Man dies urinating on power line wire


Agent P
Sep 15, 2008
Little Rock, AR
MONTESANO, Wash. - A Washington man survived a fender bender but died when he accidentally urinated on a downed power line while waiting for help, cops say.

Roy Messenger, 50, was not seriously hurt after he collided with a power pole Friday and called a relative to pull his car from a ditch, police said.

But family members found Messenger dead when they arrived.

Police say there will be an autopsy, but burn marks indicated the way the electricity traveled through Messenger’s body.

Man dies urinating on power line wire -

As I grew up my grandparents ran a foster home, during their time they had over 450 boys who lived at their home at one time or another. They would usually go to the old family homestead up in the Appalachians for 2 weeks every summer and I usually went along whith whichever kids they had at the time. (I still have contact with 4 or 5 of those guys). Remember these are all city boys and some had never seen real cattle. There is a Dairy Farm down the road and one of the gracing meadows was right across from the house.

It never failed that thise who knew would get the newbies initiated on that fence.

I of course am totally innocent.......:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
I saw a "Mythbuster" like this, but they were testing railroad tracks. They proved you are fine to pee on a railroad track when a train is coming. ;)
[ame=]YouTube - MythBusters 006 003 S01E03 Barrel of Bricks, Peeing on the Third Rail, Eel Skin Wallet part 4[/ame]
I saw a "Mythbuster" like this, but they were testing railroad tracks. They proved you are fine to pee on a railroad track when a train is coming. ;)


MythBusters Episode 3: Barrel of Bricks, Urinating on the Third Rail, Eel Skin Wallet

Urinating on the electric third rail of a train track can cause electrocution.


Although it is possible to electrocute yourself by urinating on a third rail, you would have to stand unrealistically close to the rail to do it. In most instances, a urine stream would break into droplets before making contact with the rail.

(This concept was tested with an electric fence in episode 14 and that version of the myth was confirmed. Distance is the key.)
As I grew up my grandparents ran a foster home, during their time they had over 450 boys who lived at their home at one time or another. They would usually go to the old family homestead up in the Appalachians for 2 weeks every summer and I usually went along whith whichever kids they had at the time. (I still have contact with 4 or 5 of those guys). Remember these are all city boys and some had never seen real cattle. There is a Dairy Farm down the road and one of the gracing meadows was right across from the house.

It never failed that thise who knew would get the newbies initiated on that fence.

I of course am totally innocent.......:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

I grew up in the country, part of that time on a farm. Most of my friends lived on farms. We never really gave the electric fence much thought other than be careful not to touch it. Well that lasted until we got older you see, old enough to buy some BEER and go HUNTING. Drinking beer, of course, makes you have to pee, so the inevitable dares to piss on the electric fence happen. I've seen someone do it, but I never did it. By the way the guy that did was dancing around clutching his crotch, I did NOT want to duplicate that.

I helped milk the neighbors cows on occasion just because I was there, and they had the old regular stanchions in their barn. They also had these T shaped deals with teeth that were lowered down just over the back of the cow so that if they took a dump while in the stanchion, they wouldn't arch their back and shit on the edge of the floor instead of in the barn cleaner gutter. Well I grabbed one to adjust it down one time and they hadn't been turned off from the morning milking and got shocked. The shock is the same as an electric fence. Feeling that, you'd have to be complete idiot to want to have that travel through your DICK.
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A Russian guy comes across a bottle of vodka on the street. He picks it up and a genie comes out, "You are my master. You now have one wish."

The Russian man says, "I would like to piss vodka."

When the he gets home, he tells his wife to get two glasses. She asks what they'll be drinking. He tells her he can piss vodka and demonstrates for her. It was the best vodka they'd ever had.

The next night the Russian guy comes home tired and tells his wife to get one glass. She asks, "Why only one glass?"

"Because tonight," he says, "you should drink from the bottle."
Somebody just sent me this video. Holy cow!

[ame=]YouTube - man gets electrocuted on a train[/ame]
MONTESANO, Wash. - A Washington man survived a fender bender but died when he accidentally urinated on a downed power line while waiting for help, cops say.

"Shocking, positively shocking."

Feel free to neg rep me if someone else has already come up with that witticism on this thread.
Rocky Mountain oysters?

Don't knock them until you try them.

Down on the farm, we used to like to mess with the city kids by whizzing on electrical fences. The trick was to break up your urine enough not to carry the current and then watch as they got their asses (or dicks) shocked following your lead.

Yeah. We didn't have much else to do.

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