Many 'Migrants' (Illegals') 'Assimilate Down', Further Burdening, Not HELPING, US


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In case people weren't paying attention and couldn't figure this one out for themselves...

Many Migrants 'Assimilate Down' Into Spreading Poverty, Not up Into the Middle Class, Says Study - Breitbart

"The extremely high inflow of immigrants is dragging young immigrants away from integrating into mainstream, middle-class American culture, and is pushing them to assimilate into the marginal culture of poverty-stricken minority communities, immigration experts say.

“They’re assimilating, but they’re assimilating down,” said Boston College professor and nonresident senior Brookings Institute fellow Peter Skerry during a panel discussion held by the non-partisan Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) on Tuesday.

Mass migration is transforming Americans’ public schools, said CIS Director of Research Steven Camarota. A majority of Americans “say the country should have an essential culture that immigrants adopt, but there no longer exists a clear understanding of what we want from immigrants,” he said. “The lack of agreement means immigrants often receive mixed messages about assimilation.”

“Of course the United States needs to educate children from immigrant households already here,” he said. “Nearly one in four children… in public school today is from an immigrant household. So how these children do is vitally important, not only for them, but to our country as a whole.”

Ongoing waves of impoverished migrants from sharply different cultures makes it difficult to assimilate the millions of migrants already in the U.S."

Liberals have turned our public schools and colleges into 'Indoctrination Camps' of liberal ideology rather than educate our children about our past, our culture, etc. Children are growing up with no sense of 'nation'. of who we are, where we come from, and about our own culture, allowing waves of immigrants to come in and replace our culture with their own.

'America', through it's own 'self-destructive', irresponsible acts, is slowly being 'wiped out'.

“A key policy question is moving forward for our country is whether to makes sense to continue to admit one million legal permanent immigrants each year, and to tolerate widespread illegal immigration without regard to the absorption capacity of our schools,” he added." Schools that are no longer teaching American children their own history and culture...
Many illegals are forced into drug trafficking and prostitution, the Mexican cartels charge illegals thousands of dollars at the border to cross, can't pay then they own you until you pay up.
Many illegals are forced into drug trafficking and prostitution, the Mexican cartels charge illegals thousands of dollars at the border to cross, can't pay then they own you until you pay up.
Hell, Obama was helping and protecting Human Traffickers who were bringing them here...
Many illegals are forced into drug trafficking and prostitution, the Mexican cartels charge illegals thousands of dollars at the border to cross, can't pay then they own you until you pay up.
Hell, Obama was helping and protecting Human Traffickers who were bringing them here...

Its much worse than that. The centers Obama setup to house the illegal kids crossing the borders became recruiting centers for gangs. Typical of the left they created a fucked up mess. National Geographic documented both of these issues and many more. The public has no idea just how bad illegals are fucking up our country with their crime and drugs.
"Migrants" does not connote anything "illegal", ass klown.
Of course not...not all...and they are called 'Un-Documented Workers' anyway, right?!


A "migrant" is simply someone who MOVES SOMEWHERE. There ain't nothing intrinsically illegal about moving somewhere. You tried to get away with a mendacious title, and you got it called out immediately. Because that's what I do with dishonest hacks.

I've been a migrant worker myself, several times. But I've never been an "illegal".

So bite my ass, dishonest hack.
I've been a migrant worker myself, several times. But I've never been an "illegal".
...which is probably why I wrote / responded, "Of course not...not all...". I never said the article is ONLY talking about 'illegals'. Try READING the entire post sometimes, 'triggered-boy'. :p
I've been a migrant worker myself, several times. But I've never been an "illegal".
...which is probably why I wrote / responded, "Of course not...not all...". I never said the article is ONLY talking about 'illegals'. Try READING the entire post sometimes, 'triggered-boy'. :p

I ain't interested in your post, Hackwagon. I jumped on your title. You can't untitle that.
"Migrants" does not connote anything "illegal", ass klown.
Of course not...not all...and they are called 'Un-Documented Workers' anyway, right?!

View attachment 119568

Nope. Many are and have always been US citizens. And white.

I really wish you jackasses would EDUCATE YOURSELVES ON THIS ISSUE.

Oh what the hell. You'll never educate yourself on any issue.
Many illegals are forced into drug trafficking and prostitution, the Mexican cartels charge illegals thousands of dollars at the border to cross, can't pay then they own you until you pay up.
Hell, Obama was helping and protecting Human Traffickers who were bringing them here...

Its much worse than that. The centers Obama setup to house the illegal kids crossing the borders became recruiting centers for gangs. Typical of the left they created a fucked up mess. National Geographic documented both of these issues and many more. The public has no idea just how bad illegals are fucking up our country with their crime and drugs.


Should'a cone it your way - take them out in the desert and dump them.

STFU. You lost any right to an opinion on this. You assholes who only wanted to harm CHILDREN are also the ones who worship fetuses but are against food stamps for children or helping the innocent stay out of gangs and sexual trafficking.

Truth is, you want to see them in gangs, drugs and sexual slavery so you can blame them and blame liberals.

Fucking "christians" out to be taken out and shot.

I've been a migrant worker myself, several times. But I've never been an "illegal".
...which is probably why I wrote / responded, "Of course not...not all...". I never said the article is ONLY talking about 'illegals'. Try READING the entire post sometimes, 'triggered-boy'. :p

I ain't interested in your post, Hackwagon. I jumped on your title. You can't untitle that.

Pogo - lying and dissembling works for drumpf so the op thinks it should work for him too.
"Migrants" does not connote anything "illegal", ass klown.
Of course not...not all...and they are called 'Un-Documented Workers' anyway, right?!


