Marvel/Babel: Consumer (Christmas) Dianetics/Trump


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA comics-stylized consumerism-patriotism vignette inspired by Toys, Canadian Bacon, and Dollar$.

I didn't post it in the Writing section, since it was overtly political, but what do you think? Does TrumpUSA feel like 'propaganda' this year?

Cheers (signing off),


Marvel Comics writers traveled to Amsterdam after attaining wealth and luxuries upon the marketing of their stories for high-profile comics-adapted Hollywood (USA) films, including The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Elektra. Consumerism had made pedestrian candy (e.g., comic books) a thing of spiritual excellence. Now that TrumpUSA Christmas approached, people thought about downloading comics-media on Amazon Kindle. It felt 'safe' to buy things for their toy-like imaginarium value, and Apple introduced the world of consumers to items that resembled toys. Was this all kosher?


American kids liked buying water-pistols at toy stores and online. In fact, many TrumpUSA kids awaited playing water-gun fights in the upcoming summer. Would Donald Trump be re-elected for a 2nd term? Would Trumponomics facilitate a new age consumerism idolatry or consumerism revelry? Consumer Reports became more 'culturally symbolic' than TIME, LIFE, and GQ (combined!).


Unfortunately, the evil Harlot of Babylon rose from Hell and declared war on this 'faith in capitalism.' She seduced Wall Street stockbrokers and made the American Dream as much a thing of seduction as it was a thing of charm. Would Burger King turn the world into a legion of cholesterol bathers?


As TrumpUSA citizens celebrated Christmas by ice-skating at Rocky Center by the lit tree in NYC, the CIA made sure terrorism did not mar such festivities around the world and especially in the USA. The same Marvel Comics writers who were in Amsterdam celebrating their newfound life-successes by indulging in hashish-cafes in the chic European city where the legendary international World Cup soccer superstar Johan Cruyff hailed from considered if it would be more 'American' to be simply skating at Rocky this Christmas. Aesthetics obsession made everyone 'self-conscious' of lifestyle/fashion decision-making and therefore colored the human activity of recreation.


Fortunately, the contest the evil charms of the Harlot of Babylon, an angelic A.I. robot named Shockwave traveled to Earth from the robotic planet of Cybertron. Shockwave wanted capitalism to be remembered for its contributions to toy designs and child-like imagination as it would be for piracy, cunning, and profiteerism. As long as kids considered water-guns as toys that dissuaded violence/war, then consumerism could be 'linked' to such items for praises about mercantilism-oriented social activities.


That's why imagining what countless bureaucrats were doing in offices around the world on Christmas 2018 (Eve and Day) was representative of a modernism labyrinth-minded 'aesthetic.' Bartleby was being replaced by Bart Simpson, and it was 'normal' to be a part of the giant civilization 'wheel.' There was nothing sentimentally paranoid or Orwellian about streamlined urban labor. Consumerism made it 'normal' to think about lifestyle connected to production (e.g., MTV).


So therefore, an evil gargoyle named Menace also surfaced from Hell and wanted to work with the diabolical Harlot of Babylon in challenging this commerce-idealism crusade being carried out by the valiant robot Shockwave. Menace was not friends with anyone but was willing to become an ally in this important TrumpUSA debate. Shockwave agreed to debate with the Whore and with Menace simultaneously. Menace resembled an eerie androgynous witch or goblin.


MENACE: Are you an advocate of Burger King, Shockwave?
WHORE: Yeah, are you a 'fan' of cheesy burgers and greasy fries?
SHOCKWAVE: I like convenience but am pensive about nutrition...

MENACE: Is nutrition important in American consumerism?
WHORE: Yeah, do people actually care about the health-value of Chinese food?
SHOCKWAVE: Hospitality in capitalism requires an attention to peer-reviews!

MENACE: So social discussions about product reliability are valuable for consumerism.
WHORE: That's why Consumer Reports is a magazine read by many modern men!
SHOCKWAVE: Yet, many American men also watch pornography on TV...

