Matt Damon has an epiphany


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Bed wetter Matt Damon is all upset after figuring out his moonbat messiah is a fascist pig.

If an idiot like Matt can figure it out, maybe there's hope for at least one of the bed wetters here.

Matt Damon: Obama 'Broke Up With Me'

"There are a lot of things that I really question – the legality of the drone strikes, these NSA revelations. Jimmy Carter came out and said we don’t live in a democracy. That’s a little intense when an ex-president says that. So you know, he’s got some explaining to do, particularly for a constitutional law professor."

When asked his opinion of the President's second term, Damon chuckled and said, "He broke up with me."

Obviously Carter should have taken an elementary civics lesson before running for the presidency. He might not have been such a dismal failure if he knew we HAVE NEVER BEEN A DEMOCRACY.

We have been a Republic since the US Constitution was ratified and created this country.

Waiting for the bed wetters to insist we are a democracy in...



Matt Damon's complaint is that Obama is not liberal enough. Not surprising coming from someone who is in a new movie with a very liberal slant.

Basically, the plot of the movie is about what happens when John Galt takes away all the producers after the negative externalities of their businesses have completely poisoned the planet, and they move to Galt's Gulch in orbit around Earth, leaving all the moochers and leeches behind. One of the moochers (Matt Damon) gets sick and invades Libertopia in order to get access to the magic MacGuffin healing machine, righteously smashing in the faces of the idle rich in the process.
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So you're saying liberals don't all support Obama 100% despite what the right says about "obamabots" and messiahs?

Republicans have been wrong all this time? Nooooooooooo
Matt Damon's complaint is that Obama is not liberal enough. Not surprising coming from someone who is in a new movie with a very liberal slant.

Basically, the plot of the movie is about what happens when John Galt takes away all the producers after the negative externalities of their businesses have completely poisoned the plante, and they move to Galt's Gulch in orbit around Earth, leaving all the moochers and leeches behind. One of the moochers (Matt Damon) gets sick and invades Libertopia in order to get access to the magic MacGuffin healing machine, righteously smashing in the faces of the idle rich in the process.

He's a Mama's boy so I would expect a tear drop or two every so often.
Bed wetter Matt Damon is all upset after figuring out his moonbat messiah is a fascist pig.

If an idiot like Matt can figure it out, maybe there's hope for at least one of the bed wetters here.

Matt Damon: Obama 'Broke Up With Me'

"There are a lot of things that I really question – the legality of the drone strikes, these NSA revelations. Jimmy Carter came out and said we don’t live in a democracy. That’s a little intense when an ex-president says that. So you know, he’s got some explaining to do, particularly for a constitutional law professor."

When asked his opinion of the President's second term, Damon chuckled and said, "He broke up with me."

Obviously Carter should have taken an elementary civics lesson before running for the presidency. He might not have been such a dismal failure if he knew we HAVE NEVER BEEN A DEMOCRACY.

We have been a Republic since the US Constitution was ratified and created this country.

Waiting for the bed wetters to insist we are a democracy in...




Carter was an awful president. He was a chicken, a phony and an America hater who could never wait long enough to go abroad and bash America.

Drive around in Plains, GE. You will see everything is Carter there. High School, post office (with a sign saying "Don't even think about parking here" in front), stores, offices, library, gas station, everything named after the most pathetic and most egotistical little nobody ever to occupy the White House.

Sadly, Obama is Carter on steroids.
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So you're saying liberals don't all support Obama 100% despite what the right says about "obamabots" and messiahs?

Republicans have been wrong all this time? Nooooooooooo

As if bed wetters like you don't defend obozo regardless of how egregious his acts are, or how incompetent he appears to the rest of the world?

Just because some mindless, insane, rich actor boob pisses and moans because your messiah isn't Marxist enough for him doesn't take anything away from the fact that all you bed wetters on this forum defend obozo against all odds.

You assholes even defend him from the attacks of the rich actor boobs. You're worse than zealots, your devotion deserves a new definition.

I'll have to consult with Webster's on this. Jim Jones couldn't find a cult dumber than you assholes.
Bed wetter Matt Damon is all upset after figuring out his moonbat messiah is a fascist pig.