A "migrant" is simply someone who MOVES SOMEWHERE. There ain't nothing intrinsically illegal about moving somewhere. You tried to get away with a mendacious title, and you got it called out immediately. Because that's what I do with dishonest hacks.

I've been a migrant worker myself, several times. But I've never been an "illegal".

So bite my ass, dishonest hack.

You beat me to it.

RWNJ racists think only Mexicans follow the work but many do, including white Americans.

I was remembering last night - after WWII, my dad couldn't get work. He was an artist, published in Stars and Stripes and wanted to continue that work when he was discharged.

He tried a lot of different things, including traveling with the carnival. I don't remember much but have a mental image of trying to pull my self up enough to see into the cotton candy machine. I also remember falling backward into a 'bob for apples' galvanized tub and a lot of people screaming and pulling me out because I was young enough that I would have drowned.

Its easy for RWNJs to criticize people who are willing to do whatever they must to survive and to feed their children.

Doesn't matter the skin color or nationality. We're all human and we should be giving our fellow humans a hand up.

I've been a migrant worker myself, several times. But I've never been an "illegal".
...which is probably why I wrote / responded, "Of course not...not all...". I never said the article is ONLY talking about 'illegals'. Try READING the entire post sometimes, 'triggered-boy'. :p

I ain't interested in your post, Hackwagon. I jumped on your title. You can't untitle that.

I've read it several times and while it might be right in front of me, besides the title, all I see is this -- "In case people weren't paying attention and couldn't figure this one out for themselves..."

Where does he write "of course not all"?

One problem is that its hard to tell what he's quoting from the article or what is his own editorializing.

The intent is clear - more trashing of people he doesn't even know and never will.
Breitbart waging fear into the American hearts.:blahblah:Unreasonable claims. Do they have a solution? Breitbart never has a solution.

What they are tying to say is that immigrants are taking over America.

However, it is up to those responsible of education in US to solve the rising obstacles on what and how is taught in American schools.
Millions of poor, lower-educated illegals and immigrants flooding into the country, along with rapists, human traffickers, drug cartels, 'mules', 'MS13' / gangs, and potential terrorists ALONG WITH good people - poor people who will still be a burden...

Anyone who thinks America does not need to know who is coming across the border and control that to some extent is an idiot.

The links to on-line memorials for Americans victimized by illegals / border-crossers / immigrants have been posted. There is a cost liberals want to ignore.

Furthermore, refusal to pass on / educate our children about our own history, culture, etc in favor of turning our schools into indoctrination camps in the pursuit of political power is eroding the country beneath us, making us the DIVIDED states of America. Power has become more important than COUNTRY. Idiots trying to chase the former can't see how they are risking both with their actions.

As for 'culture', if we do not hold to / protect / teach our culture, who we are as a nation, to those coming here then they will institute their own in divided, non-assimilating fashion, escalating / continuing the erosion of ours. Bring and adding their culture / 'flavor' to ours is fine, as we are supposed to be a 'melting pot'. Too many here, though, are making it easier just to replace rather than add to.

I've been a migrant worker myself, several times. But I've never been an "illegal".
...which is probably why I wrote / responded, "Of course not...not all...". I never said the article is ONLY talking about 'illegals'. Try READING the entire post sometimes, 'triggered-boy'. :p

English is not his strong suit.
In case people weren't paying attention and couldn't figure this one out for themselves...

Many Migrants 'Assimilate Down' Into Spreading Poverty, Not up Into the Middle Class, Says Study - Breitbart

"The extremely high inflow of immigrants is dragging young immigrants away from integrating into mainstream, middle-class American culture, and is pushing them to assimilate into the marginal culture of poverty-stricken minority communities, immigration experts say.

“They’re assimilating, but they’re assimilating down,” said Boston College professor and nonresident senior Brookings Institute fellow Peter Skerry during a panel discussion held by the non-partisan Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) on Tuesday.

Mass migration is transforming Americans’ public schools, said CIS Director of Research Steven Camarota. A majority of Americans “say the country should have an essential culture that immigrants adopt, but there no longer exists a clear understanding of what we want from immigrants,” he said. “The lack of agreement means immigrants often receive mixed messages about assimilation.”

“Of course the United States needs to educate children from immigrant households already here,” he said. “Nearly one in four children… in public school today is from an immigrant household. So how these children do is vitally important, not only for them, but to our country as a whole.”

Ongoing waves of impoverished migrants from sharply different cultures makes it difficult to assimilate the millions of migrants already in the U.S."

Liberals have turned our public schools and colleges into 'Indoctrination Camps' of liberal ideology rather than educate our children about our past, our culture, etc. Children are growing up with no sense of 'nation'. of who we are, where we come from, and about our own culture, allowing waves of immigrants to come in and replace our culture with their own.

'America', through it's own 'self-destructive', irresponsible acts, is slowly being 'wiped out'.

“A key policy question is moving forward for our country is whether to makes sense to continue to admit one million legal permanent immigrants each year, and to tolerate widespread illegal immigration without regard to the absorption capacity of our schools,” he added." Schools that are no longer teaching American children their own history and culture...

It is a bullshit talking point to mindlessly repeat "schools are no longer teaching American History." That is untrue.
American culture is not uniform or static. Immigrants today are assimilating just like immigrants before them did. If a kid lives in a dirty, crime ridden, drug infested neighborhood what aspect of American culture do you expect he will assimilate to? At the turn of the last century, many millions of immigrants from Europe assimilated under just such conditions. Within a few generations everything was just fine then as it will be now.

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