Marriage: "The Only Institution that Unites Children with their Mothers and Fathers T


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Fr. John Malloy, SDB at A Shepherd's Voice blog cites Archbishop Cordileone's statement, in part, of:
“Marriage is the foundation of a just society, as it protects the most vulnerable among us, children,” he continued. “It is the only institution that unites children with their mothers and fathers together. We pray for the Court, that its deliberations may be guided by truth and justice so as to uphold marriage's true meaning and purpose.”

With a link to: Archbishop Cordileone Calls Supreme Court Decision To Hear Marriage Cases Significant Moment For Nation

Big increase in single mothers...
Fathers disappear from households across America
Tuesday, December 25, 2012 - Nicole Hawkins‘ three daughters have matching glittery boots, but none has the same father. Each has uniquely colored ties in her hair, but none has a dad present in her life.
As another single mother on Sumner Road decked her row-house stoop with Christmas lights and a plastic Santa, Ms. Hawkins recalled that her middle child’s father has never spent a holiday or birthday with her. In her neighborhood in Southeast Washington, 1 in 10 children live with both parents, and 84 percent live with only their mother. In every state, the portion of families where children have two parents, rather than one, has dropped significantly over the past decade. Even as the country added 160,000 families with children, the number of two-parent households decreased by 1.2 million. Fifteen million U.S. children, or 1 in 3, live without a father, and nearly 5 million live without a mother. In 1960, just 11 percent of American children lived in homes without fathers.

America is awash in poverty, crime, drugs and other problems, but more than perhaps anything else, it all comes down to this, said Vincent DiCaro, vice president of the National Fatherhood Initiative: Deal with absent fathers, and the rest follows. People “look at a child in need, in poverty or failing in school, and ask, ‘What can we do to help?’ But what we do is ask, ‘Why does that child need help in the first place?’ And the answer is often it’s because [the child lacks] a responsible and involved father,” he said.

Dangerous spiral

The spiral continues each year. Married couples with children have an average income of $80,000, compared with $24,000 for single mothers. “We have one class that thinks marriage and fatherhood is important, and another which doesn’t, and it’s causing that gap, income inequality, to get wider,” Mr. DiCaro said. The predilection among men to walk away from their babies is concentrated in the inner cities. In Baltimore, 38 percent of families have two parents, and in St. Louis the portion is 40 percent. The near-total absence of male role models has ripped a hole the size of half the population in urban areas.

Tiny selfless deeds trickle in to fill that hole as the natural human desire for intimacy is fulfilled: One afternoon last week as a girl hoisted a half-eaten ice cream sandwich high over her pigtailed head, Larry McManus, the father of the girl’s sister, bent down to eat out of her hands as he picked up the girls from school. “I know dads that say they ain’t their kids. I see dads being disrespectful of the mothers. And I see ones who take other men’s kids to football games because they know their fathers aren’t around,” said Mr. McManus, an ex-felon who said he is “trying to make a lot of changes right now.”

Read more: Fathers disappear from households across America - Washington Times
Would you rather see a child in a oprhanage or a stable homosexual family? Gay parents can provide homes for children in need and never contribute to the problem of unwanted children. they are undoubtedly a positive for those who need help
"The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to hear these cases is a significant moment for our nation," Archbishop Cordileone said. "I pray the Court will affirm the fact that the institution of marriage, which is as old as humanity and written in our very nature, is the union of one man and one woman. Marriage is the foundation of a just society, as it protects the most vulnerable among us, children. It is the only institution that unites children with their mothers and fathers together. We pray for the Court, that its deliberations may be guided by truth and justice so as to uphold marriage's true meaning and purpose," Archbishop Cordileone said.

Thank goodness for separation of church and state.

The Archbishop may be knowledgeable concerning Catholic doctrine and dogma, but he knows nothing of the law.

That something is ‘historical’ or an ‘institution,’ is not justification to deny citizens their civil liberties.

