Man forced to fight for Japan, Soviets, and Nazis in WW II survives and retires in United States


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Credit to the YouTube channel "Today I Found Out" for bringing this to my attention for the first time:

Yang Kyoungjong - Wikipedia

Basically, this Korean guy was living in Manchuria when he was drafted by the Japanese to fight against the Soviets. He was captured by the Soviets and sent to a labor camp where he probably would have worked until his death. However, because the Soviets suffered heavy casualties fighting the Nazis, he was taken out of the labor camp and drafted into the Soviet army.

He was then captured by the Nazis who, yep, drafted him as well. He fought for the Nazis until D-Day, shortly after which he was captured by U.S. paratroopers.He was mistaken for Japanese (he didn't speak any English or German), and he was sent to a British prison camp and later transferred to a camp in the United States.

At the end of the war, he was released, and he lived out the rest of his days in the United States. Imagine going through all of that and seeing all that he did, good and bad.

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