad breath, at least according to Ms. Dowd's brand of dour Dykes!

My goodness, I haven't psycho-analyzed like this since my last nervous breakdown!!!!!!! Seriously, what the freak do I need this aggravation for? Man! if Woman's liberation freed women, I have to ask to do what? Bitch constantly?!?!?!?!? Sleep around like b bunch of amateur prostitutes?????? Be dour bitches with an axe to grind when it comes to men?

Me.... I'll be a mental case and settle down someday with someone who doesn't want to make the fact that she cooks breakfast once in a while a federal case or that I'm not "nurturing enough"!

Hey Maureen..... tell you what, shut your mouth and quit trying to trick us into thinking you have something to offer, in other words.... do humanity a favor and SHUT THE F--- UP!!!!!
You shoulda heard Rush Limbaugh:


Seriously, if you're Maureen Dowd, you *know* that having a penis lowers your IQ by about 50 points and makes you a rapist.
I'm probably going to offend some ladies here on the board, but very likely, the main reason why women are in the workplace today has more to do with economics than the women's movement.

Basically, the need for workers in industry made the cost of discriminating against them unfeasible. Certainly, the laws that we have prohibit such discrimination, however, that didn't create the demand for workers. Since there was an increased demand for workers, and the supply of men was fixed, employers were forced to add women to the workforce.

At the same time, inflation and other economic factors forced married women to seek employment in order to maintain or improve their families' standard of living. Also, the number of children being born decreased and that made it less necessary for women to stay at home to take care of them.
I think whats so telling is her arrogance. She thinks people in service jobs arent as good as her. She thinks she is everyones superior and cant figure out why she cant get a good guy. It's kinda obvious why. She attracts the men who are the same quality as her. She is a lousy person so she attracts lousy men. She treats men like trash and attracts men who treat women like trash.

All and all its clear that the feminist movement is a failure. the whole premise behind it was that women could be happy without a man. MD proves that following what the feminist movement taught makes you miserable. Fact is men and women were designed to be together. men cant be happy without women (despite football and beer) and women cant be happy without men. those are the facts of life.
Avatar4321 said:
I think whats so telling is her arrogance. She thinks people in service jobs arent as good as her. She thinks she is everyones superior and cant figure out why she cant get a good guy. It's kinda obvious why. She attracts the men who are the same quality as her. She is a lousy person so she attracts lousy men. She treats men like trash and attracts men who treat women like trash.

All and all its clear that the feminist movement is a failure. the whole premise behind it was that women could be happy without a man. MD proves that following what the feminist movement taught makes you miserable. Fact is men and women were designed to be together. men cant be happy without women (despite football and beer) and women cant be happy without men. those are the facts of life.

Pretty hard for me to put down women, but in Dowd's case, it's easy. She just seems so very bitter. My guess is she would tell off a man that held a door for her. Neil Cavuto just did a 'Common Sense' piece on that sort of thing. Lots of letters from men and women, none agreed with the 'ladies.'
speaking of the "older man/younger woman" hypothesis


does the same analysis apply to lesbians?

Ellen DeGeneris (born 26 January 1958) with her girlfriend Portia de Rossi (born 31 January 1973). Let's see, that's a 16 year difference. The details of this are kind of juicy too.... I read that Ellen D kind of stole Portia from her previous girlfriend. That couldn't have happened, after all, only straight guys do things like cheat on their significant others.

I wonder what the Supreme Know-It-All has to say about this?
Avatar4321 said:
I think whats so telling is her arrogance. She thinks people in service jobs arent as good as her. She thinks she is everyones superior and cant figure out why she cant get a good guy. It's kinda obvious why. She attracts the men who are the same quality as her. She is a lousy person so she attracts lousy men. She treats men like trash and attracts men who treat women like trash.

All and all its clear that the feminist movement is a failure. the whole premise behind it was that women could be happy without a man. MD proves that following what the feminist movement taught makes you miserable. Fact is men and women were designed to be together. men cant be happy without women (despite football and beer) and women cant be happy without men. those are the facts of life.
Here's my two cents on this.....

1. It is beneath no one's dignity to serve another. In fact we all do. The CEO of a corporation serves the stock holders, the President serves the people of this country and so forth.

2. In a sense, and actually more than just "in a sense", we were all put on this Earth to serve others. That is one of the purposes of life. The mighty serve the humble and the humble serve the mighty.

3. One of the reasons some people are so bitter, dour and so forth is that they constantly have the attitude of "what's in it for me", "others should be doing things for me" and "the world and the universe is all about me". That is the thinking of a child, and people who do think that way tend to be or at least harbor an immature attitude and outlook on life.

When we let go of the constant attitude of "what's in it for me" and of the attitude that the universe revolves around us, then replace it with the fact that there is something much bigger than ourselves (some of us would call that "God", others would call that "a higher spiritual plane"), we find true peace. In short, helping others is a lot more fulfulling than trying to die with more toys than everyone else.
I think what is most telling about Dowd's articles are how often she jumps to a conclusion that always seems to end with her being a persecuted victim.

She doesn't even for a moment think about any possible reasons why successful, driven, older women don't marry other than what she considers to be the obvious choice - men are scum.

What about the fact that to make it as a successful CEO, business manager, actress, any other position of have to be willing to do what: work your ass off. That means getting another degree perhaps, like and MBA or Doctorate, long hours at the office, maintaining a professional attitude with work collegues so they take you seriously, working longer, harder, and better, than everyone else around you.

