Manned space program is in the toilet


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
I was a 15 year paperboy delivery papers of the firstmoon landing in July 1969
Too bad.

But the cost of Empire prohibits this nation from truly doing the great things it might otherwise do, and I suppose that the Space program is just one more victim of that.
Apollo 16 Mission: April 16 - 27, 1972;

Charles Duke, Thomas Mattingly and John Young land in the Descartes highlands:

Duke: These devices are unbelievable. I'm not taking a gnomon up there.
Young: O.K., but man, that's going to be a steep bridge to climb.

Duke: You got - YOWEE! Man - John, I tell you this is some sight here. Tony, the blocks in Buster are covered - the bottom is covered with blocks, five meters across. Besides the blocks seem to be in a preferred orientation, northeast to southwest. They go all the way up the wall on those two sides and on the other side you can only barely see the out-cropping at about 5 percent. Ninety percent of the bottom is covered with blocks that are 50 centimeters and larger.

Capcom: Good show. Sounds like a secondary ...

Duke: Right out here ... the blue one that I described from the lunar module window is colored because it is glass coated, but underneath the glass it is crystalline ... the same texture as the Genesis Rock ... Dead on my mark.

Young: Mark. It's open.

Duke: I can't believe it!

Young: And I put that beauty in dry!

Capcom: Dover. Dover. We'll start EVA-2 immediately.

Duke: You'd better send a couple more guys up here. They'll have to try (garble).

Capcom: Sounds familiar.

Duke: Boy, I tell you, these EMUs and PLSSs are really super- fantastic!

It is obvious that the astronauts are talking in code - meant to disguise what they are referring to. The big question is why the excited cries? Can this be *merely* due to the collecting of Moon rocks, as they would have us believe? Or did they find something much more substantial, which was not meant for public knowledge?

Astronaut Conversations on the Moon
Manned space flight should be to the Feds like my European vacation is to me.

Once I have all my bills paid off and can afford to waste money on the luxury of curiosity then its okay but until then I got bills to pay.
When I was delivering newspapers of the first moon landing in July 1969 (MOONWALK) headline - I had expected that by 2011 the moon would have stations on it.
Our space program needs to emulate R2D2 more than Buck Rodgers

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How do the space station people get back without the Space Shuttle? Apparently there is an escape capsule which may or may not have been built by the Russians. How would you like that scenario?
Neil Armstrong - not a grandstander forbeing the first human on the moon (a recluse) expressed his concerns overthe pitifull state of thespace program.........................
I was a 15 year paperboy delivery papers of the firstmoon landing in July 1969

You delivered papers for 15 years? Wow!:clap2:

More like I delivered papers for chump change for3 months.

Today - adults do it.

Newspaper boys are non-existent.

I actually made a LOT of money on my paper route.

I made about $15 a WEEK.

When candy bar cost a nickle, and a comic book a dime, and when my allowence for chores had been twenty five cents a week, $15 a week was a FORTUNE.

I worked about two hoursm daily, 6 days week to make than money. I tramped over miles and miles of hill and dale landscape to make that money and I was damned happy to do so, too.

I even paid somebody else (I subcontracted) to GET my route.

Basically he took the best part of his route (that took an hour) and gave me the longer (less populated) part of his route.

The BIG payday was around christmas when people gave us a buck or two extra for the holiday.

Imagine an 8 or nine year old kid in 58 or 59 with $50 or $60 in his pocket!

I had more disposable income than my father often had during the holidays.
I worked at KSC htqrs for a bit on the Shuttle. Used to feed the gators at lunch in the pond out front.

Remember playing handball in the gym with all the lockers with those famous names on them.

I think RightWinger is correct about R2D2. If we want jobs back in this country, the technology boost needs to be in autonomous vehicles, robotics, advanced materials, batteries and power, artificial intelligience. It's a cop-out to send men off to do the exploring. We could derive a heck of an economic boost out of learning to build better Rovers and faster vehicles and automatic laboratories on wheels.

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