Man crashes while streaming 114 mph drive on Facebook Live

Problem is immigrants cost more than they are worth to America. None of them are needed. They drive down wages and crowd the landscape.

Amen to that. The water shortages and highway gridlock we have would go away it we tossed out the 40 million illegals infesting us. And out schools and hospitals would not be collapsing either.

Yup - the injuns let illegals invade and now we are making the same mistake.
Problem is immigrants cost more than they are worth to America. None of them are needed. They drive down wages and crowd the landscape.

Based on what do you make this claim?

Hey einstein. Illiterate, unskilled, disease-ridden people do not help a country. THINK

Sure they can. Of course they can. I know people who do. In fact, I know white Americans, that are illiterate, and unskilled... and they help the country. They work.

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