What does that leave little time for? Dating, getting to know someone, raising children, being someone's girlfriend, let alone someone's spouse.

Maureen Dowd, her rich actress friend, and others do not seem to understand that a marriage is work, not a fashion accessory...

Dowd's ability to immediately place the blame on others rather than on her own lifestyle choices is typical....and pathetic.
I would also add Gem that these women, due to their desire to "make it in life" finally end up wanting to get married when it is too late to have children. That right there makes them unlikely candidates for most men as most men want children. JMHO
I agree with you completely, Infidel.

The Womens Movement sold women on the idea that they could "have it all." A successful and high profile job, kids who adored them, a husband who was handsome and (not as) successful...and time to spare for themselves...

When they find out that marriage is hard because they are trying to find a husband in their late 30's and 40's...and many of the men who wanted families started them with the women who were interested in that sort of thing in their mid-20's...

When they find out that, although married (or deciding to have children on their own because men aren't around), having children is difficult, infertility rates are high, and their chances of having a child with mental or phyical handicapps is greatly raised...

When they find out that the children they did have are a) using drugs b) having sex or c) hate them...they are confused...having ignored the studies that show that children who are left alone while parents are working are drastically more likely to do worse in school, have sex at a much younger age, and experiment with drugs at a much higher rate than children who have parental supervision...

When they realize that between their highly important jobs, marriages, children, housework (if they haven't hired people for this), they don't have time for weekly trips to the spa, time for 2 hour long bubble baths...or even 15 minutes just to clear their heads...

Then they rage at men, at everyone and everything accept the womens lib movement who sold them on the idea that they could have everything...and themselves for buying it.
Gem said:
I agree with you completely, Infidel.

The Womens Movement sold women on the idea that they could "have it all." A successful and high profile job, kids who adored them, a husband who was handsome and (not as) successful...and time to spare for themselves...

When they find out that marriage is hard because they are trying to find a husband in their late 30's and 40's...and many of the men who wanted families started them with the women who were interested in that sort of thing in their mid-20's...

When they find out that, although married (or deciding to have children on their own because men aren't around), having children is difficult, infertility rates are high, and their chances of having a child with mental or phyical handicapps is greatly raised...

When they find out that the children they did have are a) using drugs b) having sex or c) hate them...they are confused...having ignored the studies that show that children who are left alone while parents are working are drastically more likely to do worse in school, have sex at a much younger age, and experiment with drugs at a much higher rate than children who have parental supervision...

When they realize that between their highly important jobs, marriages, children, housework (if they haven't hired people for this), they don't have time for weekly trips to the spa, time for 2 hour long bubble baths...or even 15 minutes just to clear their heads...

Then they rage at men, at everyone and everything accept the womens lib movement who sold them on the idea that they could have everything...and themselves for buying it.

well put!
KarlMarx said:
Yeah...... women may be liberated, but who the f--- wants to marry a woman that is going to constantly argue with you, try to shape you into her image like God did with Adam, try to impose an endless series of guilt trips because you weren't sensitive enough and blah blah blah........

If that's what marriage is supposed to be like, I'll get me a freaking dog or cat......

Look at the tone of the freaking M.D. article, a woman isn't married so it's a guy's fault, then if a man wants a younger woman, he's some kind of mental case, then if he wants a woman in a subordinate role, he wants a substitute mother..... in short, everything is the guy's fault. Men are by definition, lacking, stupid, impotent, insensitive, anal retentive and have bad breath, at least according to Ms. Dowd's brand of dour Dykes!

My goodness, I haven't psycho-analyzed like this since my last nervous breakdown!!!!!!! Seriously, what the freak do I need this aggravation for? Man! if Woman's liberation freed women, I have to ask to do what? Bitch constantly?!?!?!?!? Sleep around like b bunch of amateur prostitutes?????? Be dour bitches with an axe to grind when it comes to men?

Me.... I'll be a mental case and settle down someday with someone who doesn't want to make the fact that she cooks breakfast once in a while a federal case or that I'm not "nurturing enough"!

Hey Maureen..... tell you what, shut your mouth and quit trying to trick us into thinking you have something to offer, in other words.... do humanity a favor and SHUT THE F--- UP!!!!!

Maureen Dowd is one of those women that can't decide which reason she will use for the demise of the feminist movement, so she is trying a few out to see which ones float. My belief is that feminism as early feminists defined it is what women today find repellent, such as this notion that if you as a woman decide to stay home and raise a family you have no depth, culture, or anything substantial to offer society, that somehow you have been duped and enslaved by men in the quest to have a happy marriage, raise moral happy children, and yes even persue beauty. what they fail to understand is real feminism comes from having the self confidence to make whatever choice you wish in life whether it be family, or career, or both, and do the very best you can in either.

The only point I can see in her article that strikes a cord with me, and she misses the mark totally, is that Hollywood is portraying what she asserts.... real life does not reflect this. It is Hollywood that portrays flakey married people having flakey affairs , because they think that's what society is actually doing, or they think it makes for more interesting drama?

Personally the caretaking in a marriage should be a two way street.......You massage my back and then Ill do yours......seems pretty easy and sensical to me. Sometimes men AND women need to be reminded of that, definately not a gender specific problem.

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