Matt Damon "Disappointed in Obama"


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Damon: Public fury burns leading into election | Comcast

— Matt Damon says there's a sense of fury in the U.S. over banking scandals and financial inequality that neither Democrats nor Republicans are addressing in their presidential campaigns
I think Obama is the clear choice. But I've said before I'm really disappointed in him, and I am, particularly because of the banking stuff. He so misread that," Damon said. "That sense of unfair — the sense that we don't have a country anymore when people don't feel like they have a chance, like it's going to be fair. ... If people feel like the deck is stacked against them, then they stop playing by the rules. Because why play by the rules? The game is fixed, right?"

Damon said both parties and the mainstream media haven't paid enough attention to groups like the Tea Party and the Occupy movement."I don't think the Republicans or the Democrats really understand the level of anger at the sense of unfairness that the majority of people in the country feel," he said
What a treat...Matt Damons and Heath Ledgers daddy have opinions on the same day. Where is Snooki?
Matt Damon? That's funny...

Matt seems to think he counts for something.

He does ,he counts his millions all the time..... $4042477862.gif
Interesting how many people simply disregard Matt Damons opinion as unimportant.

How many have listened to, watched, or read his activity politically? In my opinion, he's generally spot-on and he certainly is on this.

Of course my opinion doesn't matter any more than yours matters.

At least I'm not dumping on him because of his success and some sort of jealousy/self esteem issue.
ginscpy - And you are? Jealous?
Making fun of those who actually do things, are successful, and willing to speak up for what they believe in.
Celebrity does not mean authority and there is far too much seeking of opinion from actors, sports personalities, etc.
Mr. Damon seems fairly intelligent, however, and I, too, would be disappointed in Obama if I had had any expectations from a Democrat.
I have as much in the way of expectations from a Republican.
Damon: Public fury burns leading into election | Comcast

— Matt Damon says there's a sense of fury in the U.S. over banking scandals and financial inequality that neither Democrats nor Republicans are addressing in their presidential campaigns
I think Obama is the clear choice. But I've said before I'm really disappointed in him, and I am, particularly because of the banking stuff. He so misread that," Damon said. "That sense of unfair — the sense that we don't have a country anymore when people don't feel like they have a chance, like it's going to be fair. ... If people feel like the deck is stacked against them, then they stop playing by the rules. Because why play by the rules? The game is fixed, right?"

Damon said both parties and the mainstream media haven't paid enough attention to groups like the Tea Party and the Occupy movement."I don't think the Republicans or the Democrats really understand the level of anger at the sense of unfairness that the majority of people in the country feel," he said

Did you ever see this? Finally people are waking up to GW's true efforts in Africa to fight aids, malaria and poverty.

Damon has an incredible charity and he's very hands on. "Damon is a co-founder, with the visionary water engineer Gary White, of, a leading NGO fighting for radical new ways to think about what is a solvable problem."

Matt Damon: 'I Would Kiss George W. Bush on the Mouth' for His AIDS Work
By Jeffrey Goldberg

Apr 19 2012, 1:54 PM ET

And from the article.

JG: Bush showed that you could increase aid budgets, I think. He did PEPFAR (a U.S. funded-program -- the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief -- that has brought anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) to more than a million AIDs patients in Africa).

MD: I would kiss George W. Bush on the mouth for what he did on PEPFAR.

JG: How long would you kiss him?

MD: Three seconds. No tongue.

You know, PEPFAR is an incredible thing just in terms of how many lives it saved. These ARVs have a Lazarus effect on people. You see a picture of them before and then you see them vibrant, alive, working. Their whole family has been dragged down by the illness and now this. I went on a trip in 2006 (to Africa) and I just had a sense of national pride going around, talking to these people, and they were so happy, they would say, "America," and I was saying, "Yeah, our president did that, and it's terrific." It's such an obvious connected thing. People aren't going to hate you when you're saving their lives.

JG: Do you think the current administration should be doing more on this than a Republican administration did?

MD: We were just having a jaded chuckle about this in the car. You would have expected that Obama, with his reputation as a pragmatist, would look at PEPFAR, looked at how effective it is, and thought that he should make similar investments in other issues, definitely water and sanitation. Water and sanitation need their own PEPFAR.

GW: The administration has not been out front on development assistance.

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