And as already correctly noted, if ‘[m]arriage is the foundation of a just society, as it protects the most vulnerable among us, children,’ then same-sex couples’ access to marriage is just as vital, as it protects children in same-sex relationships as well.

The Archbishop might also want to consider attending confession soon, to seek forgiveness for the sin of arrogance, and harboring ill-will toward his fellow man.
Ban adoption! Those fools are the child's parents.


So you would rather see a child go through a life of misery with parents that either a. dont want them or b. cant provide for them, becuase why? All I read in that statement was you would rather see a child suffer and most likely end up in jail over them leading a productive life prorivded by their two proud fathers or mothers.. Or is that sarcasm? Damn they need that font, especially on this website
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Ban adoption! Those fools are the child's parents.


So you would rather see a child go through a life of misery with parents that either a. dont want them or b. cant provide for them, becuase why? All I read in that statement was you would rather see a child suffer and most likely end up in jail over them leading a productive life prorivded by their two proud fathers or mothers.. It's called sarcasm. When I see absurdity I often respond with absurdity.
Ban adoption! Those fools are the child's parents.


So you would rather see a child go through a life of misery with parents that either a. dont want them or b. cant provide for them, becuase why? All I read in that statement was you would rather see a child suffer and most likely end up in jail over them leading a productive life prorivded by their two proud fathers or mothers.. It's called sarcasm. When I see absurdity I often respond with absurdity.

Phew! thats why I edited that last part. My bad, gotta be quicker lol
Rich kids have missing parents too...
Missing dads is a problem 
not only in poor homes
Thursday, December 27, 2012 - Many wealthy parents 
are married to careers
The inner cities, where only 1 in 10 black children live with both parents, and the wealthy suburbs, where many fathers spend more than 60 hours a week on the job, have more in common than meets the eye, family advocates and faith leaders said. They made the comments Thursday after The Washington Times published an analysis this week of U.S. census data that provoked concern for children from widely disparate camps. Welfare policies among the poor have put government in the role of the father and equated fatherhood with a monthly check, said Glenn T. Stanton, director of family formation studies at Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs. This has left many fathers free to walk away from their children knowing they will not starve thanks to programs that provide cash assistance to single mothers in proportion with the number of children they have, he said.

For fathers who are physically present, it sends a message that a few hundred dollars is a sufficient role. “I think it would be difficult to overstate the significance of a welfare check replacing a marriage,” though a committed relationship between a man and a woman — even if the man provides only the same modest income that welfare payments would — “rivals maybe a college education as a path” to upward mobility, Mr. Stanton said.

But if single mothers on welfare are married to the government, others said, the frantic and competitive lives of many men in the upper-middle class have wedded them to their jobs and relegated fatherhood to a role more centered on financial support than emotional guidance. “I don’t strictly believe it’s an inner-city deal,” said Hugh Cunningham, pastor of the Sojourn Church in the Dallas suburbs. “A lot of suburban men are married to their work. What they bring home is leftovers.”

Although those wounds may be hidden under better clothing, the lack of two emotionally available parents crosses cultural and demographic lines. “I don’t think there’s anyone who hasn’t been shaped either by a father’s affirmations or the wound of their absence,” Mr. Cunningham said. “There isn’t a whole lot of a difference between so-called Christian families and secular families when it comes to unsuccessful families or families that malfunction.” No matter how much money is poured into entitlement programs — or how much a father makes — “you spell love T-I-M-E,” which is something the government cannot provide, said Joel Garcia of Latino Townhall, a Las Vegas-based charity whose mission is to provide education, mentoring and coaching to Hispanic youths. “A dad is much more than an on-time, reliable paycheck. He’s a human who contributes in very unique ways, and it’s also the relationship between the father and the mother,” Mr. Stanton said.

Moynihan revisited

Read more: Missing dads is a problem
I wish adoption was not so costly and filled with red tape. I would adopt children and give them a decent home and parental love, teach what I know and guide them into a path of self and the ability to provide for themselves. No matter their age, race, gender or sexual orientation.

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