Mandrake/Trump: A Robo-Debate?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is the Internet *magic* or is it just a bunch of boring electrical 'beeps'?

For Internet hackers working for the NSA or ISIS, it is magic.

For the rest of us who are simply logging on to check our bank accounts or email letters to politicians, it is simply a 'machine.'

In other words, how we present the 'labors of modern humanity' reflects the signature of our 'anti-modernism storytelling.'

This is an important topic for our new U.S. president (Donald Trump) who is more shrewd with commerce (e.g., eTrade) than with diplomacy (e.g., Artificial Intelligence).

The question is, "What kind of post-modern criticisms will the new American President draw?"

Ghost in the Machine (Film)


Mandrake was set to tackle the evil forces of Ming and his ruthless mistress Morgana on the troubled planet Forns. Mandrake had been pursuing Ming's evil dominion for about 15 years now and was concerned that the unbearable tyrant had set his sights on the fragile and simple planet Earth, since the intelligent species on that planet (human beings) were about to decode the secret of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). Mandrake looked over his notes, which detailed Ming's expansive development of savage robots (designed simply to serve and kill for their master).

Mandrake decided to beat Ming to the chase by reaching Earth before the tyrant did. When Mandrake landed on Earth, he changed his form to resemble a human being. Since Mandrake was, by skill, a sort of a 'magician,' he decided to present himself to humanity as a 'street-magician' (or street performer). Mandrake traveled to the White House where he began performing street-magic acts in front of the president's residence. Soon, crowds gathered to witness Mandrake's wondrous deeds of seemingly levitating small metal objects (spoons, tin cups, etc.).

It was not long before Ming and Morgana arrived disguised as diplomats from Denmark. Their plan was to visit the White House, kidnap President Donald Trump, and take him back to Forns from which they would send back radio signals to Earth about a planned robot invasion. Ming's plan was to 'gift' Earth to his 'beloved' army of slave-robots. Mandrake realized that to 'outwit' Ming, he would have to spiritually convince humanity that the true beauty of A.I. lay in the pure multiplicity of synthetically-created personalities. Ming's plan was to brainwash humanity regarding its 'mindless commercial use' of eBay.



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