If an idiot like Matt can figure it out, maybe there's hope for at least one of the bed wetters here.

Matt Damon: Obama 'Broke Up With Me'

"There are a lot of things that I really question – the legality of the drone strikes, these NSA revelations. Jimmy Carter came out and said we don’t live in a democracy. That’s a little intense when an ex-president says that. So you know, he’s got some explaining to do, particularly for a constitutional law professor."

When asked his opinion of the President's second term, Damon chuckled and said, "He broke up with me."

Obviously Carter should have taken an elementary civics lesson before running for the presidency. He might not have been such a dismal failure if he knew we HAVE NEVER BEEN A DEMOCRACY.

We have been a Republic since the US Constitution was ratified and created this country.

Waiting for the bed wetters to insist we are a democracy in...




Carter was an awful president. He was a chicken, a phony and an America hater who could never wait long enough to go abroad and bash America.

Drive around in Plains, GE. You will see everything is Carter there. High School, post office (with a sign saying "Don't even think about parking here" in front), stores, offices, library, gas station, everything named after the most pathetic and most egotistical little nobody ever to occupy the White House.

Sadly, Obama is Carter on steroids.

Where is this parking spot exactly? Can you post coordinates? I need to take a piss real bad.
Matt Damon: Snowden Did 'Great Thing' for Country

Monday, 26 Aug 2013 03:49 PM

By Dan Weil

"He certainly seemed like a very conscientious guy," Damon said in an interview with Husam Asi of the BBC Arabic TV show "Alternative Cinema."

"I think it’s a great thing he did," Damon said. "These revelations are pretty incredible and pretty shocking and fly in the face of public statements all these officials have made."


Matt Damon: Snowden Did 'Great Thing' for Country
It's quite a spectacle to see the throng of USMB rightwing nuts clamoring to get to the left of President Obama on,

of all things,

national security issues. lol, anything to be able to disagree with Obama and roll out a little more ODS.
Bed wetter Matt Damon is all upset after figuring out his moonbat messiah is a fascist pig.

If an idiot like Matt can figure it out, maybe there's hope for at least one of the bed wetters here.

Matt Damon: Obama 'Broke Up With Me'

"There are a lot of things that I really question – the legality of the drone strikes, these NSA revelations. Jimmy Carter came out and said we don’t live in a democracy. That’s a little intense when an ex-president says that. So you know, he’s got some explaining to do, particularly for a constitutional law professor."

When asked his opinion of the President's second term, Damon chuckled and said, "He broke up with me."

Obviously Carter should have taken an elementary civics lesson before running for the presidency. He might not have been such a dismal failure if he knew we HAVE NEVER BEEN A DEMOCRACY.

We have been a Republic since the US Constitution was ratified and created this country.

Do you have incontinence issues? You seem to mention bed wetting with conspicuous frequency. You should see your doctor about that.

Also, we were a country before the US Constitution was ratified, soggy britches.
And if Obama could run again Damon would be licking his boots.

Now that he got the failure elected he wants to hedge his bet, that is all.

He knows that the drone program as run by Obama is wrong, very wrong. So he supports Obama when it was required now he wants to sooth his conscience, very liberal.

And no, killing people in the ME from a bunker in Nevada is not right of conservatives it is all liberal it is all Obama.
There is an eery similarity:

Reagan was a Democrat, but when he got his brains together he realized that the Democratic Party left him.

Matt Damon is a Democrat, who - perhaps - got his brains together and realizes that Obama divorced him.

In his days and pretty much always, Ronald Reagan was considered to be a B-actor.
No one could ever consider Matt Damon anything more than a B-actor.

Maybe someday Matt Damon will be President.
J. Earl Carter ought to kiss Barry's ass everyday for the generous Get Out of Jail card he's dealt the Athens loser. Just think how many books he won't have to write now claiming what a good president he was.
So Matt Damon joins all the conservatives who now idolize Snowden,

the guy who stole U.S. classified information and took it to the Russians?

lol, strange bedfellows.

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