Martial Law Will Be Declared If Banker Bill Not Passed In House


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Jan 6, 2007
Martial Law Will Be Declared If Banker Bill Not Passed In House

Kurt Nimmo
October 3, 2008

In House debate on the banker “rescue” bill, Rep. Brad Sherman told his fellow Congress critters the government will declare martial law and the stock market will drop 3,000 points if the bill is not passed. “The panic-mongers were to the point of telling people the market would drop 3,000 points and there would be martial law,” said Sherman.

Sherman’s comment was not in the same context as a comment issued by Rep. Michael Burgess earlier in the week. Burgess, who appeared on the Alex Jones Show, said Pelosi threatened to invoke House rule XIII(6)(a), described as “martial law,” intended to suspend normal procedures and safeguards and thus allowing the House leadership to operate in a more authoritarian fashion. Sherman, however, said martial law would be declared on Wall Street, not in the House.
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
I'm not so worried about marital law actually happening. I'm worried that when/if it happens, we will let it happen.
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we allowed unabated lies to lead us to war..we allowed the patriot act..we allow election fraud..we allow the theft of our life savings...whats a little martial law...if it keeps us free
I'm not so worried about marital law actually happening. I'm worried that when/if it happens, we will let it happen.

hell yeah we'll let it happen IF it happens.We let the kennedy assassination happen,we let waco happen,we let oklahoma city happen,we have let 9/11 happen,whats to believe we wont let this happen? the american people are asleep and refuse to wake up.
ya but if the markets crash (their plan) and the bail out doesn't work ( their plan) then we will need martial law to keep Oder in the kaos (their plan)

YES..we will need strong leadership at a time like this...please sir may I have some martial law......
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ya but if the markets crash (their plan) and the bail out doesn't work ( their plan) then we will need martial law to keep Oder in the kaos (their plan)

YES..we will need strong leadership at a time like this...please sir may I have some martial law......

You are absolutely right!! It`s coming
You guys REALLY should seek professional help. Left unchecked that Paranoia and delusional reality you live in will only get worse till you can not operate in the normal world at all.
If our credit driven economy had fallen apart, after a few months we'd have all be looking foward to a military dictatorship, folks.

Absolute tyranny is bad, but its not worse than full blown anarchy.

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