“Man of the People” Obama Won 8 of 10 Wealthiest Counties


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

In an election that often focused on debates about class warfare, President Barack Obama was favored over multimillionaire businessman Mitt Romney in eight of the nation’s 10 wealthiest counties.

And his margin of victory in all eight counties was greater than that of the national vote, in which Obama was leading by 50 percent to 48 percent with 97 percent of precincts reporting.

In the richest, Massachusetts’ Nantucket County, where average annual household income is over $137,000, Obama won by 63 percent to Romney’s 36 percent

In none of the richest counties was the margin of victory wider than in California’s Marin County, just north of San Francisco, where the president won by 74 percent to 23 percent, with all precincts reporting. In Marin, the average annual household income is $128,544.

The government class voted for the government class. Big surprise

“Man of the People” Obama Won 8 of 10 Wealthiest Counties
Make a movie, sing a song, make $100 million.

Build a factory, employ workers, produce tangible goods, make $100 million.

There's a difference.

With big more powerful government there will be only two classes of people, the wealthy government class, and “the masses”...Which are all the rest of us. People with government connections and money will have great health care the rest of us will get what is doled out

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