March, 2012

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
We are still in an La Nina situation, albeit it is waning, but +0.11 a higher average than the large majority of temperatures prior to 1998.

UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2012: +0.11 deg. C « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

The global average lower tropospheric temperature anomaly jumped up in March, 2012, to +0.11 deg. C. as La Nina conditions in the Pacific Ocean waned (click on the image for the full-size version):

While the Lower 48 is less than 2% of the Earth's surface, it will be interesting to see how this year plays out compared to some of the warm years in the '30's.

Global Temperature Trend Update: March 2012 - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Compared to seasonal norms, March 2012 was the warmest month on record in the 48 contiguous U.S. states, according to Dr. John Christy, a professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Temperatures over the U.S. averaged 2.82 C (almost 5.1° Fahrenheit) warmer than normal in March.

The previous U.S. record warm anomaly in the 33-year satellite temperature record was in November 1999, when temperatures over the U.S. averaged 2.22 C (about 4° F) warmer than the seasonal norm for November. The next warmest March was in 2007, when temperatures over the U.S. were 2.0 C (about 3.2° F) warmer than normal.

While the long-term climate trend over the U.S. has seen warming at the rate of about 0.21 C (almost 0.38° F) per decade during the past one third of a century, March’s temperature anomaly is just that: an anomaly, Christy said. “We see hot and cold spots over the globe every month, and this was just our turn. A one-time anomaly like this is related to weather rather than climate. Weather systems aligned in March in a way that changed normal circulation patterns and brought more warm air than usual to the continental U.S.”

In fact, the warmest spot on the globe in March (compared to seasonal norms) was northeastern Iowa, where temperatures for the month averaged 6.20 C (about 11.2° F) warmer than normal.

By comparison, the winter (DJF) of 2011-2012 averaged 0.94 C (about 1.7° F) warmer than seasonal norms for the continental U.S.

In recent years March has not typically seen temperature extremes over the U.S. The March 2011 temperature for the “lower 48” was at the seasonal norm.

The coolest spot on Earth in March 2012 was northwestern Alaska, where temperatures averaged 3.89 C (7.0° F) colder than normal.
When a skeptic points to a year-long decline in temperatures, the cultists say, "Oh, a year isn't long enough to be a trend."

And then they post record temps for a single day and screech, "See? SEE?! I TOLD you the Earth was warming!!"
It's Global WarmerCoolering is indeed a brilliant scam. No matter what, the AGW k00ks will seize on some new twist and engineer it into another form of hysteria. Next......we'll get some forest fire anomoly that is blamed on warming. Then it'll be Tiger Woods golf game descent due to warming........and who could argue??:D:D All the rivers in Europe were frozen over for weeks this past winter..........first time since the 1930's. Who couldnt see it coming? "See.........its the warming!!!"

But has anybody else noticed?

As the tales have gotten taller and taller, support for carbon restrictions has fallen like a stone in water amongst the public!!!

Which is the only thing that I care about and the only thing that matters when it all comes down to it!!!!:banana::banana::banana::banana::2up:
Alaska – Most Sea Ice in Recorded History April 6, 2012 -
Not only a new record, this means that four of Alaska’s five iciest years have occurred in the past five years.

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Alaska – Most Sea Ice in Recorded History April 6, 2012 -
Not only a new record, this means that four of Alaska’s five iciest years have occurred in the past five years.


Not only a new record, this means that four of Alaska’s five iciest years have occurred in the past five years, because of Global Warming.

Now it's peer reviewed and settled science.

Right OR?

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