Man receives replica of excrement in mail


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
CENTER TOWNSHIP | Kenneth Nailleux wasn't happy when he opened a mail package and saw what looked and smelled just like a pile of human excrement.

Nailleux called Porter County police on Friday to report that the "Fecalgram" he received may be related to the harassment he's experienced recently in the neighborhood.

Nailleux, of Wild Rose Court, told police he was involved in the shooting of a cat belonging to his neighbor, Cresley Walker, of Hackney Lane. He told police he has never denied his actions, saying he's had problems with cats attacking the birds that use his feeders.

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This reminds me of a situation that happened here in the community I lived in two years ago. What happened was a man about 8 houses down from us hired a guy to kill his neighbors dog because the dog barked all the time. The problem is that we lived in a gated community and when the "killer" was spotted climbing over the wall of the community, the owner of the dog to be killed came outside and shot the man thinking he was a robber.

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