Mark Levin vs. George Will: Radio Talker Lashes Out At Columnist...

You, as a far right delusional reactionary, have a hard time understanding you have fallen again.

Get up and get moving.

Fakey, when considering your words, everyone (at least with a brain and if they have any familiarity with your always dishonest M.O.) dismisses your vapid spew.

You just can't get around the fact that everyone sees you as the complete fraud you are.

I am not delusional and by most HONEST definitions, I am not "reactionary," either. I DO however reject modern American liberalism. To the extent it has been infecting the Republic, I DO seek to have it removed.

I have not fallen again or at all.

You have simply never managed to stand.

You are a crawling worm. You have been a fail. You are a fail. And you will continue to be a fail for as long as you post behind the veil of your endless dishonesty.

I don't care that you are a liberal and have the views associated with modern American liberalism. That's fine.

I just find you to be worthless in most discussions precisely because you refuse to admit what we all already know.

Drop the ineffectual mask and post AS the lib you are. I may not agree with libs, but at least the honest libs can make a discussion worthwhile. You? No. Not at all.
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On his Thursday radio show, conservative talker Mark Levin, author of “Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America,” echoed a plea he made on his Facebook page earlier, attacking conservative syndicated columnist George Will for calling the Supreme Court’s Obamacare ruling “a substantial victory.” Levin called the article “the dumbest George Will article, certainly among them, that I have ever read”

Perhaps it’s more of a long-term view of the situation, but Will saw an upside in the announcement of a 5-4 decision declaring President Barack Obama’s 2010 landmark health care legislation constitutional.

In an article on the Post’s website, Will explained that conservatives got a victory with the decision, which he said has put the brakes on government expansion.

“Conservatives won a substantial victory Thursday,” Will wrote. “The physics of American politics — actions provoking reactions — continues to move the crucial debate, about the nature of the American regime, toward conservatism. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has served this cause. The health-care legislation’s expansion of the federal government’s purview has improved our civic health by rekindling interest in what this expansion threatens — the framers’ design for limited government.”

Will’s reasoning relies on the portion of Roberts’ opinion that has put boundaries around what the Commerce Clause allows the government to do.

You see folks,” Levin said, “conservatives are so used to losing — particularly conservatives inside the beltway that have been here for decades — then when we really, really lose, they claim that we’ve won. I don’t know if this is a psychological thing — I don’t know.”

Will said that this decision would reinvigorate small government conservatives, a premise Levin scoffed at.

“Well gee, they might as well start rounding us up because that will rekindle the effort that the framers started, too,” Levin declared. “This is so asinine that I’m stunned. This is as stunning to me as the John Roberts opinion”...

Read more: Mark Levin vs. George Will: Radio talker lashes out [AUDIO] | The Daily Caller
It brings me joy to no end to see all these so-called and self-proclaimed "Conservatives" eating each other up.

The Token Conservative time has passed. George Will and others have been part of the Liberal Media for too long. Their Stockholm Syndrome disease has infected true Conservatism. Their desire to please their Liberal Media captors has rendered them irrelevant. George Will should no longer be a hostage. He should have escaped his Washington Post/ABC captors a long time ago. His credibility is shot.

and yet here you are posting on a website and he is still on ABC...funny that huh...

anyways i think Will is slightly right. I can certainly see his point without having to call him crazy. The right if they play this correctly could win out big come november.

I think this idea that it should have been struck down would have been great for the right short term, but would have backfired down the road. Obama could have played it up better while running.

So it would seem to me Roberts was thinking more longterm and not so much short term.

George is wrong my brother. It may have a certain logic to it, but in the end Americans like to vote for winners. The more Obama wins and is seen as winning, the better his chances are.

You can't think this through too much as the American voter is for the most part emotional and/or not-too-bright. It's the simple stuff that counts and wins out in the end.

Remember that "we wanted a guy we felt like having a beer with" 8-year fiasco?
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On his Thursday radio show, conservative talker Mark Levin, author of “Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America,” echoed a plea he made on his Facebook page earlier, attacking conservative syndicated columnist George Will for calling the Supreme Court’s Obamacare ruling “a substantial victory.” Levin called the article “the dumbest George Will article, certainly among them, that I have ever read”

Perhaps it’s more of a long-term view of the situation, but Will saw an upside in the announcement of a 5-4 decision declaring President Barack Obama’s 2010 landmark health care legislation constitutional.

In an article on the Post’s website, Will explained that conservatives got a victory with the decision, which he said has put the brakes on government expansion.

“Conservatives won a substantial victory Thursday,” Will wrote. “The physics of American politics — actions provoking reactions — continues to move the crucial debate, about the nature of the American regime, toward conservatism. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has served this cause. The health-care legislation’s expansion of the federal government’s purview has improved our civic health by rekindling interest in what this expansion threatens — the framers’ design for limited government.”

Will’s reasoning relies on the portion of Roberts’ opinion that has put boundaries around what the Commerce Clause allows the government to do.

You see folks,” Levin said, “conservatives are so used to losing — particularly conservatives inside the beltway that have been here for decades — then when we really, really lose, they claim that we’ve won. I don’t know if this is a psychological thing — I don’t know.”

Will said that this decision would reinvigorate small government conservatives, a premise Levin scoffed at.

“Well gee, they might as well start rounding us up because that will rekindle the effort that the framers started, too,” Levin declared. “This is so asinine that I’m stunned. This is as stunning to me as the John Roberts opinion”...

Read more: Mark Levin vs. George Will: Radio talker lashes out [AUDIO] | The Daily Caller
It brings me joy to no end to see all these so-called and self-proclaimed "Conservatives" eating each other up.


It's ALWAYS amusing to see you libs denying reality.
Look at the bright side, if George is right and the Koch Brothers got to CJ Roberts they might have made him do like Marshall did in setting up Marbury v Madison and laid the groundwork to overturn Wickard

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