Matt Gaetz headed to Wyoming to rally Trumpists against Liz Cheney


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Rep Matt Gaetz, a member of the sedition caucus, is heading to Wyoming to rally Trumpers against Liz Cheney.

Matt Gaetz is the perfect Trumper for this job. Like Trump, Matt Gaetz wears more makeup than RuPaul, and like Trumper Jerry Falwell, Jr. he has a relationship with a pool boy. A 19 year old pool boy he has allegedly “adopted.” I expect these Wyo”mans” to jump in the saddle with Matt.


For the record, I am no fan of Liz Cheney though I give her major kudos for standing up for her country.
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Rep Matt Gaetz, a member of the sedition caucus, is heading to Wyoming to rally Trumpers against Liz Cheney.

Matt Gaetz is the perfect Trumper for this job. Like Trump, Matt Gaetz wears more makeup than RuPaul, and like Trumper Jerry Falwell, Jr. he has a relationship with a pool boy. A 19 year old pool boy he has allegedly “adopted.” I expect these Wyo”mans” to jump in the saddle with Matt.

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For the record, I am no fan of Liz Cheney though I give her major kudos for standing up for her country.
He bringing his pool boy?

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