Manipulated swing state polls--un-manipulated shows Romney leading.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
As many already know--the national polls are being manipulated by over-polling democrats to republicans and in many instances not surveying independents or very few of them--of course showing Obama leading in these polls.

Here is a good example of what CNN did recently--showing a 6 point national lead for Obama.

CNN is grabbing political headlines tonight with the release of its latest poll. It shows Obama surging to a 6-point lead over Romney, 52-46, among likely. Before the start of the Democrat convention, the candidates had been tied in the poll. Since it purportedly confirms a narrative the media is trying to build, i.e. that Obama is starting to pull away with the race, it is getting wide coverage. However, there are a couple of strange things within the poll that cast doubt on its veracity. And, at least one concern warrants a response from CNN.

First, this being a media poll, it has an obvious skew towards Democrats. The partisan breakdown is (D/R/I) 50/45/5. It perhaps isn’t surprising that Obama is leading a D+5 poll by 6 points. Throughout the campaign season, Obama’s margin usually is very close to the partisan skew in the sample. It is surprising, though, that Independents make up only 5% of the sample. Tellingly, Romney leads this group by 14 points.
CNN manipulated their polling | Education News

Of course then yesterday Quinnipac released several swing state polls showing Obama ahead in every one of them--again by over-polling democrats to republicans and only adding a 1% sample of Independents.

Jammie Wearing catches the NY Times/Quinnipiac poll dramatically skewing the methodology of the poll to strongly over-sample Democrats:

So Obama is up 9 in Florida with a D+9 sample, up 10 in Ohio with a D+9 sample and up 12 in Pennsylvania with a D+11 sample. I notice in all the orgasmic news reports this morning none of them mention the ridiculous skew to the polls. But all you will hear all day is how big a lead Obama has.
Never trust a word they say: NY Times, Quinnipiac skew polling in attempt to depress turnout of voters frustrated with the failures of Obamanomics « Bob Owens

So here is the un-manipulation chart--(that btw) does not include the correct amount of independents who favor Romney now by 15 points. You'll see that Romney is leading in these swing states.
James Carville Poll Panics Dems: Romney Leads By 15 Points Among Independents « Pat Dollard


Judging from this--Barack Obama is going to get creamed in November.
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Don't tell the commiecrats, let them remain over confident, maybe they won't bother to show up if they think it's in the bag.
I find it amusing these Romney supporters are hanging onto any faint grasp of hope no matter how bullshit the source may be.

There's LINKS and CHARTS--it's in your face--the media in this country is desperately trying to keep a failed Presidency alive--by using 2008--turnout--because the Obama campaign committee sued Gallop for trying to use the 2010 turnout--they're also using exit polling data from 2004-LOL that showed John Kerry beating G.W. Bush---:badgrin:

These are the FACTS--and it's probably going to backfire on all that are doing it. Romney supporters would walk across hot coals--barefoot this year to vote--voter registration is more than 3 to 1 republican v democrat--and they're coming like they did in 2010--and NONE of the polls in this country recognize that--at least not yet.

These pollsters are going to get it shoved up their ying-yang on November 6.


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--and the MEDIA has 95% to do with promoting this HOAX.
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They are using figures from 08 to run these polls. Faulty tactics. Obama may very well win but the polls are all bullshit

Obama is not going to WIN. This country doesn't vote for real unemployment at 12% if you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits. August 2012 horrible Jobs report shows that this country has hit a 30 YEAR LOW in employment.

Voter registration right now--more than 3 to 1 republican. And if you look at the internal polling data--Obama is losing all the support he had in 2008.

Obama huge white crack in support.
Obama's White Support Is Too Low to Win | RealClearPolitics

Romney leads with independents by 15 points
James Carville Poll Panics Dems: Romney Leads By 15 Points Among Independents « Pat Dollard

Women moving to Romney column.
Poll: Mitt Romney Making Headway With Women Voters - The Ballot 2012 (

Youth vote turning away from Obama.
Obama Youth Vote 2012: Surprising Poll Finds 40 Percent of Young People Flock to Romney

Jewish vote much less for Obama
Gallup: Obama’s support among Jewish voters slides - Under God - The Washington Post

Blacks and Hispanics won't be voting for him like they did in 2008.
Obama Losing Black, Jewish, White, Young Support; Falls Behind Romney In North Carolina

This is the internal polling data that both campaigns are looking at. That's why Mitt Romney has got a spring in his step and Obama is looking a little depressed.

The enthusiasm gap is unbelievable. Republicans will walk across hot coals barefoot to vote this year--and many democrats unhappy with Obama are moving quickly into the Romney camp.

The University of Colorado--based on historic data--has already called this race for Mitt Romney and they have been right since 1980. Presidents do NOT win reelection with this high of unemployment.
University of Colorado forecasters predict a Mitt Romney presidency | Deseret News


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood
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Yes, and I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...

The only person who is dreaming here is you.

I think based on the internal polling data-(that I just listed above)-I think we're going to see something reminiscent of Custer's Last Stand for Barack Obama and democrats in 2012.

I am fortunate enough to be old enough to remember the Carter/Reagan race where all national polls told us the race tight -and or Carter was leading Reagan by several points--and this is the real poll after it was all over.


Carter v Reagan 1980.

The polls are assuming that all those voters in 2010--that came out and gave democrats an historic 75 year ass kicking across this country in 2010 won't be voting in 2012---:badgrin:--That's why they're using 2008 numbers to show Obama leading.
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The 2010 election comes to mind... inflated poll numbers for Democrat candidates and their ass kicking that followed...

I say it great that the liberal media is probably inflating Obama's poll numbers, the 47%ers will just stay home..
Meet Dean Chambers:


He's the one-man band behind "Unskewedpolls" dot come.

This is how he describes himself on Twit:

"Politically incorrect, member of the Vast right wing conspiracy, the TCOT community, working to make Obama a one term president."
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Meet Dean Chambers:


He's the one-man band behind "Unskewedpolls" dot come.

This is how he describes himself on Twit:

"Politically incorrect, member of the Vast right wing conspiracy, the TCOT community, working to make Obama a one term president."

he forgot to list his favorite hobby: eating fried butter

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