Mark Zuckenberg says we need a global superstructure to advance humanity


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg stated his belief that the world is in need of a “global superstructure” in a recent article from the New York Times Magazine. In an article titled “Can Facebook Fix It’s Own Worst Bug?” author Farhad Manjoo poses the question, “Mark Zuckerberg now acknowledges the dangerous side of the social revolution he helped start. But is the most powerful tool for connection in human history capable of adapting to the world it created?” The

Mark Zuckerberg Says We Need a ‘Global Superstructure to Advance Humanity’

This two faced hypocritical libtard can kiss my ass, this loser sob can plug his own into his bs narcissistic population control disease.
Well that was a whole lot of nothing....Does Zuck ever notice the real world inside his dream castle?

does it matter? ------he is a private citizen whose POV is no more remarkable than is mine (or yours)
BS, you can't say that these guys with big money do not use their positions to further their POV's.

Pushing their ideology to tax every living being for the air they breath while they are living in luxury and sucking off a nice percentage for themselves to keep their boats afloat.

Soros Clones: 5 Liberal Mega-Donors Nearly as Dangerous as George Soros
"Broadcast networks applauded when billionaire hedge fund manager Tom Steyer promised $100 million to influence environmental policy. CBS News praised Steyer for “giving back” and ABC News called the billionaire an “everyman.”
not all rich bastards have political ambitions

LMAo man you are totally dreaming on that one how the hell do you think they all get so rich.................c;mon

some of them do it thru BUSINESS -----ok that is politics too-----but then some retire and play golf----
(oh gee----more politics) -----some just go fishing
Good thing fish don't vote...

good point-------and deer........ and prostitutes-----but they sometimes SUE
not all rich bastards have political ambitions

LMAo man you are totally dreaming on that one how the hell do you think they all get so rich.................c;mon

some of them do it thru BUSINESS -----ok that is politics too-----but then some retire and play golf----
(oh gee----more politics) -----some just go fishing

They all do the " STOCKS" , they are pad each others hands, they are all given a heads up what stocks to invest in or not to invest in, they all know when to dump stocks...

SOROS, ROTHCHILDS, BIG BANKS, These huge companies no matter who they are , are all in the same CLUB this is how and why they get filthy rich they have help from webbed out sources, donations, etc which help them get ot the top ..................In turn sell their souls to the elites
And trust me He doesn't give it all a way. The loops feed it right back to him just like Kissinger, Just like Soros how do you think they became Billionaires? They sure in the hell don't hang out at flea markets.

This Is What Mark Zuckerberg's Portfolio Looks Like (FB, MSFT)
By TK McDonald | April 25, 2016 — 11:50 PM EDT
Stocks in the Portfolio
Zuckerberg, in his own investment portfolio since 2013, has invested in Panorama Education, Vicarious, AltSchool, MasteryConnect and Asana for a total of $211 million. Panorama’s $4 million seed investment by Zuckerberg supported bringing big data analytics to school boards throughout the United States. An amount of $52 million in two separate investments into Vicarious supports artificial intelligence’s attempts to understand the world as humans do, through a visual perception system for computers.

Largest AltSchool Investor
Early in 2015, Zuckerberg was the largest investor, with $100 million, in AltSchool, a network of schools with an interdisciplinary team offering experimental learning. Following on the education theme, MasteryConnect received a $5 million investment for its learning solutions for educators around the world. Lastly, Zuckerberg’s entrepreneurial investment spirit invested $50 million into Asana, a project and task management cloud platform for teams.

One investment objective is clear: Zuckerberg personally invests in private ventures in technology and education sectors.

Real Estate Purchases
Part of a person’s net worth, when you are as rich as Zuckerberg, usually contains real estate, and he is no different. Zuckerberg purchased his first home in Palo Alto, California, in 2011 for $7 million. As the super-rich do not usually buy real estate in their own names, speculation surrounds every neighboring home being purchased by 2013 for a total of $30 million. Zuckerberg’s first home was bought through a third-party LLC, and the adjoining homes were purchased through Iconiq Capital, a known money manager for the wealthy. These homes are then back-leased to their previous owners. Local brokers are confident that Zuckerberg was the purchaser and wanted to protect his privacy from a private developer that was looking to buy up the properties.

One57 in Manhattan
Zuckerberg is also confirmed as buying a San Francisco Pied-a-terre near Delores Park for $9.9 million, and is rumored to be the purchaser of the penthouse of One57 in Manhattan, New York, for a city record-breaking $90 million. This would put his real estate holdings at over $137 million.

The new charitable LLC that controls the bulk of Zuckerberg’s wealth from 2016 going forward will be in the top five largest philanthropic organizations in the United States. However, even with this amount of wealth being siphoned out of his personal net worth, the remaining 1% still represents $500 million in personal wealth.
These billionaire Hillary supporters are all globalists. Hillary was their great hope before the populist rebellion catches up to them.

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