Managing White Rage

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004

The power of the ADL can be seen from the fact that its fatwah against Beck was immediately picked by the MSM. Tim Rutten of the LA Times snapped to attention and chimed in on Beck, citing the ADL report and comparing Beck to Father Charles Coughlin, the radio personality of the 1930s. And just as Coughlin was removed from the air waves because of his views, Rutten wants Rupert Murdoch to get rid of Beck:

Is [Fox] willing to become the platform for an extremist political campaign …? CNN recently parted ways with its resident ranter, Lou Dobbs — who now confirms he's weighing a presidential bid.

Does Fox see a similar problem with Beck — and, if not, why?

The campaign against Glenn Beck is still in its early stages, and it’s certainly not at all clear that Beck would actually contribute to a real change in a racialist direction. Like other mainstream conservatives, he is at best an advocate of implicit Whiteness — his supporters are overwhelmingly White but he does not explicitly advocate White identity and interests.
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The power of the ADL can be seen from the fact that its fatwah against Beck was immediately picked by the MSM. Tim Rutten of the LA Times snapped to attention and chimed in on Beck, citing the ADL report and comparing Beck to Father Charles Coughlin, the radio personality of the 1930s. And just as Coughlin was removed from the air waves because of his views, Rutten wants Rupert Murdoch to get rid of Beck:

Is [Fox] willing to become the platform for an extremist political campaign …? CNN recently parted ways with its resident ranter, Lou Dobbs — who now confirms he's weighing a presidential bid.

Does Fox see a similar problem with Beck — and, if not, why?

The campaign against Glenn Beck is still in its early stages, and it’s certainly not at all clear that Beck would actually contribute to a real change in a racialist direction. Like other mainstream conservatives, he is at best an advocate of implicit Whiteness — his supporters are overwhelmingly White but he does not explicitly advocate White identity and interests.

Why is it we always seem to have White males preaching racism, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, Imus, Lou Dobbs. Where are the Black men on media outlets
preaching a similar mantra?. What are white people trying to do?.

The power of the ADL can be seen from the fact that its fatwah against Beck was immediately picked by the MSM. Tim Rutten of the LA Times snapped to attention and chimed in on Beck, citing the ADL report and comparing Beck to Father Charles Coughlin, the radio personality of the 1930s. And just as Coughlin was removed from the air waves because of his views, Rutten wants Rupert Murdoch to get rid of Beck:

Is [Fox] willing to become the platform for an extremist political campaign …? CNN recently parted ways with its resident ranter, Lou Dobbs — who now confirms he's weighing a presidential bid.

Does Fox see a similar problem with Beck — and, if not, why?

The campaign against Glenn Beck is still in its early stages, and it’s certainly not at all clear that Beck would actually contribute to a real change in a racialist direction. Like other mainstream conservatives, he is at best an advocate of implicit Whiteness — his supporters are overwhelmingly White but he does not explicitly advocate White identity and interests.

Why is it we always seem to have White males preaching racism, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, Imus, Lou Dobbs. Where are the Black men on media outlets
preaching a similar mantra?. What are white people trying to do?.

get rid of the coloreds so's we kin take theer wimmen.
get rid of the coloreds so's we kin take theer wimmen.

Mate the black men with Oriental Ladies; the resulting chicks are really hot (euthanize those which fail to pass visual aesthetic standards, for improvement of the product of course) and make great dates (though no one would want to marry such a hybrid, I mean really mixing Whites with other races, how grotesque)
get rid of the coloreds so's we kin take theer wimmen.

Mate the black men with Oriental Ladies; the resulting chicks are really hot (euthanize those which fail to pass visual aesthetic standards, for improvement of the product of course) and make great dates (though no one would want to marry such a hybrid, I mean really mixing Whites with other races, how grotesque)

You're calling Obama grotesque, that's interesting.
Why is it we always seem to have White males preaching racism, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, Imus, Lou Dobbs. Where are the Black men on media outlets
preaching a similar mantra?. What are white people trying to do?.

Where is Louis Farrakhan When We need him?

Whites have nothing to be enraged about, absolutely nothing, they have not even begun to even faintly suffer the same way those whom they have oppressed have suffered. Their "rage2 is based on lies, half truths, distortions and unjustified fears and paranoia.
☭proletarian☭;1817818 said:
Ohh that is right. silly me. the NRA does not seem to want blacks to have guns for some reason.

Might it have something to do with disproportionate violent crime rates?

Or the predominent membership in the NRA?

Non-criminals who don't want a group known to commit a lot of murders, armed robberies, and rapes, to have guns? Why actively strive to give blacks guns so they can commit more crimes? The honest and intelligent minority of blacks go buy a firearm form a shoppe and joion the NRA of their own volition; no recruitment required.
☭proletarian☭;1817818 said:
Ohh that is right. silly me. the NRA does not seem to want blacks to have guns for some reason.

Might it have something to do with disproportionate violent crime rates?

The disproportionate crime "rates" are due mainly more policing in black neighborhoods because of the so called "war on drugs" not because whites commit less crimes.
☭proletarian☭;1817818 said:
Ohh that is right. silly me. the NRA does not seem to want blacks to have guns for some reason.

Might it have something to do with disproportionate violent crime rates?

The disproportionate crime "rates" are due mainly more policing in black neighborhoods because of the so called "war on drugs" not because whites commit less crimes.


Blacks kill more people. Most blacks that are killed are killed by blacks.Blacks are unable, as a race, to sustain a civil society. They must be watched over by Whites in order to keep the society intact at all. They can't govern themselves at all and are incapable of becoming civilized without the guiding hand of either the White man or the totalitarian fist of the Arab empire (even then, they can fight a war but can't maintain civilization once it's over, as we saw with the Moors).

Look at Liberia; that's what happens when Blacks try to govern themselves, even when trying to directly copy the USA the White man built. Those few blacks who are able to become civilized distance themselves from their own race in order to enjoy the White man's societies. Oft, they seek to breed up and find a White woman so their children might have a chance at being more than monkeys that can speak human tongues.
Whites have nothing to be enraged about, absolutely nothing, they have not even begun to even faintly suffer the same way those whom they have oppressed have suffered. Their "rage2 is based on lies, half truths, distortions and unjustified fears and paranoia.

How have you suffered?

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