MENACE: Well, consumerism can create lots of 'indulgences.'
WHORE: Are you paranoid about literacy and etiquette in capitalism, Shockwave?
SHOCKWAVE: I appreciate the trend-value of Vanity Fair (magazine).

MENACE: Perhaps capitalism requires 'referees.'
WHORE: I agree; there has to be a 'system' of collective customs evaluations.
SHOCKWAVE: True; without referees, there's no real evanelism...

MENACE: Let's agree that Toys 'R Us is both 'spiritual' and 'liberating.'
WHORE: Yes, selling toys for TrumpUSA Christmas is like a carnival-poem.
SHOCKWAVE: I agree; hail to soft-drinks and Tonka toy-trucks!


After Shockwave agreed with Menace and the Harlot/Whore of Babylon about the tender 'nuances' of consumerism-imagination and how monitoring capitalism-processes helped citizens feel more in 'control' of socialization claustrophobia (e.g., workaholism), he returned to heaven and reported to God that pedestrian activities would maintain marketing securities such as forgivable Coca-Cola mainstream American consumer-culture 'spiritual biases'. In other words, Coke would make American capitalists feel 'patriotic.' However, Shockwave also reported to God that the minions of Hell wanted Americans to brood about the 'reality' of folkloric dangers (e.g., food-poisoning, Christmas burglaries, anti-TrumpUSA terrorism, etc.). God told Shockwave American capitalism would somehow...prevail.


The Dream-Theatrics Quotient

Why is it so fun to talk about media as if we're all crazy commercial participant observers?

It's kind of fun talking about TV as if we're indulging in a form of 'mob schizophrenia.'

How did the term 'armchair warrior' grow?


Satana, evil woman of Hell wanted to talk about Fran Tarkenton's Minnesota Vikings and how they never won a Super Bowl despite terrific play in the 20th Century of the NFL in America. Meanwhile, a ski-mask wearing democracy-vigilante named Ajay Satan wanted to talk about the old-school New England Patriots and how they quietly encouraged NFL fans to talk about the general social enchantment of televised sports, long before the Tom Brady era of Super Bowl domination (21st Century in America). Who would be more persuasive about the compass of media/marketing?


SATANA: Tarkenton gave sports-media flair and color...
AJAY: Yes, but the old-school Patriots were the first 'gentlemen' of the NFL.
SATANA: Well, Buddy Ryan's Philadelphia Eagles were also considered sportsmanlike!
AJAY: True, but it was the Patriots before the Brady era that created 'NFL prestige.'
SATANA: How's that?
AJAY: Well, the Patriots always just 'showed' up and didn't win even with Drew Bledsoe.
SATANA: Alright, so they were the 'kindly quiet heroes' of the NFL, but so were the Buffalo Bills.
AJAY: No; the Jim Kelly era of the Buffalo Bills was about audience cheer, not sports-etiquette.
SATANA: So how do you explain the 'stardom breakout' of Brady's Patriots (21st Century)?
AJAY: The Patriots were due to 'break out' just as John Elway's Denver Broncos were...
SATANA: So you're arguing there's an 'aesthetic' to competition etiquette?
AJAY: Isn't there? What about the concept of the 'underdog' (e.g., Joe Namath's NY Jets)?
SATANA: Well, it's more complicated marketing underdogs for mainstream consumerism/media.
AJAY: Even if that's always a 'reality,' sports-fans always appreciate 'unpredictable miracles.'
SATANA: In that case, there'll always be a line between glamour and working-class values.
AJAY: Sure; there's nothing glamorous about Hoffa or Chrysler, but that keeps America 'rolling.'
SATANA: Maybe the 'spice' of glamour, vanity, and intrigue create 'folk-tales' for capitalism.
AJAY: Yes, I concede that; but the quiet/unglorified everyday citizen makes America...mature.
SATANA: Well, we don't want America to 'fall behind' even in the department!
AJAY: I suppose not; we'll have to temper Playboy with Popular Science.
SATANA: Hail to the free-speech imagination!




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